1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 766 Microsoft’s saturation attack

The release time of Microsoft's new operating system has been set, it is next week. Have you all used it? Su Yuanshan looked at everyone.

As a competitor and partner of Microsoft, Yuanxin got the Microsoft Windows 2000 beta version very early - this also shows that in the eyes of Microsoft, Yuanxin is no longer a pure competitor, but a partner - WinOS Although it has been sold with notebooks, overall, it cannot create substantial competition for Microsoft.


How do you feel? Su Yuanshan asked with a smile.

One thing to say, it's very stable, especially suitable for small workstations and servers. The only pity is that it is 32-bit. Gao Xiaodi replied without thinking.

On weekdays, although Gao Xiaodi likes to joke and often shows his ambition to be high-minded, when faced with real technical problems, he can still stand on a relatively impartial stance in an instant.

Even Yuanxin is secretly helping to develop a Linux server distribution, but it is still not as professional as others.

Well, that's right. Win2000 is indeed very good, and one of its targets is business notebooks. So in total, it is Chen Gang's opponent... well, our desktop operating system is not even a hairy one now.

Su Yuanshan's sober understanding made everyone laugh.

Su Yuanshan laughed and continued: But I know Gates very well. Although this guy has a good relationship with me, he has never been emotional in his actions - he had such a good relationship with Mr. Qiao at the beginning. When he said he wanted to mess with Mr. Qiao, he was so angry that Mr. Qiao called him Apple and scolded him.

Gao Xiaodi was surprised: I thought Steve Jobs was the secretary of Silicon Valley, and he had to go there just by shouting Gates.

No way, the relationship between the two is actually very good in private, but later due to business issues, the two companies became very antagonistic. This can also be seen that in business, Gates has never been merciless. . So this time, he will come in person to release the Chinese version of win2000 at the exhibition center of the Provincial Capital Software Park, and he will probably sign a wave of orders.

Gao Xiaodi laughed: It means that no matter whether our WinOS target is established or not, he will still launch a saturation attack first, right?

Su Yuanshan nodded: That's the reason - so, he is eager to cooperate with you, and then our WinOS team will be disbanded directly.

Then he is overthinking. WinOS is a perfect match with the YX architecture. Unless he hooks up with Lao Qin.

Hahaha, then this relationship is complicated.

Everyone laughed for a while, and soon talked about the future development of the Along architecture.

Since the Y-64 architecture is backward compatible with X86-32, FarCore has a lot of room for maneuver, and from the current point of view, the largest application scenario should still be in the server field. So the next focus is to follow Intel and focus on developing the server field.

In addition, it also determines the future development direction of the CPU pin interface-Yuanxin's Sol architecture was originally designed to be compatible with the numerous 486 and Pentium motherboards on the market, so it also used the socket7 interface, and with the intel After changing the interface, AMD and Xinghai also embarked on the road of customizing the interface. Only Yuanxin still uses the old socket7, which is still in use today.

Well... I have to say here that when the three CIA companies launched new interfaces one after another, Yuanxin, the last holdout of socket7, even gained an unexpected reputation - the Tamron series processors are known as the best way to upgrade old machines. Best choice.

In the installed market, the Tamron series processors are known as: The Watchmen of the Old Era.

Of course, it is impossible for socket7 to support the frequency and speed of the Along architecture. Therefore, Yuanxin also launched a new interface of socket578.

The next trip will naturally involve Lin Benjian's laboratory and Fujio's flash memory laboratory. It can be seen that these two people are very happy staying in Shanghai, especially Fujio, who has already brought his wife, children and children over.

As for the progress, Lin Benjian is advancing step by step. Looking at the work log, Su Yuanshan estimates that the immersion lithography technology will be conquered in another year to a year and a half at most.

The only trouble now is... it's a bit expensive.

Finally, Su Yuanshan arrived at Li Mingliu's office.

You are so busy every day that you don't even take a look at your wife and children? Li Mingliu opened the window, let the smoke dissipate, and walked to sit in front of Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan frowned and looked at this guy for a few times before complaining: Didn't you quit?

My wife is pregnant, and the task of eugenics and eugenics has been completed, so naturally there is no need to quit. Li Mingliu said cheerfully.

Are you pregnant? How many months? Is it a boy or a girl? Su Yuanshan was overjoyed - the talented people like Yuan Xin finally had time to reproduce offspring.

I haven't had a B-ultrasound yet, but men and women are the same, and I don't favor boys over girls. Li Mingliu stared at him with a smile: Not to mention this, when I think about our baby being smaller than your tangdou, I feel it is a bit excessive... ...Why...

Hahahaha! Who told you all to be so nagging about not getting married sooner?


The two laughed for a while, and Li Mingliu smoked another cigarette. Seeing Su Yuanshan staring straight at him, he laughed at himself: Okay, okay, I won't smoke, but... I'm in some trouble now.

Well, you say.

Su Yuanshan was slightly surprised, but still nodded and looked at Li Mingliu seriously.

He knew that Li Mingliu was under a lot of pressure - you know, Lao Li's opponent was the alliance formed by Intel and SanDisk. And with the continuous emergence of digital products, more and more semiconductor companies have entered the flash memory industry.

In the current situation of flash memory, it is definitely an exaggeration to say that it is killing people in a dark way, but it is absolutely appropriate to say that there is smoke everywhere.

The main thing is that it is a bit difficult to break through the multi-layer architecture technology. We can't distance ourselves from other companies now, and we won't be able to defeat them for a while. Li Mingliu said, shaking his head and frowning: Although we have a good relationship with Deyi , but both systems have to take profits into consideration... In terms of price competitiveness, they are actually a bit lacking.

As he spoke, Li Mingliu pulled out a document and threw it to Su Yuanshan: This is the increase in the flash memory market this year. Have you read it?

Su Yuanshan glanced at it and nodded: I've seen it. After a pause, he added: This is mainly because after joining the WTO, we have no protection in the chip field... After all, the wafer factory is not as good as the foundry, and there is not much labor force. Cost advantage.

Yes. Li Mingliu sighed: And Intel will soon come to the mainland to build a factory, so the pressure will be even greater.

Well... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips. Although he also frowned, he quickly smiled and said, It's okay. After all, we still have an advantage now.

What you're afraid of is seeing your advantages being caught up little by little - and you've overlooked a very important point. Li Mingliu looked at Su Yuanshan and said seriously: Mr. Shan, we must admit that our R\u0026D and design capabilities are Compared to Silicon Valley, there is still a gap.”

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