1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 758: Fighting means one side is injured

Two days later.

Su Yuanshan quickly ended his trip to HK and returned to the Shanghai stock market. That afternoon, Chen Jing arrived from Tianjin.

In the small conference room of the Science and Technology Park, Chen Jing, Su Yuanshan, and Xi Xiaoding, who was inspecting the Shanghai Science and Technology Park, sat on the same side. In front of them was a laptop with an external microphone.

The laptop's screen froze for two seconds, and then it prompted that the video call connection was successful, showing Duan Yongping's appearance.

Old Duan, can you hear me? Chen Jing leaned forward and said into the microphone.

Yes, Mr. Chen.

Okay, let's get started. Let's discuss business adjustments today. Chen Jing glanced at Su Yuanshan, smiled and shook her head.

She really didn't expect that Su Yuanshan could dig Huo Jianning over.

Not only her, but everyone at Yuanxin's senior level had no hope for Su Yuanshan's trip to London - just a week ago, the old Li family and Murdoch were still coming aggressively, and the Dadong Telegraph Bureau was still waiting for a price. sell.

Su Yuanshan was in Bang Country at the time. After receiving the news, the big guys from Yuanxin thought about it for a long time and found that there was really no other good way besides taking money.

The reason is very simple and very realistic. Yuanxin's influence in Europe is not enough. Not to mention catching up with Asia, even North America cannot compare. In North America, Carter finally won only one small business after a difficult attempt. The operator's $100 million order is nothing compared to the vast market in North America. Therefore, the approach taken by Yuanxin now is to fully cooperate with Galaxy and jointly promote the North American market through authorized production.

Then, Su Yuanshan came up with a way to remove the firepower from under the cauldron.

His proposal made everyone's eyes shine, but the highlight was not poaching people, but using the oldest counterintuitive strategy to shake Lao Li's trust in Huo Jianning, thus affecting the sale of Orange.

As a result, everyone did not make any mature plans for Huo Jianning's arrival.

Well, how about I say a few words first? Duan Yongping was also smiling in the video.

Okay, you say.

I received a call from Mr. Shan yesterday. I have been thinking about it until now. First of all, we must make sure that Huo Jianning, as Lao Li's right-hand man and is hailed as the working emperor by HK people, is absolutely capable.

The three people on Su Yuanshan's side nodded in unison - there was no doubt about it.

So, whether it's whether people do their best, or whether it's money to buy horse bones, Lao Huo will definitely go directly to the executive board.

Well, this is natural. Chen Jing nodded.

But which area is he responsible for... Duan Yongping took a sip from his water glass and said with a smile: We must admit that in the past few years, Yuanxin has expanded rapidly from a small software company to , expanded to today’s Yuanxin…”

At this time, Su Yuanshan smiled and added: Old Duan, our team at that time was quite big.

Hahaha! Be humble! Duan Yongping laughed loudly: It can't be otherwise. Although we have a certain strength now, our expansion is all operational expansion.

In contrast, our management personnel are all business management talents and R\u0026D talents.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan nodded heavily.

As expected, Lao Duan is still awesome!

Yuanxin has grown from a small sampan to today's giant aircraft carrier. It does not grow through various mergers and acquisitions like other companies, but through real business expansion.

This means that every one of the management of Yuanxin, including Chen Jing, is a business leader, not a strategic investment leader.

Sure enough, Duan Yongping immediately said: As for Lao Huo, he has a financial background, and with his many years at Hutchison Whampoa, he has sufficient status, vision, and connections, so that he can make up for Yuanxin's shortcomings in capital expansion fields such as investment and mergers. Board - Visible to the naked eye, Yuanxin will face more expansion situations in the future where big fish eat small fish. And we are actually not good at this situation.

These words convinced everyone, including Chen Jing.

Yuanxin's long-standing collective leadership system has made it easy for several big bosses to recognize Yuanxin's shortcomings and their own shortcomings.

So you mean to let Huo Jianning be responsible for strategic investment? Chen Jing asked immediately when Duan Yongping stopped.

What I mean is not important... What is important is what Mr. Shan said to Lao Huo. Duan Yongping smiled again: Mr. Shan, tell me, how did you deceive me?

Su Yuanshan: ...



HK, Lao Li’s family.

