1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 760 Capital Transfer

Since the establishment of Yuanxin, Yuanxin has focused its overseas expansion on Southeast Asia. Except during the financial crisis, Yuanxin chose to suspend expansion. After the financial crisis, Yuanxin immediately resumed operations. investment.

Today, through cooperation with telecommunications capitals such as Singtel and Shinawatra, FarCore has established far-reaching cooperation and joint venture relationships with telecommunications companies in Southeast Asia.

To go further, the only way is to expand at the capital level and establish a communications interest group that can influence the Southeast Asian region.

Su Yuanshan believes that as long as a person like Huo Jianning is given a platform, he can look at problems from this platform - compared with Yuanxin, a huge technology group, the platform that Cheung Kong Hutchison can provide is really low. a little.

Sure enough, as Su Yuanshan finished speaking, Huo Jianning fell into deep thought.

He thought of the word that popped up the most in everyone's mouth on the executive board - capital. Moreover, Duan Yongping pointed out bluntly that the next expansion of Yuanxin will be capital expansion, and even his official job as a senior president is to be in charge of strategic investment clusters.

Let him help lead the development of the communications industry cluster, which is nothing more than bearing the brunt of the expansion of the communications industry.

In the evening, Su Yuanshan had a meal with a group of people and chatted for a while before returning to his villa.

Ye Rudai is almost eight months pregnant and has long been unable to move. She followed Su Yuanshan's suggestion and directly chose to work from home, and then controlled the operation of eso through video conferencing and daily communication with assistants, which did not affect the company's business.

But the side effects of pregnancy are still obvious-she is no longer able to perform high-intensity programming work. This frustrated her because as a new technology company based on Internet technology, it would always be a bit weird if the boss didn't write code.

came back?

Ye Rudai knew Su Yuanshan was back just by listening to his footsteps. She moved slightly and the boss' chair turned around. Then she smelled the smell of alcohol on Su Yuanshan's body: Have you been drinking?

Well, I drank a little. Su Yuanshan chuckled, squatted down and listened for a while: Huh? Why don't you move?

I guess he fell asleep. He was kicking me just now.

You dare to ignore me now, what will happen when you grow up? Su Yuanshan pretended to be dissatisfied, muttered and stood up.

Ye Rudai smiled and shook her head, a little helpless. After a moment, she said seriously: By the way, you asked us to slow down our expansion...Does that mean the Internet bubble is about to burst?

Su Yuanshan pulled her boss chair, retreated to the sofa, sat down, and shook his head with a smile: It's not about bursting, but investment expansion has inertia. If you can prepare in advance, then when the bubble bursts, investment will dry up. When the time comes, you won’t be at a loss.”

Ye Rudai frowned and nodded after a moment: Well... now it is true... the environment is very good. If you don't remind me, I definitely think that the growth of the Internet industry can be sustained smoothly until the bubble naturally dissipates.

Su Yuanshan laughed and said: How is it possible? The Internet industry is growing, users are also growing, and Internet companies are also exploring profit models, and they seem to be prosperous, but don't underestimate the greed of human nature and the greed of capital. .”

Nowadays, even the janitors and taxi drivers know that it is right to choose Internet technology stocks...that means that Leeks have entered the market.

“According to our estimates, the development vision of the Internet industry is far less than the growth rate of the current bubble. This cannot be simply described and summarized by ‘expected future’ and the price-earnings ratio.”

Ye Rudai listened attentively, and her brows furrowed deeper and deeper: Then why did you...

My views on the Internet have never changed, and I have always had confidence. This is a fact. In fact, does each of us Internet practitioners have a picture of the future under Internet technology in our minds?

Well... Ye Rudai had to admit that she did believe in technology and the future.

So, my confidence in the future of the Internet does not mean that capital has confidence in the short- and medium-term investment returns of the Internet - in fact, I have no confidence in the short- and medium-term investment returns. Otherwise, why have I been reducing my holdings of newbook since this year?

Ye Rudai was startled for a moment, then shook her head with a smile: You are a model of nice words and honest body.

Haha, I have a good appetite and will eat everything. I just can't bear the loss right now.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Su Yuanshan took a shower upstairs, then changed into clean clothes and went out again.

Now that he is older, he can no longer avoid socializing on the grounds of his youth like he did when he was a teenager or twenty years old...

Especially tonight's entertainment, the level is quite high.


Time flies very fast. At the end of October, Yuanxin completed the merger and acquisition of PCCW. Coupled with the previous high-profile publicity when acquiring HK Telecom shares, HK's 3G work advanced extremely quickly.

In addition, the Cyberport Entrepreneurship Fund opened the door and vigorously supported teams to start their own businesses. Therefore, Internet companies specifically targeting local and traditional Chinese users began to emerge one after another, greatly enriching the network content experience of 3G mobile phones.

In addition, the paradise plan is also unfolding quietly.

With the launch of high-definition digital channels one after another, residents of Hong Kong's middle class and above are the first to enjoy an audio-visual feast that even Western developed countries have not enjoyed.

In early November, my uncle Zhang Ke finally opened his business to Hong Kong.

Mr. Zhang, congratulations.

In the general manager's room, He Wei reached out to Zhang Ke from a distance.

Haha, He Wei, Guoqiao. Zhang Ke shook hands with his former subordinate, and after greeting the somewhat shy Sun Guoqiao, he sat down on the sofa with some emotion: Sit down and chat.

He Wei, who was a salesperson at the counter under him, became the vice president of the marketing department of Yuanxin in just a few years, and he did a great job. This... can only be said that his nephew is indeed talented.

Why are you two here? Zhang Ke looked at the two of them with a smile and asked.

I'm here to help Guoqiao and the others check on the implementation of the park plan. He Wei glanced at Sun Guoqiao, pursed her lips and said with a smile, Mr. Shan is very concerned about this.

Hey, why doesn't he care? I heard that he made a bet with Gates. Zhang Ke thought of when he went to see Ye Rudai and heard Ye Zi talk about the bet between Su Yuanshan and Gates.

As for the content of the bet, it is naturally to see whose plan can be realized.

Yuanxin's Paradise Plan and Microsoft's Venus Plan are essentially an attack by both parties on the Internet and users' living rooms.

HK is the main sample implementation base of the park plan.

Gates will lose. He Wei smiled, revealing her strong confidence in Su Yuanshan: The paradise project seems to be a set-top box, but it is actually integrated into the three-network project.

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