1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 759 The curtain falls

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Facing the ball kicked back by Su Yuanshan, Li Jiacheng's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes became sharper.

But, it only lasted for a moment.

To be fair, Su Yuanshan, an emerging capital power known for his outstanding vision, can value Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong, which in itself is a recognition of Cheung Kong - provided that Su Yuanshan's holding is just a simple investment behavior .

But in the long run, Li Jiacheng does not believe that Su Yuanshan's holding of his own stocks is just for investment - after increasing holdings and changing hands in the secondary market, the stocks held by these two companies have increased to about 8%.

Of course, Li Jiacheng didn't think that Su Yuanshan could do anything with this 8% share.

He still has this bit of confidence.

However, being pinched by Su Yuanshan like this, Lao Li still felt uneasy after all.

Can I think that Mr. Su has confidence in the business development of Cheung Kong and Hutchison? Li Jiacheng may have felt that it hurt his neck to look up at Su Yuanshan like this. He moved to the side and motioned for Su Yuanshan to sit down as well.

Su Yuanshan turned a blind eye, still folding his arms and shaking his head gently: I am not confident in the long-term, but I am confident in this place.

As Su Yuanshan spoke, he tapped the ground with his toes.

Li Jiacheng was slightly startled, but instantly understood what Su Yuanshan meant.

——Because I have confidence in the land and this country under my feet, and you happened to choose this land as an investment object, I invested in you.

I understand. Li Jiacheng smiled: We are optimistic about the development of the mainland. From this point of view, we still have a common understanding.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile.

So what does Su Yuanshan think of the development of the real estate industry in the mainland?

In any emerging economic region, real estate is an industry that continues to be bullish. Su Yuanshan paused: Building and selling houses, managing rent collection, is always much better than hoarding land and waiting for appreciation. If you choose to hoard land because you are bullish on real estate - -For example, Mr. Zekai's land investment in Ni Country - I think it is better to use the money to speculate in stocks.

Li Jiacheng said calmly: The risk of stock trading is too high.

If there is no risk, then enter the technology industry. Su Yuanshan looked at Li Jiacheng and said seriously: Mr. Li, you must believe that the most profitable field in this world is the technology field.

Li Jiacheng frowned slightly and asked again: For example, does the communications industry count?

Of course - although the communications industry is just the embodiment of technology, it still belongs to the field of technology. Su Yuanshan shrugged with a smile on his face: Otherwise, why do I have to work so hard to win HK Telecom?

Next, Su Yuanshan accompanied Li Jiacheng to continue walking under Qixi Road. Along the way, in addition to the employees passing by, Lao Li also saw various small teams resting in the shade of trees on both sides while having meetings - these teams Most of them are foreigners.

Well, foreigners have a lot of hair, so they probably aren’t afraid of mosquitoes.

Of course, the two of them naturally chatted. It's just that the topics we talk about next are no longer so sensitive and sharp. And Lao Li also began to seriously discuss the development direction of the telecommunications business with Su Yuanshan.

Later, Su Yuanshan took Lao Li to visit the communications laboratory and introduced to Lao Li Yuanxin's current applications in the 3G field and its achievements in the next generation evolution technology - that is, the 4G network.

Of course, FarCore actually has a team that has begun planning for 5G and even 6G technologies, but these technologies are obviously too advanced and mostly conceptual, so they have not been mentioned.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after a courtesy exchange with Chen Jing in the living room, Lao Li said goodbye and left - he also wanted to visit the software park this time.

Li Jiacheng stayed in the provincial capital for two days, and then went to the capital. When he returned to Hong Kong, it was already five days later.

In the study, Li Jiacheng looked at his second son and let out a long sigh.

Zekai, what did Xindong Internet say?

What he was asking was, of course, the sale of PCCW's HK telecommunications business.

The price they gave... is relatively fair. Li Zekai was silent for a few seconds and sighed: Father, are we really surrendering in full?

Surrender? Let's change the word, seek the skin of a tiger. Li Jiacheng picked up the ginseng tea and took a sip. His eyes became calm: You have also seen that in the past few days, HK's communications market has been experiencing climaxes one after another...

It's just Huo Jianning's method. Li Zekai hit the nail on the head and directly told the truth.