Huo Jianning sat opposite Li Jiacheng. Although he looked calm, there was still a hint of apology in his eyes.

After all, he had stayed at Lao Li's house for so many years, and Lao Li treated him well. Now is the most critical moment for Lao Li's family to sell Orange. He proposed to resign - even though he promised Lao Li to complete the sale of Orange, he still felt like a betrayal.

Li Jiacheng seemed to have aged several years overnight.

Jianning, are you sure Mr. Su didn't recruit you to be an idler just because he wanted to take down HK completely? Although Li Jiacheng looked tired, his eyes were still alert and he looked straight at Huo Jianning.

Mr. Li, Yuan Xin is not necessary.

I think it is necessary - the chairman, CEO and president of Yuanxin have been divided into two people, plus Su Yuanshan himself - what status can he give you? A trace of sarcasm flashed in Li Jiacheng's eyes, and he seemed Some hate that iron cannot be made into steel: You are confused! Non-listed companies like Yuanxin can easily provide tens of millions or more in annual salary to support you - as long as they can achieve their goals!

No...it's not about status. Huo Jianning was silent for a moment and then slowly said: Mr. Li, I can go to the semiconductor department, the communications department, or...

Li Jiacheng just smiled.

Semiconductor department? Comparable to Intel?

Intel is no match for FarCore.

... Li Jiacheng was suddenly choked.

Huo Jianning breathed out softly.

Because Yuanxin never releases financial reports, the outside world can only estimate the size of Yuanxin through various news and industry statistical reports - undoubtedly, this is an underestimate for Yuanxin.

Although Yuanxin is a bit weak in the processor department, it is currently the only four semiconductor companies in the world with X86 processor manufacturing capabilities. Among them, the YX architecture is the king of streamlined instruction sets.

Not to mention, the flash memory business is doubling every year.

Huo Jianning was shocked when he heard Su Yuanshan say that Yuanxin and Deyuan's investment in the semiconductor field in the past three years would reach tens of billions of dollars.

This is a high-tech industry where real money is invested!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The most powerful thing about Yuanxin is that it has established a complete high-end industrial chain for the future digital era...

These industrial chains will gradually reveal their fangs as the digital age accelerates - there will be a complete monopoly from upstream to downstream.

Not to mention Yuanxin’s technical position in the field of mobile communications.

After understanding this, Huo Jianning understood why Yuanxin was so unscrupulous in its development in Hong Kong - starting a business on its own if they disagreed.

That's just the person himself.

Compared with Yuanxin, Yangtze River Industries is really just a businessman. At its core, it is business.

Li Jiacheng fell into a long silence.

After a moment, he suddenly sighed and waved.

It's going to rain, and my mother wants to get married. Since you've decided to go, you don't need to be responsible for Chengzi.

Facing the old man, Huo Jianning couldn't help but sigh. He knew that as long as he submitted his resignation, he would plant a thorn in each other's hearts just like Su Yuanshan extended his invitation to himself.

Mr. Li's attempt to stay was nothing more than unwillingness.

After a few seconds of silence, Huo Jianning looked at Li Jiacheng and said softly: Mr. Li, I actually thought about it for a long time before making a decision.

Li Jiacheng was already looking down at the tea cup, indicating that he was about to see off the guests. Hearing this, he raised his head, moved the corner of his mouth, and said with an undisguised smile: Do you think you can have the best of both worlds?

This sentence... struck Huo Jianning instantly - Lao Li knew him well.

Yes, there may be a way to get the best of both worlds. Huo Jianning said seriously: We don't necessarily need to sell Orange.


Yuanxin has a strong will to win the HK business - in other words, Mr. Su Yuanshan has a strong will to win the HK business. I even suspect that he came with a mission.

Hearing this, Li Jiacheng's pupils shrank slightly, put down the tea cup, and motioned for Huo Jianning to continue.

Therefore, there is no need for us to confront Yuanxin head-on. Moreover, even if we confront... we cannot withstand it. Huo Jianning pursed his lips and whispered: Xindong Internet has received more than 10 billion US dollars in cash.

Li Jiacheng closed his eyes - although the loan was still confidential, he could certainly receive news from the executives of Bank of China Group.

Therefore, giving up the telecommunications industry, or in other words, giving up Hong Kong's telecommunications industry and focusing on Europe is the best choice for Hutchison Whampoa's future development.

