1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 755 Hello, I am Su Yuanshan

Orange Telecom's London headquarters.

As a company based in France, its position in the British telecommunications industry just confirms the pattern of the entire EU, and also shows the EU's current determination to pursue the path of integration.

In the CEO's office, Huo Jianning just saw off the representatives of the Murdoch Group. After a short break, he returned to his chair and glanced at the time.

17:20 pm.

After taking a few deep breaths, he picked up the ginseng tea beside him, took a few sips and closed his eyes to rest.

He is too tired.

He is forty-seven years old this year, and he said he is in the prime of life. But being responsible for such large-scale mergers and acquisitions worth tens of billions of dollars, and two of them at once... really made him extremely nervous.

Apart from anything else, this kind of pressure alone is not something that ordinary people can bear.

——If the boss wasn't as stressed as him, he might not be able to bear it anymore.

Thinking of his boss, Huo Jianning opened his eyes again and stared at the phone. After enduring it several times, he finally pressed the dial button.

The beep only rang twice before the boss's voice came.

Obviously, Mr. Li put his mobile phone next to his pillow - it was already late at night in HK.

Boss, I just chatted with Murdoch's people for two hours. Huo Jianning took a breath without leaving any trace, trying to calm down his tone: According to the news they brought, it is currently China Unicom's The chairman of the board and the chairman of Far Core Internet Center are also in London and are also in contact with the Cable and Telegraph Office.

After two seconds of silence on the other side of the phone, Li Jiacheng's voice rang: Well, what next? How was their contact?

The Dadong Cable and Telegraph Company is a bit up for grabs, and there is currently no progress from either party.

The phone was silent again. After a while, Mr. Li sighed: Yes, there are competitors. It is not a good thing for us or China Unicom.

Huo Jianning felt a sense of relief in his heart when he heard that the old man only said China Unicom instead of Yuanxin.

——In the past year, after Yuanxin entered HK, in the fields of technology and communications, it was like entering an uninhabited land, or like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, which made many local HK bosses stare straight-eyed and started to look at it. It is thought that Yuanxin will fully blossom in all fields of HK to fully demonstrate its strength as a dragon across the river.

However, after waiting for more than half a year, everyone discovered that Yuanxin was strong, but it was not the kind of company that just relied on its large size to mess around. Apart from the fields of technology and communications, Yuanxin did not There is no involvement in other enterprises - such as real estate, such as trade, such as finance.

You mean Oaktree Capital? Sorry... Over the years, the local bosses in Hong Kong have regarded Sun Xihui, the female shipping king, as a Hong Kong person - she has already taken a Hong Kong ID card and speaks Cantonese to make it look real. Isn't she a Hong Kong person or what?

Seeing that Yuanxin has condensed its ambitions and focused on its own business, coupled with Wan Yongliang, the senior president of Yuanxin, who has been constantly moving around and building good relationships in HK over the past six months, the local big guys in HK have been convinced that Yuanxin I really only hope to develop in the fields of technology and communications, and will not touch the cakes of other industries.

This attitude makes everyone very satisfied and recognized.

However, not everyone was blinded by Wan Yongliang's chubby and warm smiling face.

At least, Lao Li was not deceived.

As one of the most successful businessmen in Hong Kong, Lao Li is keenly aware that Yuanxin cannot take advantage of other industries. But the industry it is involved in is the most valuable and promising industry in the future!

If Yuanxin completes its monopoly, then the rest of its group will have nothing but leftovers to eat.

Therefore, after becoming aware of Yuanxin's ambitions, the old Li family took a high-level route and inquired about the attitude of the superiors towards Yuanxin's unscrupulous expansion in Hong Kong.

Then, the reply given above was: HK is an example of a free market, and everything is subject to the market.

This does not require any interpretation. It is almost a clear statement to Lao Li that we don’t care and you compete on your own.

But Yuanxin...is that what Hutchison and Cheung Kong can currently compete with?

Therefore, even Lao Li kept silent about Yuanxin and only talked about China Unicom.

Boss, I will meet with Mannesmann again tomorrow, but I guess they are still unwilling to offer more cash.

Huo Jianning said with a wry smile: We're all talking about cash now, alas.

Haha, yes, cash is the safest. Li Jiacheng smiled and agreed.

Jian Ning, don't be anxious. Pay attention to your health. On the phone, the boss's voice continued: HK Telecom is not something we must win. The top priority is to attack Orange first. As long as Now that we have cash in hand, we will have enough capital and confidence whether we advance or retreat.”

Yes, I understand. Huo Jianning nodded: Boss, you should also have a good rest. I will call you when I have news.


After hanging up the phone, Huo Jianning rubbed his eyebrows and looked at the time again, preparing to notify someone to hold a small meeting to prepare for tomorrow's negotiations.

At this moment, his personal phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the unfamiliar number, he hesitated for a moment and pressed the answer button.

On the phone, a young voice came.

Hello, is this Mr. Huo Jianning?

Huo Jianning frowned slightly. If he hadn't spoken in standard Mandarin, he would have instantly thought that this was a sales call from some unsighted insurance salesman.

He hummed: I am, who are you?

Hello, Mr. Huo, I am Su Yuanshan.

On the phone, the young voice paused, as if worried that Huo Jianning didn't recognize him, and added with a smile: Su Yuanshan from Yuanxin.

Huo Jianning's eyes suddenly opened.



Three hours later, Hilton Hotel Western Restaurant.

Huo Jianning arrived at his reserved seat fifteen minutes early.

After asking the waiter to leave for now, he glanced at his watch and began to count down silently in his heart.

Although Su Yuanshan's call simply invited him to dinner, it still completely disturbed his mood.

This meal is obviously not just a meal where I want to get acquainted and connect with each other.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Jianning smoked several cigarettes and ultimately failed to make a call to his boss. Instead, the members responsible for negotiations were quickly summoned to prepare for tomorrow's negotiations.

After the meeting ended, he called Su Yuanshan back and asked Su Yuanshan to choose a place.

Before coming, he had made up his mind that no matter what Su Yuanshan said, he would meet this young and mysterious boss - which could satisfy his curiosity.

Time passed minute by minute, and ten minutes later, several young and middle-aged men with oriental faces went upstairs first, and after taking their seats, Su Yuanshan, dressed casually, appeared at the door.

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