Speaking of Huo Jianning, both father and son fell silent at the same time.

Yes, Huo Jianning is a solid old man, known as the number one negotiator. They know Huo Jianning's skills very well...

Although Yuanxin is aggressive in Hong Kong, in many cases, Yuanxin's market promotion plans are a bit backward, or in other words, have a strong flavor of a technology company.

Yuanxin will not use the word hype.

And now, the propaganda that Xindong Internet wants to slap in the face of every Hong Kong person is naturally the work of Huo Jianning.

Moreover, this is really not a waste - because this kind of advertising that covers the area, even if it cannot affect the acquisition of HK Telecom, it will really be beneficial to the subsequent promotion of Xindong Internet.

I talked with Su Yuanshan. Li Jiacheng interrupted Huo Jianning: He will strongly support Orange's expansion in Europe, so if you go there this time, you can get a lot of discounts, including technology and equipment.

for example?

For example, Yuanxin will customize models for Orange - so far, Yuanxin has not customized models for any operator.

Li Zekai was slightly startled and murmured: This is considered support.

After a pause, Li Zekai immediately said: But what we are facing is Mannesmann and Vodafone... If the two of them continue to fight, then sooner or later we will be affected.

So, Su Yuanshan promised me that Xinghai will also support me. Li Jiacheng looked at his son and said slowly.

——Since he wants Orange to act as an ally for Yuanxin's expansion in Europe, or to put it simply... a chess piece, then Su Yuanshan must show his attitude.

This is Li Jiacheng's bottom line.

Su Yuanshan accepted his bottom line



As the calendar turns page by page, time soon comes to the end of September.

On the day before the National Day, Yuanxin held its 1999 autumn press conference at the press conference center of the provincial capital science and technology park. At the press conference, Yuanxin released five products at once.

These four models are the new Yidoo series mobile phones focusing on concept, notebook Xbook, wifi wireless router, driving recorder, and MP4 player.

Among them, the first two, in addition to being equipped with the latest processors and operating systems, the biggest highlight is the addition of wifi chips. Paired with a wifi router, you can fully realize your indoor wireless Internet needs anytime and anywhere.

At the same time, Yidoo mobile phone is also the first 3G mobile phone to support all standards.

Although the latter two are new things and products, their names alone reflect their functions. Therefore, no introduction is needed at all, and users can directly accept the concept.

Of course, for the sake of promotion, Yuanxin still carefully prepared short videos for broadcast - especially for driving recorders. Yuanxin specially arranged a Rashomon-like car accident promotional video to highlight the necessity of driving recorders.

There was a small episode in the promotional video, and the original intention was to make it a hit - it would be more convincing. However, after the advertising department submitted the script to the marketing department, He Wei only took one look at it and was immediately shot. When Su Yuanshan heard about it, he praised He Wei vigorously... saying that she was enlightened.

In early October, SK Telecom and China Unicom officially launched their 3G services in Hong Kong. In just one week, 3G users showed a sharp increase.

Among them, China Unicom (HK)'s 3G users increased by 100,000, while SK Telecom's increased by nearly 500,000 within a week.

These 100,000 users... seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

After three months of arduous negotiations, Taitung Cable and Telegraph Company finally relented and finally decided to sell all its shares in HK Telecom to the Internet Center for US$10.8 billion.

The payment is five billion US dollars in cash and a 20% stake in the Internet Center.

On the day of the acquisition, the Internet Center announced that it would inject all its shares in HK Telecom into Xindong Internet.

HK airport.

Su Yuanshan and Yang Weichang stood at the entrance of the airport, waiting for the London plane to arrive.

After waiting for half an hour, Huo Jianning, Zhang Xiaolong, and Qiu Yuliang filed out with their entourage.

Lao Huo, Brother Xiaolong, Mr. Qiu, thank you for your hard work.

Su Yuanshan took a step forward and shook hands with the three of them one by one.

Especially Huo Jianning, Su Yuanshan looked at the other person's obviously haggard face and felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

To be honest, professional things really need to be done by professionals. Yuanxin's group of people... including myself, all the negotiations they have experienced are cooperation negotiations, not such business merger negotiations.

The reason why people like me are invincible in negotiations is, of course, not how good Yuanxin's people are at negotiating, but how good Yuanxin is...