Li Jiacheng squinted his eyes, and after two seconds, he said unceremoniously: Do you mean that I'd better cooperate with Yuanxin?

Cooperating with Yuanxin is indeed in the best interest of Hutchison Whampoa in the future.

After finishing speaking, Huo Jianning closed his mouth.

In order to find a bright way out for his old club and Orange, he really thought about it for a long time, and even consulted with his old superior, Bo Le Ma Shimin.

Ma Shiming is worthy of being a strategic entrepreneur. After eliminating emotional factors, he immediately realized that this seemed to be a battle between the powerful dragon Yuanxin and the local snake Yangtze River Industrial. But in fact, it is the emerging financial groups represented by technology that are “challenging” the old financial groups represented by traditional enterprises.

Maybe it's not a challenge...it's a crushing push.

So Ma Shiming agreed that from the perspective of future development, Huo Jianning should choose Yuanxin.

But people still have feelings after all. Huo Jianning can be known as the working emperor of HK, which means that Lao Li's family treats him well - then he should naturally consider future measures for Lao Li's family.

Therefore, with Ma Shiming's approval, Huo Jianning proposed a strategy for the Lao Li family to shift the focus of their telecommunications business to Europe and fully cooperate with Yuanxin.

If the Lao Li family can agree, there is no doubt that this is a win-win situation.

On the one hand, with Huo Jianning here, the resources Yuanxin will provide to Lao Li's family will definitely be far superior to others. On the other hand, Yuanxin will also be able to enter the European market due to Orange's expansion, thus relying more heavily on Orange.

Now, it depends on whether Lao Li's family can bear this tone.

——If it were another person, let alone cooperation, it would be considered a good thing if he didn't use a loudspeaker to curse. But Huo Jianning believes that Lao Li is a pure businessman who knows how to advance and retreat, puts profit first.

Businessmen seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Both parties will benefit from cooperation, and fighting will... Li Jiacheng murmured, and laughed loudly after a moment. He shook his head while laughing, with countless unwillingness in his eyes.

If he fights, he will be injured on one side.



In the conference room, the video conference continued.

Jianning Huo is a generalist at Hutchison Whampoa. He is good at overall business, so I did not give him a precise position - after all, even if the old man is upright and upright and gives up his position to him, he will not be able to do it. Su Yuanshan laughed and joked.

Duan Yongping shook his head and laughed: I don't dare to accept this high hat.

The three people here all smiled - as of now, Yuanxin is a pure technology company, and it is also a research and development-oriented technology company. No matter how awesome Huo Jianning is, he is just a simple professional manager.

Haha, he really can't play. Chen Jing also took over and said with a smile: Yangtze River Industrial's business is almost parallel to ours, and Huo Jianning has no technical background. If he comes to Yuanxin, he will be blinded. .”

Yes, so my plan is to let him choose his own business. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and smiled: What is our next important business? It is the advancement of 3G standards and the integration of telecommunications businesses in Southeast Asia. It's capital operation. Lao Huo is quite familiar with this field.

Well, then we need to divide the functions. Duan Yongping nodded: I suggest that we hold an executive director meeting immediately after I come back to discuss this matter.

By the way, Huo Jianning can be invited to attend - if he can.

Three days later, Huo Jianning arrived in the provincial capital on Su Yuanshan's private plane located in the special zone.

Su Yuanshan personally greeted him at the airport gate.

Lao Huo, thank you.

Seeing Huo Jianning, Su Yuanshan hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and his eyes were full of joy.

Just today, Chen Jing received a business letter from Yangtze River Industries, stating that its chairman, Mr. Li Jiacheng, will visit Yuanxin's headquarters in a week and hopes to make arrangements as appropriate.

At almost the same moment, news came from Xindong Internet that Murdoch seemed to have stopped and gave up his intention to acquire HK Telecom.

In addition, there is a surprise - Xiao Li also extended an olive branch to Xindong Internet, hoping that Xindong Internet can buy the telecommunications business of PCCW HK.

There is no doubt that all of this is Huo Jianning's letter of submission to Yuanxin.

Mr. Shan... Huo Jianning held Su Yuanshan's hand tightly. He had not been able to eat well or sleep well these days, trying his best to find a balance between Lao Li's family and Yuan Xin.

