1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 764 Will the Bubble Burst?

A week later, Su Yuanshan and Zhang Xiaolong flew back to Yuanxin headquarters at the same time.

The Internet Center, as the earliest high-level R\u0026D center of FarCore, was established even earlier than the design center in the capital.

But because the Internet at that time was far from such an influence, and Yuanxin had been making efforts and layout in the fields of semiconductors and communications, the Internet Center even hatched leading Internet companies like Newbook, and instant messaging companies like EM. Software giant. In Yuanxin... there are still some things that are not on the table.

But it's different now.

We are already in the 21st century, and even the Internet bubble is rumored to be burst... If the executive board of Yuanxin does not have a representative from the Internet Center, then Su Yuanshan's constant talk of having confidence in the Internet is probably a bit misleading.

The vote for Zhang Xiaolong to enter the executive committee was extremely smooth, which meant that both Su Yuanshan and others recognized that he should be admitted.

It was still the sun room on the roof. After Duan Yongping presided over the meeting, Zhang Xiaolong, as the newcomer, was the first to be named to speak.

First of all, thank you for your support.

Except for the monthly executive meeting where Zhang Xiaolong had to return to the headquarters, Zhang Xiaolong spent the rest of the time in his small world, so he was not very used to the atmosphere of being paid attention to by all the big guys in the Yuanxin system. In order to avoid making a fool of himself, he simply took out his prepared speech.

Nearly six years have passed since 1994. In these six years, the Internet Center has grown from scratch, from dozens of people, one office, and developing three or two projects to today's independent listing, with thousands of employees Employees... all of this is inseparable from the strong support of the leaders of Yuanxin...

Seeing Zhang Xiaolong trying his best to read out this speech in a more normal tone, everyone had different expressions and looked like they were smiling.

Chen Jing even glared at Su Yuanshan - as the introducer, Su Yuanshan should obviously remind Zhang Xiaolong.

Su Yuanshan shrugged, also looking helpless.

Well, indeed... Although I once sat in the Internet Center, in terms of truly touching the core business of Yuanxin, the Internet Center is indeed not as good as other departments.

In other words, Yuanxin supports the Internet Center. It has never asked for money or people, and it has never asked for performance. However... this cannot conceal the fact that the Internet center is far away from the core leadership of Yuanxin.

Of course, it may also be because Zhang Xiaolong has not seen how other people speak, so he just spoke directly.

Brother Xiaolong, there's no need to be so formal. Su Yuanshan smiled and said, Just treat it like a chat.

Zhang Xiaolong was startled and immediately became a little nervous, but he also knew that he obviously couldn't show his timidity, so he coughed, put away the manuscript paper, paused and said: Then I will focus on the key points.

To be honest, our Internet Center and President Shan have the same judgment on the Internet, that is, they believe in the future - this is also the basis for the establishment of our department.

This sentence won everyone's approval.

So whether it's IDC business, databases, or various tools and software, these basic businesses currently involved will be our competitiveness and competitiveness in the long term. We just need to use We can only use our own geographical and regional advantages to strengthen cooperation and expand business.”

So what we really have to consider are crises from the general environment. For example... what should we do if the Internet encounters a black swan event or a tulip event?

After hearing what Zhang Xiaolong said, everyone nodded, and Chen Jing even asked directly: What are your considerations?

But! Zhang Xiaolong gradually came to his senses, smiled at Chen Jing, and said slowly: As a company that provides basic Internet services and solutions, in reality, there is a profession similar to ours, that is, cooks - there is a saying, God has three gods. In 2019, the chefs will not starve to death. That is to say, even if we encounter the Internet winter, we will not starve to death.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into thinking.

Su Yuanshan's eyes lit up.

Zhang Xiaolong glanced at everyone and continued: In the past few months, Mr. Huo and I have spent a lot of time together for the acquisition, and we have learned a lot about investment.

Huo Jianning on the side nodded and smiled at him: Don't dare, let's learn together.

So I think that in the future we... must seize the opportunity - we assume that the Internet bubble will definitely be burst - then after it is burst, we will invest counter-cyclically and invest in those businesses that are viable or have potential. Internet companies are in the pocket.”

Having said this, Zhang Xiaolong smiled slightly: No one has more confidence in the Internet than us, and no one knows the details of Internet companies better than us.

While everyone was silent, Su Yuanshan suddenly clapped his hands.

While applauding, he said with a smile on his face: Well said! Brother Xiaolong.

Now that Su Yuanshan said so, the people around him were very considerate and directly clapped in cooperation. It was so noisy that Zhang Xiaolong kept waving his hands to indicate that he was overly complimentary.

Since Mr. Shan said it well, then Mr. Zhang's report is naturally meaningful. Duan Yongping smiled and raised his hand to stop everyone. At the same time, he quickly wrote down a few things in his notebook: Let's put it on the agenda first, and we will continue to discuss the Internet bubble and investment plan tomorrow.

After a pause, Duan Yongping immediately reminded: This involves strategic deployment and plans. Everyone should pay attention to conservative discipline.

Who's coming next? I named no one directly...

After the meeting, Su Yuanshan, Chen Jing, Duan Yongping, and Huo Jianning stayed on the roof.

I didn't see it, Zhang Xiaolong is quite ambitious. Duan Yongping looked at the notebook in his hand. Among the key points he wrote down, the most strategically significant one was Zhang Xiaolong's proposal.

Well, we can't watch the heroes of the small world. Su Yuanshan also sighed, but more with joy: But having said that, as far as the specific situation of the Internet is concerned, everyone here counts, including me. Insiders are all laymen. Only he, Zhang Xiaolong, is an expert.

And not to mention being an expert, the companies and people he usually interacts with are all in the Internet industry. Not to mention that the three Internet giants just gathered for a meeting when they had nothing to do... Of course they are right The Internet has a deeper understanding.”

The other three nodded in agreement.

But then, Chen Jing stared at Su Yuanshan: The question now comes, will the Internet bubble burst? How long will it burst? How will it burst? How will it burst?

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