1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 757 Go and have a look

I have to admit that Huo Jianning is a very strong professional manager. Su Yuanshan also picked up the teacup and took a sip. After finding that it didn't taste right, he threw it aside and simply gave himself another glass of boiled water.

That's right, they claim to have an annual salary of tens of millions. Yang Weichang opened his hands, leaned on the sofa, and said with a smile. There was no sarcasm or envy in his tone, just a normal heart.

To be precise, it's 50 million. I'm thinking that if he helps Lao Li's family accomplish this, it can be at least doubled. Su Yuanshan returned to the coffee table, but what he was thinking about was the future generations. Rumor has it that more than ten years later, Huo Jianning's annual salary will be 200 million Hong Kong dollars. Otherwise, how can he be called a working emperor?

But this also shows that in Lao Li's family, he is really the butler who gets paid for work.

So high? Yang Weichang was really surprised now: My dear, are you on par with professional CEOs in the West?

Well, Lao Li's family has always been a benchmark for Western companies, and Hong Kong itself is also a highly developed area.

Yang Weichang couldn't help but shook his head. After a moment, he looked at Su Yuanshan curiously: I want to ask you something, how do you pay Yuanxin's salary? Can you tell me?

Haha, of course you can. Su Yuanshan laughed: The highest-paid people in Yuanxin are Mr. Xi, Mr. Chen, Mr. Duan, my senior brother, and Mr. Tian. In terms of salary alone, their annual salary is currently almost one million. But There are usually subsidies, and then dividends started last year. If you calculate it, the big guys like them can get 20 to 30 million a year. In fact, it is almost the same as Huo Jianning...

Yang Weichang sighed with emotion after hearing this: Yes, yes! Since Yuanxin aims to be a world-class technology company, its remuneration must also be improved. In the past, if there were no conditions, we would not say anything. Now that there are conditions, we can no longer do what we did in the past. It’s a spirit that only calls for dedication.”

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled after hearing this. Yang Weichang's words seemed to mean something.

What? Uncle Yang, have you encountered... any trouble? Su Yuanshan asked tentatively.

Yang Weichang let out a long sigh: The economy is developing too fast, and we are developing even faster... But the salary and other improvements are still limited. There are some things... Alas! Who doesn't like money?

This... involves China Unicom's internal affairs, so it's hard for Su Yuanshan to say anything. But he knows that Yang Weichang will definitely be fine - Yang Yiwen has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention that she is a woman who has been on the Forbes celebrity list. The superiors recommended Yang Weichang to take charge of China Unicom, so why don't they expect him to be able to stand up?

By the way, what is Huo Jianning's attitude? If he really agrees to you...do you have a place for him in Yuanxin?



Huo Jianning sat at the desk, his brows furrowed, holding a pen in his hand, facing the white paper in front of him, but he couldn't write a single word.

Su Yuanshan's words were like magic, lingering in his heart and lingering.

——Are you willing to be a businessman who purely pursues profits, or are you willing to change the world?

Frankly speaking, in the past few years, he has always recognized his boss's theory, believing that the most important duty of a businessman is to make money. As a professional manager, his job is to help his boss make money and realize his own values ​​and ideals.

Making money is addictive.

But Su Yuanshan made him realize that the world may have fast forwarded to an era where businessmen are not the most profitable, but technology is the most profitable.

——Su Yuanshan told him that Yuanxin started his business eight years ago with three million. Then in just eight years, these three million earned Yuanxin, Deyuan, SYD, Hongyuan, Suoxin, Zhongxin, and It has established an Internet center with a current market value of more than HK$200 billion, and has also invested in BOE, Meijie, SK Telecom...

This does not include Xinghai Fund, Xinghai Technology, Huayuan Trading, and Oaktree Capital - which were also born by those three million.

Some of these affiliated companies under the Yuanxin system have become towering trees and industry giants. Even if they have not become giants, their scale and scope are still firmly on the road to the future.

Huo Jianning checked the information of these companies. Even he, a veteran manager who has been dealing with capital and finance for decades, was unable, or even dared, to estimate the value of Yuanxin.

In other words, he couldn't imagine how he could earn such a huge group in eight years with three million through purely commercial means.

Since you can't imagine it, then... take a look?

Three days later, Su Yuanshan flew direct from London to Hong Kong.