When the leadership team of Yuanxin learned about his idea, they chose to trust him without reservation and sent a team to provide him with technical support.

Su Yuanshan, in particular, made optimistic judgments and predictions about the future telecommunications industry in the British market.

In the end, the Li family chose reconciliation.

This settlement ended with the Li family giving up HK's telecommunications business, and Yuanxin helping Orange expand in Europe with extremely generous conditions.

Fortunately, I lived up to my fate. Huo Jianning took a deep breath, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Hahaha, hard work, let's go, everyone is waiting for you.

The two got into the car, Fu Zhenhua started the car and drove slowly towards the Yuanxin headquarters.

Lao Huo, is this your first time in the provincial capital?

Well, this is my first time here. Huo Jianning looked at the buildings beside the highway and said with emotion: I didn't expect that an inland city like a provincial capital could develop so fast.

The main thing is that the general direction is right - more than one billion people are running towards a moderately prosperous society. This momentum is coming, and no one or any trend can stop it.

Yes, so Cheung Kong's future development focus will be the mainland.

The two chatted casually, and soon the car drove onto Entrepreneurship Avenue.

Huo Jianning was slightly surprised by the modern high-rise buildings on both sides: Is this the software park?

Yes, but the software park sounds a bit petty. It is now called the New Science and Technology City, and nearly half of the country's Internet and software companies are here. Su Yuanshan also looked at the tall buildings around him with some emotion.

Seven years ago, when Yuan Xin first arrived, this place was still a wilderness, with rice growing all around... But now, let alone rice, not even a piece of bare ground could be seen - everything was covered with lawn.

After entering the new city, there are more and more cars on the road, including many high-end imported cars such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi.

In addition, the cityscape on the streets has also taken on a completely new look, making it unbelievable that this is a mainland city at the end of the 20th century.

Audi is close to the Yuanxin Technology Park. Compared with the new buildings across the street that often have 20 or 30 floors, the administrative building of Yuanxin looks a little shabby. But it also explains its history - it was the first tall building to rise here. The surrounding buildings are all its grandchildren.

After entering Yuanxin, Su Yuanshan took Huo Jianning directly to the roof - all members of Yuanxin's executive board were already present.

Welcome Mr. Huo. Chen Jing stood at the door with all the bosses of the executive board of directors, giving Huo Jianning plenty of face.

Don't dare. Huo Jianning held his fists and made a bow.

Haha, you're welcome. Come on, let me introduce it to you - this is Duan Yongping, Mr. Duan. This is Xi Xiaoding, Mr. Xi...

As Chen Jing began to introduce the members attending the meeting, Huo Jianning felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

On the way here, Su Yuanshan had already introduced him to the composition of Yuanxin's executive board of directors - it is not a general corporate board of directors, but composed of leaders from various fields of Yuanxin. It conducts research on Yuanxin's business, structure, and future. A leadership group that discusses and considers all aspects.

Here, it is not one person who has the final say, but the majority.

Even founders like Su Yuanshan, the earliest business leaders like Mr. Chen, the chairman of Yuanxin, or CEOs like Duan Yongping who preside over the overall situation, still need to convince others when they put forward their opinions and strategies.

This is a standard collective leadership system.

After introducing the members, Huo Jianning sat next to Su Yuanshan's chair.

Okay, everyone, let's not talk nonsense. Let's move on to the second topic. Duan Yongping crossed his legs and flipped through his notebook in his hand. He nodded to Huo Jianning as a sign of taking care of the newcomer and smiled. The host said.

Huo Jianning remained calm, but looked at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly. He knew what Huo Jianning was thinking. He tilted his head and said softly: The first issue is to unanimously approve your entry into the executive board of directors.

Huo Jianning smiled modestly: It's an honor. After saying that, he glanced at everyone and took out his notebook.

With China's accession to the WTO, we are also facing competitive pressure from peers around the world, especially Western counterparts. These pressures are concentrated on central processors, communication equipment, and... Duan Yongping paused and looked Xiang Chaoxin: In the back-end process of semiconductor manufacturing.

Wang Chaoxin coughed.

He has been under a lot of pressure recently. Chip packaging factories in Silicon Valley on the island are swarming to build factories in the mainland, and competition is extremely fierce.

