1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 756 Take a look

Hello, Mr. Su. Huo Jianning stood up first. When Su Yuanshan was still two meters away from his seat, he walked out of his seat and faced Su Yuanshan.

Mr. Huo, I have admired you for a long time. Please sit down.

Su Yuanshan and the other party sat down opposite each other. At this time, the waiter arrived again. The waiter with a very good look first handed the menu to Su Yuanshan.

Mr. Huo, please. Su Yuanshan handed the menu to Huo Jianning and said with a smile, My treat.

Haha, it's me, Mr. Su, please order first. Huo Jianning pushed back the menu and smiled: I remember this is Mr. Su's first time in London, right? I've been here many times, so I should invite you.

Okay. Su Yuanshan did not continue to postpone, took the menu, ordered a steak for himself, ordered another dessert, and handed the menu back.

Huo Jianning chose Su Yuanshan's appetizer red wine, then crossed his fingers and looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile: I have always heard the legend about Mr. Su and Yuan Xin before, and I always thought that even if we met, it would be at some charity banquet or celebrity banquet. But I didn't expect to meet like this. The way.

Yeah, I didn't expect it either. Su Yuanshan put the phone aside with a smile and blinked: Mr. Huo, I would like to ask, are the merger negotiations between Orange and Mannesmann going well now?

As soon as these words came out, Huo Jianning was a little dumbfounded.

This... Even though this guy of yours is called Yuanshan, he's not so straightforward, right?

Subconsciously, Huo Jianning's evaluation of Su Yuanshan suddenly dropped a little.

At this time, the messenger happened to bring the appetizer red wine. Huo Jianning moved the cup and looked at Su Yuanshan with a half-smile: Does Mr. Su care about us?

Well, I am indeed very concerned. Su Yuanshan nodded: Because we have always wanted to enter the European market. In the 2G era, we had no chance and have not considered it. But now is the 3G era... It is the major operators It's time for transformation and upgrading, so it's a good time now. But once you leave...

Su Yuanshan sighed softly.

Although Huo Jianning lowered his opinion of Su Yuanshan because of Su Yuanshan's presumptuousness, he still listened carefully to Su Yuanshan's every word. When he heard Su Yuanshan's final sigh, he was startled!

Does Su Yuanshan want to discuss business with him?

Since he knew that Hutchison Whampoa was already selling Orange, he still came to discuss business with him...

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

After thinking for a while, Huo Jianning asked tentatively: Mr. Su, do you want to cooperate with orange?

It used to be. Let's see...Mr. Huo. Su Yuanshan laughed again: Let me ask Mr. Huo, how can Yuanxin open up the situation in Europe?

Huo Jianning was startled again!

However, when he saw Su Yuanshan looking at him with burning eyes, obviously a little expected, he couldn't help but shake his head - now he didn't lower his evaluation of Su Yuanshan, but felt that this young man really lived up to his expectations. The title of his genius.

Just say whatever comes to mind, regardless of status or occasion... Well, it is indeed the style of a genius in science and engineering.

After a brief pause, Huo Jianning smiled slightly: I also agree with what Mr. Su said, now is the time to transform to 3G. From your company's perspective, it is indeed a good time to enter the European market. Moreover, as basic communication technology and equipment Providers should indeed start with operators.”

No matter what Su Yuanshan's mentality is, Huo Jianning can be sure that what Su Yuanshan is asking is not the business involved in Hutchison - communication technology and equipment, which is not something that ordinary people can play with. In this case, you might as well have a few words.

“But operators in Europe have strong relationships with Siemens, Nokia and others. If they want to do business, in addition to having absolute price advantages in technology and equipment, they also need a negotiation and promotion team that can really get along in Europe. That’s all.”

Although Su Yuanshan's expression remained unchanged, his pupils shrank slightly and he nodded: Well... you mean we need a lobbying team?

Yes, communications equipment is, after all, a highly profitable and violent business. It is completely worth setting up a dedicated consultant and sales team here.

At this time, the waiter served the steak. Huo Jianning first made a gesture of greeting to Su Yuanshan, and then picked up the knife and fork.

He has already answered Su Yuanshan's question. It can be regarded as a small suggestion... Theoretically, the rest of the meal will be chatting time.

That's right! Yuanxin has always been obsessed with pioneering technology and products, but it has forgotten that there are also complicated relationships in the process of business promotion.

Yes. Huo Jianning smiled slightly, raised the knife, and prepared to cut the steak.

Then, how about Mr. Huo coming to help?

Huh? Huo Jianning looked up and met Su Yuanshan's smiling gaze.

What I mean is that I hope Mr. Huo will join Yuanxin. Su Yuanshan held the red wine in his hand and looked at him with a smile.

With a bang sound, Huo Jianning's knife suddenly cut onto the dinner plate.

Su Yuanshan looked straight at the other party and said softly and slowly: In two years at most, the Internet bubble will burst. As the false prosperity of the Internet dissipates, it will also bring a downturn in the traditional telecommunications business, so , it’s best to cash out now.”

Huo Jianning pursed his lips, stared at Su Yuanshan, and took two heavy breaths.

——This is the analysis that he is most proud of, and it is also the vision that has won the approval of the Lao Li family. Therefore, the sale of Orange was carried out.

But HK Telecom, a telecommunications company with a monopoly in Hong Kong, is worthy of investment because of its strong profitability.

Huo Jianning took another breath.

However, all of this is just an episode under the rolling torrent of technology. Su Yuanshan looked directly at Huo Jianning and said slowly: After the bubble, there is a surging wave, a symphonic epic that changes the world.

Mr. Huo, do you want to be a purely profit-seeking businessman, or do you want to make money while promoting technological progress and changing the world?



Back at the hotel, Su Yuanshan turned on the computer after taking a shower. After reading less than a page of paper, Yang Weichang knocked on his door.

How about it?

Yang Weichang smelled of alcohol, but his eyes were bright.

Tonight, Su Yuanshan invited Huo Jianning to dinner, and he had a meal with the ambassador, and naturally drank wine. But it seemed that although he drank a lot of wine, he was still conscious.

Su Yuanshan poured a cup of tea for Yang Weichang, squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

The cards have been looked at.

He didn't ask Huo Jianning to agree to him immediately, he just wanted to plant a seed of grass in Huo Jianning's heart.

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