1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 765 Dual-core proud dragon

The current situation of overheated investment in the Internet is basically a common understanding in the capital field. The only difference is probably that some people will be more optimistic and some people will be more cautious.

Yuanxin is no exception. Although Yuanxin does not have investment banking business, as a giant in the domestic technology industry and with five or six venture capital funds, it must have a risk control and analysis department - in addition to Yuanxin's own venture capital funds. In addition, there are independent investment departments, investment institutions that cooperate with other institutions, and the big guys from Yuanxin have also pooled their money to set up a fund called Xirang that focuses on angel investment - these many investments Institutions currently rely heavily on the analysis provided by the financial risk control department of Yuanxin's strategic investment cluster.

The analysis of Yuanxin Financial Department was very optimistic at the beginning, believing that Nasdaq will have a trough and affect technology stocks around the world, but this situation will not last long...

It wasn't until Su Yuanshan started to intervene forcefully that the financial department's analysis suddenly became cautious.

The reason is very simple. The backbone of the investment department were sent by Qin Si and Sun Xihui. They know better than anyone else Mr. Shan’s acumen in the field of science and technology.

When it breaks, it doesn't depend on us, nor on major investment institutions, but on retail investors. Su Yuanshan pondered, thinking of the content of his chat with Morgan's president a few days ago, and said calmly: When will retail investors Once you step under the sickle, the organization is ready to harvest.”

Well, in other words, prudent institutions are ready to harvest. Su Yuanshan added: After all, the Internet is not just a bubble and hype, it is just an industry that has placed hopes in advance and moved to the gaming field.

Chen Jing and Duan Yongping didn't hear it for a while, but Huo Jianning immediately realized what the so-called cautious institution meant. He immediately said: It means that once the stock market fluctuates, it will lead to confrontation from institutions?

Su Yuanshan glanced at Huo Jianning and nodded with a smile: Yes, to be precise, this is a feast of capital. There are always some capitals that like to take risks. Naturally, some will be happy and some will be sad.

But we have to be honest. Yuanxin cannot do hedging. We only need to complete the steps of exiting the investment profitably in a step-by-step manner.

Chen Jing bit her lip, nodded slowly, and took a deep look at Su Yuanshan: You mean, the bursting of the bubble is inevitable, right?

Yes - don't forget, Wall Street is a professional air force with big votes. As long as it is profitable, they don't mind doing anything. And compared to history... Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.

He almost said that the bubble today is bigger than in history.

The bigger reason is naturally the addition of a powerful air pump from Yuanxin.

Compared with several stock market crashes in history, this bubble was purely caused by excessive investment. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: Not to mention, the Federal Reserve is also aware of the problem. From last year to this year, there have been successive Interest rates have been raised five times... In this negative environment, Internet stocks have still reached record highs, which speaks volumes.

Investors, especially retail investors, are already burning their brains and are just waiting for a basin of cold water.

Chen Jing continued to ask: What is the future direction?

The future direction is just like what Zhang Xiaolong said. We still maintain confidence and investment in the Internet.

Huo Jianning added: Actually, this is another form of short selling.

Yes, we are a technology company and we must maintain confidence and support for future technology.

At this time, Duan Yongping, who had been listening carefully, suddenly asked with a smile: Our current plans are all based on the premise that the Internet bubble will burst, then... if the situation is opposite, or the stock market shock is not strong enough, , then wouldn’t our plan be in vain?”

After a pause, Duan Yongping looked at Su Yuanshan: Besides, we will also lose the opportunity to enter the Internet.

If the Internet continues to advance rapidly, then we will just make less money. As for opportunities...Old Duan, do you think the Internet is all there now? Su Yuanshan looked at him with a half-smile.

Duan Yongping was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly: Yes, the Internet has countless possibilities, and we have already mastered the entrance to the mobile Internet.

No, we just opened a hole for the mobile Internet entrance... far from being mastered. Su Yuanshan gave Duan Yongping a deep look: Old Duan, Chen Gang's YOS laboratory is directly responsible to you.