After landing, he went straight to Repulse Bay and came to the villa that Sun Xihui gave her.

After arriving home, his mother Zhang Xiuyun and mother-in-law Tang Chunyan stood at the gate to greet him with a smile.

Moms, come in quickly, it's hot outside. Su Yuanshan laughed and hurried to the door: Where is Ye Zi?

Although there was no banquet, the two of them had already issued certificates, and then the two families simply had a meal together, which was considered as a wedding ceremony - they didn't even invite relatives.

She hasn't woken up from her nap yet. You said you wouldn't call her, so we didn't. Tang Chunyan happily followed Zhang Xiuyun. She was a female worker. At first, she was worried that Zhang Xiuyun, her mother-in-law, would be difficult to get along with, but she didn't realize it. After contacting each other, I found that their personalities were surprisingly compatible.

And the most important thing is that this mother-in-law did not show any dislike for her daughter being pregnant with a daughter. On the contrary, she said that it would be good to have a daughter - which made her very happy.

Well, let her rest. By the way, where is my dad?

Your dad went to visit the University of Hong Kong. Zhang Xiuyun followed behind, straightened the wrinkles on Su Yuanshan's clothes, and complained: He said he wanted to avoid suspicion and not make his purpose too clear - do you think he is? Superfluous?

Su Yuanshan laughed: Hahaha, it's really superfluous. He just said he came to see his daughter-in-law. Who dares to stop him?

——He rushed back this time, naturally because his parents also came to HK to see his daughter-in-law.

After entering the house, Su Yuanshan ignored the two of them and went directly to the second floor.

As soon as she secretly opened the door, she saw that Ye Rudai was lying on the bed, opened her eyes, and was browsing the web on her mobile phone.

Pregnant women should avoid using mobile phones. Su Yuanshan walked into the room and closed the door.

Fuck you! Ye Rudai smiled sweetly and sat up.

Don't move, let me listen to what our daughter has to say. Su Yuanshan rushed to the bed and lay on her belly to listen.

Ye Rudai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and touched his head: It's only four months, and you don't even show your pregnancy. Are your ears capable of ultrasound?

Hehe, you even know how to express your love?

...First there was Sister Sun, and then there were two experienced old comrades downstairs. What else don't I know? Ye Rudai turned over and got up. Sure enough, there was no change in her stomach.

But it's coming soon...I heard that the logistics will start to bulge in a month. Ye Rudai glanced down and sighed: Now they are both talking about stopping me from going to work until I show my pregnancy. I guess I won’t let them go even more. Hey, I kind of regret letting them come over...

Haha, if you don't go to work, you don't go to work. You can just work remotely from home and hold a conference call. Su Yuanshan sat beside the bed, took Ye Rudai's hands, and said with a smile: If we follow the expected date of delivery given by the doctor, then we My daughter happens to be born in the millennium - you think she can't afford a Su Qian?

Ye Rudai was startled, and after thinking for a second, she immediately shook her head: ...No, it sounds too festive.

What's that called Su?

It's not Su Qianlian anyway.

We'll talk about it then. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips, and his daughter's name flashed in his mind for a moment, but he quickly rejected it.

Let her go through the past life, and start over in this life.

The two were chatting upstairs. After a while, President Su Qinghe returned from visiting the University of Hong Kong.

Dad, you're quite good at doing this kind of thing, huh?

Lying side by side with his father by the swimming pool, Su Yuanshan joked while drinking juice.

Bad boy, your father and I are really visiting, and I'm not hiding something. Professor Su Xinghe squinted his eyes, enjoying the sea breeze blowing outside, and said with emotion: I have learned a lot from this visit to HKU. We have to catch up, and there are It’s a long way.”

But Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and said with disdain: In the past, it was just relying on money to support yourself... Now you say that you still have a long way to go. I don't agree with this.

Oh? Are you so confident in the Electrical Engineering Department?

It's not that we have confidence in Dianke, but that we have confidence in China. Su Yuanshan also closed his eyes and smiled: In the first half of this year, haven't we been conducting team exchanges and exchanges between R\u0026D centers in many places and countries?

Yes, I heard about it. There are a lot of foreigners in the provincial capital this year, and they are all teams exchanged with Yuanxin.

