1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 761 Leader leads Xin Fei away

He Wei and Sun Guoqiao didn't stay long before leaving. They came here mainly to show their support.

Although Zhang Ke is new here, he is the founder of Yuanxin and the chairman of the largest electrical appliance mall in China... Even if he does not have the status of uncle Su Yuanshan, he can instantly step into Hong Kong's upper class society.

Not to mention Sun Xihui, a local snake, helped introduce him.

Mr. Zhang is very busy.

Back in the car, Sun Guoqiao smiled at He Wei and said, In just such a short time, he answered four calls.

Well, Mr. Zhang is not like us. He has too many ways to deal with. We basically face the enterprise directly and talk directly about products and technologies.

Sun Guoqiao was convinced.

Since Su Yuanshan asked him to form a team, he has been responsible for almost all specific technologies, starting from circuit design to protocol design. This time He Wei came to accompany him, mainly because Qiu Yuliang and Huo Jianning went to Malaysia together to negotiate the acquisition of a Malaysian telecommunications company. There really was no senior executive at Xindong Internet who was worthy of He Wei's status.

Then where should we go next? He Wei continued to ask: What Mr. Shan told us is that we want our marketing department to take a look at the specific implementation of the three-network project here, and then write a report and hand it to the boss...

Then go to Cyberport.


After hearing this, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the car sped towards the Cyberport.

Along the way, He Wei looked at the construction sites popping up on both sides of the road and couldn't help but feel a little strange: I heard that housing prices in HK are going to fall this year, so why are they still building houses?

Oh, when you say this, I have the right to speak. Sun Guoqiao touched his glasses. He was not good at words, especially in front of women.

But perhaps because he was born as a teller, He Wei naturally has an approachable and relaxing temperament. So much so that he started to talk more: Although the Hong Kong government's 85,000 plan is still being pushed forward, it has made a lot of fine-tuning. It requires that newly built housing must meet a certain area - meaning, from the perspective of people The goal of everyone having a house to live in has shifted towards the goal of everyone having a big house to live in.”

He Wei was startled: Big house? How big is it? Everyone lives in a villa? Or is it a bungalow?

Haha, of course not. Basically, we should keep in line with the mainland, where the average per capita is about 35 square meters. So these newly built houses basically start at 70 square meters - according to the standards of old HK, they are considered luxury homes.

Then... He Wei silently calculated the house price, and couldn't help but shook her head: This is more than two million yuan... Real estate is going down, and if there are no real estate speculators to take over, can it be sold?

What do you think? This is already Pok Fu Lam. Sun Guoqiao pointed to the technology building in front and smiled slightly: In front is the Cyberport. This will be another place where high-income people gather after Central Financial Street.

Since science and technology parks in provincial capitals can build a new technology city, then Cyberport can obviously do the same. The Hong Kong government hopes to leverage the rigid housing demand of high-income people to drive the orderly development of Hong Kong real estate and at the same time stop the decline.

He Wei nodded thoughtfully: Well... you mean you bought a set here?

Well, I bought a big one with a down payment.


The two chatted all the way, and the car finally stopped under the hotel apartment. This is a low-rent housing specially provided by the Hong Kong government at the suggestion of Yuanxin for employees of various companies that are the first to settle in Cyberport.

Although the price is cheap, both public facilities and indoor facilities are not cheap. This is a benefit provided by the Cyberport Management Committee to these technological talents.

Therefore, this is also the first batch of model communities in Hong Kong for the Three Network Project.

Currently, people including Sun Guoqiao, Zhang Xiaolong and others live in this community. And these people, as the Hong Kong government expected, bought houses in new developments not far away.

Sun Guoqiao took He Wei to visit his room first, and asked He Wei to try out HDTV and HDTV programs for herself. After gaining He Wei's approval, he took her to visit the rooms of other employees.

Obviously, as a model community, the three-network project of the hotel apartment in Cyberport is extremely qualified.

Next, He Wei followed Sun Guoqiao to the technical department office building of Xindong Internet, obtained the user information that had been installed, and then made more than a dozen phone calls in person.

That night, she went to Repulse Bay and visited Ye Rudai, who was about to enter the fertility center. The next day, she returned directly to the provincial capital.

Yuanxin, Su Yuanshan's office.

After Su Yuanshan sent He Wei away, he sat at his desk and read the report carefully.

The reason why He Wei was allowed to go there, besides trusting her, was mainly because his uncle's place had opened a new store. He couldn't support it in person, so it was most appropriate to let He Wei go.

He Wei's work always satisfied him.

This report highlights the performance of the three-network project and high-definition digital TV in actual commercial use. In addition to text content, the attachments also include high-definition camera content and telephone return visit records.

Obviously, He Wei promoted this matter as a purely commercial act.

It's just that...Su Yuanshan knew that to successfully win orders from big players such as radio, television, telecommunications, etc., these alone were completely insufficient.

However, after so many years, Yuanxin has always had some connections and connections with the government, no matter how clean and tidy it is.

After slightly revising the report, Su Yuanshan called Wen Xiaoqian to rearrange, print and hand it over to Duan Yongping - Lao Duan knew how vast the market for set-top boxes was.

After finishing his work, Su Yuanshan looked at the calendar.

It is already November 6, 1999.

The millennium is coming soon. Su Yuanshan sighed, looked at the time again, then turned on the computer, preparing to read a latest paper in the field of graphene.

In the past six years, research on graphene has never stopped in the scientific research field, and as the discoverer of fullerene won the Nobel Prize in 1996, it triggered a new wave of research on graphene.

As the discoverer of graphene and the discoverer of the graphene Hall effect... Su Yuanshan is naturally happy to see it. The hotter this field is, the closer he will be to winning the Nobel Prize.

Just when he clicked on the paper and was about to read on, the phone next to him suddenly rang.

Prepare some relevant information about CCDMA. I will take you to Ni Country this time.

On the phone, a gentle voice ordered with a smile.

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