Duan Yongping smiled slightly: At the same time, our advantageous areas, such as YX architecture, baseband chips, mobile digital products, storage fields, power supply fields, etc., are also facing the pursuit of domestic and foreign competitors...

In addition to these challenges in the technology and market areas, we are also facing expansion issues in the financial and investment areas.

Huo Jianning quickly recorded in his notebook that he had a comprehensive understanding of the business of Yuanxin Design in the past few days. But even so, it was still difficult for him to fully understand.

Previously, Yuanxin had a total of seven clusters - scientific research cluster, overseas business cluster, production cluster, investment and development cluster, Internet business cluster, semiconductor business cluster, and mobile phone business cluster.

So, in order to better cope with the challenges, it is necessary for us to make adjustments to the structure of Yuanxin. Duan Yongping said with a smile: The Internet Group already exists in name only, and it is a bit awkward to add a cluster name. good.

Well, cancel it for the time being. Chen Jing nodded: I suggest that the functions of the production business cluster and the semiconductor business cluster be adjusted at the same time, and a new communications business cluster be added - of course, we can brainstorm more and discuss it more.

As these two people opened their mouths, everyone really started to discuss.

After Huo Jianning finished taking notes, he took the document from Su Yuanshan and read it carefully while listening to everyone chatting.

Looking at the dense tree diagram on the document, Huo Jianning couldn't help but take a breath of air!

Although there are only seven clusters, when you look at the tree diagram, you can see that there are so many departments and fields involved, which is staggering.

In comparison, the fields that Changshi Group is involved in are nothing more than opening a few companies in this field to develop business, and its powers are very clear.

But Yuanxin, these fields are not only subdivided into countless departments - each of these departments can be regarded as a large independent enterprise. It also involves hundreds of laboratories, independent laboratories, joint venture partners, downstream holding companies...

Yuanxin is currently the technology company with the largest number of fields in the world. Su Yuanshan explained softly from the side: If I use a metaphor, it is IBM, Intel, Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics, Apple, Qualcomm, Nokia... they The companies are merged together, and we have all the businesses. Oh, by the way, we also have an automotive research institute. We have already won the order from Hyundai, and are currently negotiating with General Motors... In other words, we may also add Bosch.

This... Huo Jianning took a long breath and said with a wry smile: Mr. Shan, I'm afraid it will take half a year just to figure out the structure of Yuanxin.

Haha, it's okay. No one is a jack-of-all-trades. Mr. Chen and Mr. Duan also have their own priorities. For example, Mr. Chen is in charge of the strategy department, while Mr. Duan is mainly in charge of the mobile phone department.

Huo Jianning nodded with deep understanding. According to the fields that Yuanxin is involved in, if we still follow the normal practice and let a CEO be responsible for the overall situation... it will probably be exhausting.

What everyone is discussing now is whether these clusters should be reallocated?

Su Yuanshan nodded: Well, the structure was established three years ago. Because of the strong inertia, it has not affected our work. But now the challenges are getting more and more intense, so it is imperative to adjust the structure.

Then I'll listen to everyone. Huo Jianning put down the document and began to listen carefully.

The next day, the Yuanxin structure was re-finalized.

On the basis of the previous seven clusters, they were restructured into technology and engineering cluster, overseas business cluster, strategic investment cluster, enterprise development cluster, semiconductor business cluster, digital electronics business cluster, communications business cluster, and energy and power automobile business cluster. Eight clusters.

The leaders of these eight clusters are Xi Xiaoding, Carter, Huo Jianning, Chen Jing, Su Yuanshan, Duan Yongping, Tian Yaoming, and Wang Chuanfu.

As for Yuanxin's investment and involvement in other fields, such as ATV and Dingxin Media, they are directly attributed to the enterprise development cluster. Some departments that were originally part of the Internet cluster were placed in the technology and engineering cluster.

Moreover, since Tian Yaoming is mainly responsible for technology, Huo Jianning is still mainly responsible for the expansion of the communications business cluster.

These eight clusters, with some overlapping functions, perfectly cover all of Yuanxin's current businesses. In particular, the strategic investment cluster and enterprise development cluster are independent from the original investment and development cluster, which means that Yuanxin has officially taken the first step in capital expansion.

A week later, Li Jiacheng arrived at Yuanxin.

