1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 763 Yuan Xin’s bucketfuls of money

One thing to say, it's great for us companies that are following behind.

Early in the morning on New Year's Day, Zhang Xiaolong and Sun Guoqiao rushed directly from the Cyberport to Su Yuanshan's villa. Zhang Xiaolong even looks like a little man succeeds.

This made Su Yuanshan and Ye Rudai couldn't help laughing.

——They naturally knew that Zhang Xiaolong was talking about the Millennium Bug incident that was making a fuss in the media.

The so-called millennium bug is not a worm virus, but programmers in ancient times. When writing code, in order to save trouble and bytes, they directly omitted the first two digits of the year from the date. For example, 1981 is written as 1981...

It's easy to save, but when the new millennium comes, this old antique will most likely mistake the year 2000 for the year 1900, causing various bugs.

Yuanxin... As an emerging technology company established less than ten years ago, not to mention the time format in programming, even code management is at the forefront of the world and has become a benchmark in the industry - anyone who has experienced Yuanxin EDA development The people at this stage have extremely good habits in code standardization and management.

If you listen to the media, the train will fly. Su Yuanshan poured tea for the two of them with a smile.

When he came to HK, he was used to making a pot of Kung Fu tea while chatting. However, he could only carry the teapot, and he had no intention of learning the art of making tea.

Zhang Xiaolong deeply agrees: The media always has to have some gimmicks. I am very familiar with this job.

Everyone laughed together.

Newbook has now firmly established itself as the number one Internet stock, and its market value even briefly surpassed Microsoft at its peak! Although it has fallen back now, the market value is still stable at more than 100 billion US dollars.

Behind this market value of 100 billion US dollars, countless millionaires and multi-millionaires have been created.

Let’s not talk about Yuanxin. It started to transfer its shares at the beginning of last year and has been reducing its holdings in the secondary market since then. As of now, Yuanxin’s shares in newbook no longer exceed 10%, and the profits obtained have been cashed out. More than 10 billion US dollars, making a lot of money.

And other institutions and retail investors are even more so - as long as they bought the stocks more than half a year ago, their stocks have doubled by now, and they don't have to worry about no one taking over.

Coupled with the rush of other websites to go public, the Internet is booming.

At the very least, we can’t see Tulip’s ending anytime soon.

As the head of newbook, although Ding Lei is calm on the surface, he still has a sense of crisis in his heart - although their relationship with the three former Internet giants is not so close, they can talk about capital and future presidents. Be able to open your heart.

For example, Ding Lei has always had an idea in his mind, believing that Shantou's reduction in Newbook's holdings has a profound meaning and is a sign of lack of absolute confidence in Newbook - and failing to gain Absolute Confidence from Shantung means that Newbook is in crisis.

——This logic is very consistent with Ding Lei. So he did not dare to slack off for a moment, worked hard to expand the portal, and achieved the ultimate in global news content and regional portals.

As a result, in areas where the IT and Internet industries are relatively advanced, newbook has begun to have an impact on traditional news media, and has gained the vigilance... and favor of traditional media capital.

After the four of them chatted for a while, the little jelly beans started to make a fuss. Ye Rudai got up and went to hug the child, while Su Yuanshan led the two of them to the study.

According to rumors, within half a month at the latest, a pilot project of the three-network project will be carried out in China. The purpose is naturally to allow pilot users to see the high-definition Spring Festival Gala. Su Yuanshan looked at Sun Guoqiao with a smile, thinking that this guy was also lucky enough to participate. Competition, enter the electronics department, otherwise he would probably only have a technical secondary school diploma.

So, Guoqiao, your task is still a bit heavy next. We are doing the country's business, and you can ignore other things, but the face-saving project must be done well.

Yeah, I understand. Sun Guoqiao nodded: But I don't know how big the scope of the pilot is? Don't mention a province... Then even if I sacrifice myself, I won't be able to get it done before the Spring Festival.

Hahaha, it's definitely not a province anymore. It's probably just a city, maybe even a county, and the requirement is definitely not to cover all of them... Anyway, as long as one house is completed, the task is completed.

Sun Guoqiao made a little joke: That's no problem. I'll pull a line next to the computer room, and it'll be too late to start construction on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

Zhang Xiaolong laughed loudly: Guoqiao, your ability to fool people will be completely lost if you don't become a leader.

After laughing, Su Yuanshan looked at Zhang Xiaolong and said with a smile: Brother Xiaolong, for this year's annual meeting, you should prepare well for the future planning of the Internet Center and your thoughts on the overall development of the domestic and international Internet. At the same time, you must also consider Let’s take a look at how Yuanxin should navigate in the Internet wave.”

Zhang Xiaolong nodded subconsciously, but was immediately stunned. He opened his mouth slightly and said after a long time: Damn, isn't this task a bit heavy?

It's not heavy, that's something you should consider.

Sun Guoqiao's eyes flashed at this moment, he touched Zhang Xiaolong lightly and said with a smile: Mr. Zhang, congratulations.

Before Zhang Xiaolong could react, Su Yuanshan glanced at Sun Guoqiao in surprise—this guy was actually more politically astute than Zhang Xiaolong?

Of course, Zhang Xiaolong is not sharp, and Su Yuanshan knows it - regardless of historical rumors or his performance at Yuanxin, Zhang Xiaolong has always been more focused on technology and products, and this guy is extremely lazy. There are even rumors that in order for him to attend meetings on time, Xiaolong Brother Ma even sent a plane to pick him up...

At Yuanxin, since he took over the Internet Center early, although Zhang Xiaolong is not as disorganized as in his previous life, his desire to focus on technology has not changed.

But how is it possible to remain unchanged?

He, Zhang Xiaolong, wouldn't leave Yuanxin's executive board of directors unattended and leave the chairman with a market value of hundreds of billions to write his code, right?

Zhang Xiaolong was not an idiot after all. He was just stunned for a moment and then came to his senses.

Mr. Shan means...

Well, I'm going to recommend you to join the executive board of directors. Su Yuanshan smiled and said, I have already helped you canvass votes, and it's basically done.

... What else could Zhang Xiaolong say? He could only cough: Thank you, Mr. Shan.

Don't thank me, the main reason is... Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and said softly: It's the 21st century, and there should be voices from the Internet in the Yuanxin executive board of directors.

Okay! Zhang Xiaolong took a breath and scratched his head with a wry smile: But Mr. Shan, this problem is really big, and I'm a little worried that I've thought about it wrong.

It's okay. I'm not afraid of thinking or saying the wrong thing. I'm just afraid that I don't want to say it or not saying it. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Your voices are particularly important.

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