1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 762 The leader takes action, one can stand up to the other two

The special plane landed slowly in Tokyo.

Su Yuanshan attended the welcome ceremony at the end of the crowd, but did not participate in the subsequent meeting with him. Instead, he went directly to the hotel accompanied by the office staff. At the hotel, Carter and Wen Xiaoqian had already arrived three hours ago. .

How are the previous plans prepared?

Su Yuanshan asked Carter while changing clothes - the other person was sitting on the sofa making the final inspection of a document of up to one hundred pages.

Mainly focused on two plans, one is to form a joint technology evolution promotion team with NTT, and the other is equipment production authorization. Wen Xiaoqian answered for Carter.

Well, let's prepare, reorganize, and put the two copies together. Su Yuanshan took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed Duan Yongping, then walked to the bedroom and closed the door.

Wen Xiaoqian and Carter looked at each other.

Carter shrugged: Why did BOSS make such big concessions all at once? Was it pressure from above?

Probably not, there must be other benefits. Wen Xiaoqian glanced at the door and guessed.

Wen Xiaoqian has been following Su Yuanshan for several years, and her understanding of Su Yuanshan is no longer what it used to be - she knows very well that Su Yuanshan's character is tough, and if he thinks it's not possible, even if the King of Heaven speaks, he will fight for it.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that she vaguely knows... The superiors attach great importance to Su Yuanshan's opinions, and it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Xin to suffer for no reason.

Not long after, Su Yuanshan opened the door and walked out: Get ready to make changes. I have discussed it with Mr. Chen and Mr. Duan - Carter, the reason for the full concession is because this time we need to cooperate with cooperation in other fields.

Oh, okay. Carter nodded. He quickly took out his phone and called his secretary.

The next day, Su Yuanshan entered the team and, together with several technical leaders of the team, had in-depth exchanges and communications with the corresponding technical leaders of Niguo.

On the third day, Su Yuanshan and Carter conducted friendly exchanges and negotiations with Niguo on semiconductor and information industry technologies.

On the fourth day, based on Yuanxin's major concessions, Nifang Telecom Department and NTT readily signed an agreement. Especially for NTT, at the banquet at the end of the meeting, the representative of NTT's technical department approached Su Yuanshan and expressed his hope to take care of him in the future.

On the fifth day, the visit ended.

...Ni Fang announced the issuance of CCDMA frequency band licenses.

Tokyo, Sony headquarters.

Su Yuanshan was sitting in Kutaragi Ken's office, looking at the newspaper on the coffee table and sighing: It's really not flattery.

He said this in Chinese, but Kutaragi Ken could understand Chinese for a long time, but he did not speak fluently. Hearing this, he smiled and said: Susan, this marks that the relationship between the two parties will enter a new stage.

Yes. Su Yuanshan put down the newspaper and nodded with deep understanding: In any case, in the economic field, the three of us have common interests.

Kutaragi Ken was slightly startled, but also tasted this sentence carefully.

After a moment, Kutaragi Kenya tentatively said: Does this mean that you hope to further strengthen economic cooperation between regions?

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded again: Maybe there will be big moves - but no matter what, this is a good thing for us.

Yes, of course it's a good thing!

Kutaragi Ken nodded heavily, sighing with emotion.

He has known Su Yuanshan for more than seven years, starting with the game console and VCD. In these seven years, he has witnessed the rise of Yuanxin with his own eyes. And because of its alliance with Yuanxin, it has embarked on the fast lane of rapid development.

Today, Sony is in full bloom in the digital age and has once again entered the country of Ni. It is the pinnacle of the entire world's electronics group.

After taking the right path in the field of technology, the next thing to consider is the market.

Kutaragi Ken sounded calloused after listening to Su Yuanshan's theory of population advantage. No matter how firm his will was, he would be affected involuntarily... thus turning his attention to the mainland, an emerging market worth more than one billion.

But now, even after joining the WTO, mainland China's tariffs are still very high in the field of home appliances... At the very least, they are not very competitive against domestic brands.

But if the three parties further strengthen economic cooperation and reach a regional free trade agreement, then... for Sony, it will be a pie falling from the sky.

The absence of tariffs means that Sony's products will be invincible.

Of course, Kutaragi Ken also knows that this matter will definitely be difficult to discuss - he knows that many industries in the mainland are very backward. If the mainland government rashly opens up, it will inevitably directly wipe out the domestic industry.

Let's not talk about this for now. Su Yuanshan coughed and looked at Kutaragi Ken with a smile: Kutaragi-kun, let's talk about the CMOS sensor.

What happened to the sensor?

Come to the special zone and build a factory. Su Yuanshan spread his hands: You have to know that I have worked hard to promote Sony's sensors...it's a mobile phone, a video camera, a surveillance camera, and a driving recorder. …”

People say that I don't care that much about Yuanxin's products! Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Our board of directors all asked me whether I am the chairman of Yuanxin or Sony...

Hahahaha! Kutaragi Ken laughed heartily.

But after only pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly.

It is a fact that the Special Economic Zone has become a new manufacturing base. And he has always known that Su Yuanshan hopes to build a full industry chain manufacturing city.

As an important part of future digital products, if Sony doesn't pass, I'm afraid other companies will too.

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