Foreigners are second to none. The important thing is that many of the overseas teams are overseas students who have gone abroad before - many of them were sent by the government. They did not return to China for one reason or another before, but they joined Yuanxin's overseas R\u0026D Center. When they came back to take a look this time, they realized that the domestic environment was really different.

And judging from the number of overseas students returning to China, there has been an obvious upward trend in recent years. Especially this year, in the past two months, there have been nearly a hundred turtles in the companies associated with Guangyuanxin.

What does this mean? It means that at least in the field of science and technology, talents can be retained.

As long as they can retain talents, the only thing left is to cultivate them - as long as a science and engineering university like Electronic Science and Technology is not short of money, what achievements can't be produced?

Hearing that his son showed strong confidence in the country as always, Su Xinghe smiled and comforted him.

He also knows that for a university like Dianke, as long as the money is in place and the results are in the right direction, it will gain status sooner or later - and Dianke has a particularly big advantage, because it has given birth to world-class companies like Yuanxin. Therefore, she naturally has correctness and forward-lookingness in the direction of scientific research.

Anyway, the direction of scientific research is heading towards the development and promotion of telecore, so that’s right!

Not to mention, the current founders of Yuanxin have already served as visiting professors in the Department of Electrical Engineering and have begun to lead graduate students - their topics must be the most cutting-edge topics.

By the way, do you want to teach graduate students next year? Su Xinghe turned his head and looked at his son: You have only taught one class now. I always feel it is a bit of a waste.

Well... I don't have the energy. We have a lot of things to do next year. Let's talk about it in two years.

Okay. Su Xinghe knew that his son would not refuse to take care of students. If he said he had no energy, he really had no energy.

What's more, next year this boy will hold his daughter, and he will also hold his granddaughter...

Thinking of this, Su Xinghe smiled and sighed: Unknowingly, you are already 25 years old.

Yeah... I'm 25 years old. Su Yuanshan squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: But I think I'm still very young and I have a good mentality.




The next day, Su Yuanshan, Zhang Xiaolong and Qiu Yuliang went to the Bank of China Group.

This time, Xindong Internet officially submitted a loan application to Bank of China Group.

The Bank of China Group has already considered it very carefully.

After evaluating HK Telecom, Internet Center and Xindong Internet, especially the guarantee of Yuanxin, Bank of China Group readily agreed to the US$13 billion loan request.

But they also have requirements, that is, the US$13 billion is targeted and can only be used to acquire HK Telecom.

Now that we have the money, the only remaining variable is the Dadong Telegraph Bureau.

In Zhang Xiaolong's office, Su Yuanshan raised his teacup and raised it slightly towards Zhang Xiaolong. Then he smiled at Qiu Yuliang and said: Mr. Qiu, how much money can be left depends on your ability, and what is left will be the future development funds of Xindong Internet.

Yeah! That's right! Qiu Yuliang laughed.

He looked at Su Yuanshan and was filled with emotions.

It is said that Yuanxin never borrows money, but now...he knows that there is no company that does not borrow money.

Yuanxin does not borrow money because it does not need to borrow money...

When faced with a cash acquisition worth tens of billions of dollars, unless Yuanxin personally steps down, it will not be able to come up with so much money - and even if Yuanxin steps down personally, it may not be able to come up with it.

He has interacted a lot with Zhang Xiaolong, and now he has a relationship with the Yuanxin System, and he knows some things that others don't know.

For example, Yuanxin’s annual R\u0026D expenses are in the tens of billions of RMB.

This year’s R\u0026D expenses will be approximately RMB 40 billion!

If you cut off your own R\u0026D expenses in order to acquire a cash cow... it may be possible in other companies, but it is definitely not possible in Yuanxin.

Although the borrowed money is nominally for the targeted acquisition of HK Telecom, if some cash can be saved through negotiation, then this cash will be the next development funds of Xindong Internet.

Whether it is promoting 3G or expanding outward, this is an urgent and large investment.

But now, the only variable is Dadong Telegraph Bureau.

Whether they can accept the conditions offered here and whether they still insist on cash acquisition... this is the key.

The key to this is whether the other party that also wants to acquire will withdraw.

At this moment, Su Yuanshan's cell phone rang.

On the phone, a slightly hoarse voice came.

Mr. Su, I have decided to come and take a look.

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