Duan Yongping squinted his eyes, and then suddenly realized that when it was decided that the division could only be divided, Su Yuanshan overcame all objections and directly assigned the operating system laboratory, one of the three independent laboratories, to him, and its person in charge directly Be responsible to him, not to Xi Xiaoding.

At that time, Duan Yongping thought that Su Yuanshan saw that his mobile phone department did not have enough work, so he gave himself an extra boost.

For this reason, although Xi Xiaoding said nothing, Tian Yaoming and Li Mingliu expressed different opinions. They believed that independent laboratories, as the top departments in the scientific research line, should be directly responsible to the chief scientist rather than the chief executive. The official is responsible.

But Su Yuanshan only said one thing at the time, there is a difference between the operating system laboratory, the awesome laboratory, and the Pandora laboratory, and it should serve enterprises more.

Now that Su Yuanshan brought it up again, and thinking about what Su Yuanshan had done to promote YOS before, Duan Yongping immediately realized that the battle for the entrance to the mobile Internet would be unprecedentedly fierce in the future. And for myself, it should be because I am the CEO of Yuanxin and can better coordinate the relationships between various clusters and overseas partners.

Within a few seconds, Duan Yongping's thoughts continued to surge, and he thought of Su Yuanshan's bragging for a long time. He once again realized that perhaps in Su Yuanshan's eyes, the mobile Internet is an area that will surpass the PC market.

Duan Yongping looked at Su Yuanshan: The future Internet field will be dominated by handheld devices.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: I can't guarantee it, but at the very least, popularizing mobile phones will be more than ten times easier than popularizing PCs.

After a pause, he continued: So, in a sense, the future is actually in our hands.

At this time, Chen Jing closed her notebook, looked at everyone, and smiled slightly.

But we can't give up on the appetizers just because we end up with a big meal, right?

Yes, so in the current traditional Internet, we should intervene or intervene. And... even if our prediction fails, we still have a hand. Su Yuanshan said and looked to the right.

That is the core area of ​​the software park.

More than 20 companies in Caotanghui are now involved in the gaming industry.

Except for a few companies, the rest are actually supported by Yuanxin.

At the executive board meeting on the second day, Yuanxin’s main direction for this year was determined—namely, a comprehensive reduction in investment in the Internet field. Comprehensively promote 3G communication technology and actively carry out capital expansion in the communication field.

At the same time, in order to cope with the various impacts brought about by the Internet trough period - such as the shrinkage of the PC industry, semiconductor industry, etc., Yuanxin is also actively expanding its business in low-risk areas, such as launching services for industry, enterprises and government departments. etc. At the same time, the semiconductor industry must also actively engage in countercyclical investment and strive to directly aspire to the throne after the cold winter.

As for the development direction of other departments, it was left to subsequent meetings in the corporate and scientific research fields to focus on formulating strategies and goals.

So...the whole month of January basically went by with meetings, so much so that Su Yuanshan could only take a look at his daughter through video.

In early February, the technical teams of NTT and Toshiba came directly to the science and technology park and began to cooperate with the FarCore team on the evolution of next-generation communication technology - the so-called evolution actually means using the current 3G technology as the technology to continue to increase the transmission rate. In order to achieve the purpose of low-cost and seamless upgrade to the greatest extent.

Soon, the Spring Festival is coming.

Because in the past year, quite a few teams have communicated with overseas R\u0026D centers, and the number of people in various domestic science and technology parks has already expanded to tens of thousands. Therefore, the initial start-up kind of national The grand occasion of elites from all over the country gathering in provincial capitals is no longer the case. Instead, each R\u0026D center organizes Spring Festival activities directly on its own.

For the first time, the provincial headquarters did not hold a Spring Festival event for all employees, and each department organized it themselves.

Of course, after a year of hard work, the money still needs to be paid.

Yuanxin now has nearly 20 billion US dollars in cash on its account. Although the money will be used for countercyclical investment to cope with the situation after the Internet bubble, once things like dividends start...unless something unforeseen happens... The power of resistance still has to go on.