This is the consensus of everyone at Yuanxin.

Duan Yongping's words are right. The arrival of Huo Jianning directly made up for Yuanxin's shortcomings in capital expansion, and Yuanxin's future expansion will be increasingly inclined to capital expansion.

Without such a number one figure, Yuanxin's negotiations would be much more difficult and more benefits would have to be given up.

For example, Su Yuanshan really planned to spend 13 billion US dollars to acquire the shares of Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau - but after Huo Jianning took over, the bottom line has been getting lower. From 13 billion US dollars in cash The acquisition became 12 billion, then 11.5 billion, and finally settled at 10.8 billion, with only 5 billion in cash!

what does that mean? This means that Xindong Internet will have 8 billion US dollars in cash at its disposal!

This money can be used to do so many things!

What? You said this money is targeted for acquisitions? But if I haven’t used up all the purchases, your bank can’t take them back!

“The next step is the expansion of Xindong Internet.”

The car returned directly to Repulse Bay. Because there was an eight-month pregnant woman at home, Sun Xihui's home was chosen as the place to stay.

Sitting on the sofa, Huo Jianning drank tea at just the right temperature and let out a long sigh of relief.

Until now, he was truly relaxed.

Well, next. But I'm a little curious, how do you plan to spend it? Su Yuanshan looked at Zhang Xiaolong and Qiu Yuliang and asked with a smile.

I haven't thought about it, don't ask me, I don't know. Zhang Xiaolong laughed and immediately denied it three times. It made everyone laugh.

It stands to reason that these 13 billion US dollars were all borrowed from banks, so they are very hot to hold.

But Xindong Internet is different. Now that it has bought the shares of Dadong Telegraph Company, it means that Xindong Internet has absolute control over HK Telecom! Then HK Telecom is a cash cow! The kind with an annual net profit of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars!

With this cash cow in hand, why should you be afraid of a loan?


——In the previous life, PCCW developed in this way.

It is a pity that PCCW in the previous life lost its market value due to the failure of HK Cyberport and the coming of the Internet winter. All businesses suffered collective losses and shrunk. In the end, only HK Telecom was still profitable...

As a result, classmate Xiao Li was frightened by the Internet. When investing in Brother Xiao Ma's TX, he was extremely timid and gave up as soon as it was good. Completely lost access to the Internet.

Of course, on the whole, the Li family has indeed completed its monopoly on Hong Kong's telecommunications industry and has lived a life of sitting on the ground collecting rent.

Now, this development opportunity lies in front of Xindong Internet, Internet Center, China Unicom, and Yuanxin.

Then let me give you some advice. Su Yuanshan said with a smile, knowing that Zhang Xiaolong, Qiu Yuliang, and even Huo Jianning, the three of them, might not have any plans in mind.

You say it, we listen. Zhang Xiaolong smiled.

Upon seeing this, Huo Jianning put down his tea cup and listened carefully.

He has worked with Zhang Xiaolong and others for more than a month, and coupled with the exchanges with Yuanxin employees around him, he knows that Su Yuanshan is a genius who can come up with solutions anytime and anywhere. This time, it was his first experience, so his attitude was very serious.

First of all, we still have to complete the acquisition of PCCW's business as agreed. Su Yuanshan smiled and glanced at Huo Jianning: Lao Huo, you have to help check this. We are embarrassed to let Mr. Li Er suffer, but we can't suffer either. , just a fair deal.”


Then, push forward the construction of the three-network project. Domestic... including those above. Everyone is watching us. Su Yuanshan pointed at the ceiling as he spoke.

Yang Weichang nodded with a smile.

Yuanxin and China Unicom are making such a big fuss here this time, and the news has already alarmed the higher authorities - you know, this is a major merger and acquisition worth tens of billions of dollars! These are top acquisitions in the world. Not to mention, the main force behind the acquisition is domestic capital, Yuanxin.

In addition to the amount of capital itself, the above is more concerned about what will be done after the acquisition.

In the end, the world is also watching us. Su Yuanshan looked at Huo Jianning again: At least, Southeast Asia is watching us.

“Therefore, in the next few years, the focus will be on integrating Southeast Asian communications companies and capital.”

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