In order to avoid suspicion, Huo Jianning left the Science Park headquarters early and then went to London, where he fully intervened and participated in the negotiations between Xindong Internet and Dadong Telegraph Bureau as the senior president of Yuanxin.

At the same time, he also quickly gave an accurate judgment on Xindong Internet’s expansion and publicity plan in Hong Kong, saying that Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau is no longer considering “whether it can be monetized”, but is now considering the issue of “how much it can be monetized” and whether it can be monetized. We cannot afford the cost of going to war with Xindong Internet.

In this case, it is not actually important how effective the Xingdong Internet is. What is important is whether the Xingdong Internet can have momentum. As long as the momentum is built, HK Telecom's stock price will naturally fall.

After all, in a sense, Hong Kong's telecommunications market is a zero-sum game.

Therefore, Huo Jianning pointedly pointed out that what Xindong Internet should do now is not to build base stations or carry out any three-network project, but to spend money, advertise, and pretend that Xindong Internet will replace HK Telecom tomorrow.

When the news reached Su Yuanshan's ears, Su Yuanshan was speechless for several seconds... before he said something to Wen Xiaoqian.

What is professionalism? This is called professionalism.

In order to express his apology, Su Yuanshan personally stood at the gate to greet Lao Li.

When he saw Lao Li looking calm and even getting out of the car with a smile, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but sigh secretly - I have to say, this old man is really flexible and flexible.

he likes!

Mr. Li. Su Yuanshan smiled and stepped forward to hold Li Jiacheng's hand tightly.

Li Jiacheng also looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile, and the two held hands for three seconds before they separated.

Mr. Li, please come to the lounge here.

No, I just got off the plane and took the car. Now I just need to walk.

Then... okay, let's go for a walk on Qixi Road. Su Yuanshan glanced at the sky. Although the sun was hidden behind the clouds, it was indeed a sunny day today.

Would you say it’s hot or not in the provincial capital in August?

Qixi Road?

Actually, it's just a road planted with grape vines. Isn't there a legend that you can hear the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl whispering under the grape trellis on the Chinese Valentine's Day? So it was changed to the Chinese Valentine's Day Road.

Su Yuanshan smiled as he and Li Jiacheng walked towards the grape trellis.

Entering the grape grove, the temperature dropped suddenly.

The two walked slowly in front, followed far behind by their secretaries and assistants.

Mr. Su, what is Yuanxin's ultimate goal in HK? Li Jiacheng walked to a stone chair. He didn't care whether it was clean or not, and sat down directly, and then looked at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan stood still. He originally wanted to sit next to Li Jiacheng, but when he thought that the relationship between the two was really not that good... he simply stood in the middle of the road.

Li Jiacheng continued: Maybe it's a bit presumptuous to ask this, but I am really worried that with Yuanxin's strength... once we compete with Yuanxin, it may not end well for both parties.

Seeing Li Jiacheng's serious face, Su Yuanshan knew that the other person had probably been holding back his tone for a long time...

If you don't spit it out, you'll probably hold back the bleeding.

Thinking of this, Su Yuanshan smiled and said softly: Mr. Li, Yuanxin's layout has been completed. Don't worry, Yuanxin will not get involved in traditional industries.

Li Jiacheng's expression remained unchanged: Telecommunications is also a traditional industry.

Telecommunications is a traditional industry that can be upgraded. And... Mr. Li, there is really no competition between us... Su Yuanshan sighed softly as he spoke.

If Lao Li knew that in order to occupy the market in the future, the two Internet giants would spend 40 million every day... I don't know what he would think.

Not to mention the direct distribution of billions of cash red envelopes later - although there is a threshold, it is real money.

Okay, I believe you. Li Jiacheng nodded. After a moment, he asked again: How long will Xinghai and Huayuan hold the stocks of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa?

The corners of Su Yuanshan's eyes shrank slightly!


Little Mr. Su. Li Jiacheng stared at Su Yuanshan quietly and sighed softly: I know that you have the final say on these two families.

Xinghai and Huayuan completed their bargain hunting of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa last year. Now with the economic recovery in Hong Kong, the stock prices of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa have nearly doubled.

After a moment of silence, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly.

Mr. Li, do you want me to hold it for a long time? Or do you want me to sell it now?

He directly kicked the question back to Lao Li.

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