1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 767 The negative impact of WTO

Seeing Li Mingliu's extremely rare give in, Su Yuanshan knew that this guy really felt the pressure.

Yes...the further back the timeline extends, the smaller the foreseeing effect he brings to Yuanxin. In the end, it all comes down to design and breakthrough capabilities.

Now, there is a gap between domestic talent reserves and technological breakthrough capabilities and Silicon Valley.

You must know that Yuanxin is not fighting against Intel. In a sense, Yuanxin is using its domestic talent reserve to fight against the elites of the world - and before, it was just a head start. Just for a while.

Although the advantage of having a head start is still there, Yuanxin's flash memory shipments still account for nearly half of the shipments and market share. But as the number of entrants increases, and as Intel continues to make breakthroughs in single-chip capacity, this early advantage will disappear sooner or later.

Li Mingliu obviously felt a sense of crisis.

After a few seconds of silence, Su Yuanshan nodded slowly: Another reason is that we rely too much on our domestic allies, and the Ni country allies... are a bunch of losers. In addition, in order to establish the Semiconductor Alliance, they authorized a lot Chinese companies have made Toshiba and others our competitive partners.

That's right - the competitiveness of flash memory particles in our system now is nothing more than our solid-state drives and mobile phone storage, but both of them are our Yuanxin brands. None of our domestic partners can ship in large quantities. competitive.

If you don't say far, just say next door. Li Mingliu glanced to the right - more than a hundred meters away was Jiang Tao's Yuanzhong Microelectronics.

Yuanzhong Microelectronics is the first company to launch U disk memory, but in the production and sales of USB flash drives, it is obviously overtaken by Lucent, Toshiba, Sony and other companies, and is suppressed - but Yuanzhong Microelectronics is not panic at all. , because they hold the patent rights, they will charge a patent fee for every USB flash drive sold in the world.

Of course, Yuanzhong Microelectronics is not doing nothing. They can't compete with others in the U disk finished product market, but that doesn't mean they just sit back and have nothing. With the support of the Shanghai Municipal Government, they are now transforming into the professional chip design field, such as the main control chip for USB flash drives and the main control chip for solid-state drives. They are doing very well.

My neighbor originally had the master controller, relied on us, and also held the patent stick. What happened? Now the brands of USB flash drives and MP3 players are almost invisible. I mentioned it to Jiang Tao, and what did he say to me? You need to learn from Yuanxin and become a solution provider... Holy shit, he’s bleeding from his own butt, and he’s treating other people’s hemorrhoids?”

Su Yuanshan: ...

Right, you're speechless too, right? Li Mingliu shook his head and sighed: I feel like we, Yuanxin, are fighting against the entire Silicon Valley now.

Su Yuanshan: ...

After a long time, Su Yuanshan breathed out gently.

Old Li, you are absolutely right. It is our Yuanxin that is really fighting against the entire Silicon Valley. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, looked to the west, and narrowed his eyes: Now that Bangguo Semiconductor has not risen, it is still They have to rely on our support. Niguo is even more of a bunch of losers... Damn, have you forgotten how the semiconductor agreement messed with them back then?

Bang, Li Mingliu finally lit the cigarette and took a long puff.

But don't be so pessimistic. Senior Brother Tang will be back soon. Su Yuanshan did not blame Li Mingliu for smoking in front of him, but said quietly: At the end of March, he will set up a technology laboratory in Singapore. Although he has been They are all doing CPU design, but he also has experience in flash memory architecture. And even if he can't help much, as long as he can keep an eye on it and pull out a laboratory, it can be regarded as an extra idea.

Besides... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and seemed to have made up his mind: Let's do this. In a few days, when you go to the provincial capital, we will make a plan and see if there are two more laboratories in places like Silicon Valley and Niguo. You What I just said is right, we cannot rely solely on our own strength to fight against Silicon Valley... we must recruit talents from all over the world.

Okay! Li Mingliu put out his cigarette butt and raised his eyebrows: When will you go back? I'll be with you.

...I will go back tomorrow. You can talk about it in a few days. Wait for the notice, and then you can talk to Lao Gao...

Li Mingliu was startled for a moment, then laughed.

Gao Xiaodi has been clamoring not to join the executive board of directors, which clearly shows that he is determined to join the science and technology committee...

Yes, it's time to give Lao Gao a title - Speaking of which, Lao Gao and his department are now able to see the moonlight, right?

It's still early. Su Yuanshan sighed, thinking about the competition he will face in the future, his head became a little big: To be honest, when we completely face Intel, you will find that this guy can explode Such strong competitiveness and fighting will...

The two chatted for a while, and while chatting, Li Mingliu showed Su Yuanshan the super multi-layer architecture he had imagined, and hoped that Su Yuanshan could give some advice...

Naturally...he has no results.

After all, Su Yuanshan is not good at this.

The next day, Su Yuanshan said goodbye to everyone in Shanghai and returned to the provincial capital.

A week later, Microsoft officially released Windows 2000 in Seattle. Three days after the release, Gates came to the provincial capital beating gongs and drums, saying that he would release the Chinese version of Windows 2000 on March 20.

The spring breeze was slightly cool, and Su Yuanshan and Gates were walking by the lake.

Gates' hair was blown by the wind and looked a little messy, so he simply scratched it with his hands a few times and gave himself a wind-facing hairstyle.

Gates's move shows that he is in a good mood and is very happy now.

Don't tell me, your order has already reached its expected target.

Su Yuanshan followed behind, looked at Gates' appearance, and joked happily.

It's almost the same. After all, many partners have already used the beta version. And 2000 is also an upgrade based on NT. As long as you are an NT user, you will definitely have confidence in 2000.

Then I'll congratulate you in advance. Su Yuanshan blinked. He knew that Yuanxin had actually placed an order a few days ago.

After all, in the field of operating systems, Gates is still NB, and there is no need for Yuanxin to get into trouble.

This doesn't seem to be your style, Su. Gates laughed twice, turned around, and happened to see Su Yuanshan's little movement. He was surprised for two seconds: You seem to be interested in something else?

Yes. Su Yuanshan blinked again: What I congratulate in advance is the merger of your Neptune and Odyssey teams.

Gates: ...

Su Yuanshan burst out laughing.

He knew that after the merger of the Neptune and Orside teams, a new operating system with epoch-making significance would be born.


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