Therefore, this time nearly 8 billion yuan in cash was used to distribute dividends.

The power of giving out money is endless. Not long after the happy New Year, good news came from the Shanghai Science and Technology Park.

The dual-core, 64-bit processor was successfully taped out.

March 7, Shanghai Science and Technology Park.

As the person in charge of Yuanxin's largest cluster, the semiconductor cluster, and as the chief architect behind the scenes, Su Yuanshan had to witness the birth of this CPU in person both in public and in private.

Not bad! Su Yuanshan held the dual-core processor code-named BNQ1 that had just come off the packaging and testing line, with a look of comfort on his face.

It was as if what he was holding in his hand was not the processor, but his daughter's admission notice to Qingbei.

In front of him, there were naturally a group of heads of the processor department.

This sixty-four-bit processor uses Along and Aolong architecture, and its process technology is 0.18 micron. It also took the lead in adopting copper wire manufacturing technology, allowing it to reach higher frequencies - although it is dual-core, its current frequency can already reach 650MHz.

In addition, its 64-bit architecture is backward compatible, not only can it be used normally on 32-bit operating systems, but also because it uses a 256K full-speed second-level cache, coupled with high frequency... it makes it The experience is quite good.

Of course, this good is relative. Compared with the current Ben3 processor, it is still a little behind.

However, it still doesn't work without operating system support.

Gao Xiaodi chuckled: The next step is up to you.

No, it's up to you next time. Su Yuanshan chuckled, carefully placed the processor on the flannel, and looked at the group of people with burning eyes, especially Yin Zilin - this man assisted him, or in other words, he assisted this person. Not only did this guy completely overturn the previous inter-core communication protocol, he also made up for the shortcomings in the shortest possible time and designed a brand new protocol, which can be said to be indispensable.

Whether the performance of the dual-core is good or not, in addition to the support of the system and software, the communication protocol and task allocation mechanism of the dual-core itself are extremely critical.

The next step is to continue the previous virtual thread route and improve the multi-core design.

Su Yuanshan sat down and pressed his hands.

The rest of the people also sat down in the conference room.

What we can foresee is that there will be no end point for multi-core in the future, or in other words, there will be no end point visible to the naked eye in a short period of time. If there is one, it can only be limited by Moore's Law.

But that time is still long. There is still at least ten to twenty years, or even twenty to thirty years in the middle.

Now, we are the first to take this step... Su Yuanshan paused and smiled: Well, we haven't been the first for long. After all, Intel, AMD, and even Xinghai are also here. We are working on multi-core. But our step is the earliest and the most successful.

So, next, we must face competition from traditional single-core processors.

Everyone has been working on chips for a long time, and we know that there is inertia in any industry, especially in the IT field... It is foreseeable that in the next few years, those single-core powerful CPUs will have an advantage for a long time. Period - This is not to say that our processors are not good, but that the IT field is accustomed to the development model of single-core processors.

So, while we have confidence, we must also actively promote the concept of dual-core processors, as well as applications and technologies. The wine is also afraid of the alley, and we cannot repeat...

Su Yuanshan got excited when he was talking, and when he was about to start shouting, he suddenly stopped.

Good guy, I almost made the same mistake again.

However, Yuanxin's dual-core processors have irrefutable advantages over AMD in history.

Apart from anything else, he has not yet begun to exert his efforts in the field of stinky gaming alone.

Mr. Shan, after all is said and done, the most important thing now is to see Mr. Gates's face. Seeing Su Yuanshan stop, Gao Xiaodi quickly took advantage of the opportunity and said: If the operating system does not support it, then we can only sell a concept.”

Microsoft is easy to talk to. Su Yuanshan agreed.

Not to mention his personal relationship with Mr. Gates, in terms of private interests, they are also deeply tied through the Xinghai Fund.

More importantly, Yuanxin's 64-bit dual-core processor is in line with Microsoft's long-term interests!

——What is Gates most worried about? Of course, I am most worried about the lack of technological advancement in the processor field.

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