1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 754 Stealing Signs

Repulse Bay.

In Sun Xihui's villa.

Although Chen Jing has been here several times, she doesn't treat this place like home like Su Yuanshan, and she can stay as long as she wants - Sun Xihui even reserved a special room for him.

Tell me, can that guy's trip to London be successful? In the small living room on the second floor, Sun Xihui personally cut a plate of watermelon for Chen Jing and handed it to her.

Chen Jing sat sideways on the sofa, crossed her legs, took the watermelon, stretched her head out of the armrest, gnawed and shook her head.

I don't know. She pulled a napkin, wiped her mouth, and said vaguely: We have never been able to break into the European market, and our influence is extremely limited. To tell you the truth, Carter and I go to the market there. My legs are almost broken, but the European guys still don’t accept the move...

Haha, the EU is now engaged in integration, and they do still want to use local technology - not to mention, Europeans generally have a stereotyped image of us...

Chen Jing nodded: So the focus of the R\u0026D team exchanges in the second half of this year will be between China and Europe. Moreover, one of Mr. Xiaoshan's main tasks in the past was to inspect the London Software Park, so that the team there can successfully communicate with the domestic team.

——Since the team exchange was proposed at the beginning of the year, Chen Jing has been leading the matter. The first team to communicate was the design team of the Capital Software Park, followed closely by the XY Architecture team, all of which were completed with Silicon Valley.

In silence, Yuanxin has established six or seven R\u0026D centers around the world - these R\u0026D centers not only allow Yuanxin to harvest talents and technologies from the world, but also harvest ideas, inspiration and concepts from the world.

Although nothing can be seen now, everyone believes that in time, it will bring about a fundamental leap in telecore.

I don't know much about technology, but I think Xiaoshan's trip to London this time should be of some use. Sun Xihui sat next to Chen Jing, looked at the void in front of her, paused for two seconds and then suddenly smiled: After so many years, I I’ve never seen anything he failed to accomplish.”

That's not necessarily the case - he is here to disrupt the situation this time, so he may not be able to succeed.

Sun Xihui shrugged: Isn't it easy to disrupt the situation?



Spoiling the situation is really a technical job!

In the Hilton Hotel, Su Yuanshan, Zhang Xiaolong, Yang Weichang and three other people sat together drinking tea and chatting.

He handed over the task of finding money in HK to Chen Jing, and flew directly from Bangkok to London himself - without even having time to rest, he took Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Weichang to understand the specific situation.

He knew that Lao Li's family wanted to sell Orange.

But he always believed that this matter would be delayed for a while, at least until the second half of the year. Unexpectedly, Lao Li's family was so optimistic about HK that they even wanted to win over HK Telecom even if they hooked up with Murdoch. As a result, I quite want to sell Orange at a low price.

This...can't be done.

Su Yuanshan wants to keep Lao Li's business here, and he can't let his strength be cut off.

Yeah, it's technical work. Yang Weichang touched his increasingly shiny scalp and sighed: We thought about it for a few days, but we didn't come up with a good solution. After all, we are not familiar with Mannesmann and Vodafone.

And the most important thing is that Mannesmann is playing away from home. It is a German company, and in order to compete for the British market... it is naturally at a disadvantage. Therefore, according to our assessment, it is very likely that it will really buy it. Orange - The boss and the second child start a battle, and whoever wins the third child will become the real boss.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded in approval.

Not only did he know that Mannesmann bought Orange, but he also knew that... Vodafone couldn't bear the bad breath of being screwed in front of its home. In less than two years, it spent nearly 185 billion The U.S. dollar merged Mannesmann! Known as the merger of the century.

The Lao Li family, which owns 10% of Mannesmann's shares, will naturally benefit again from this merger.

How do you say that?

Watching others make money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself - Su Yuanshan has this kind of mentality towards Lao Li's family at this time.

So Mr. Shan, what did you think about it? Zhang Xiaolong asked after taking a look at his watch.

As soon as Su Yuanshan arrived here, he was about to retreat back to HK. After all, as the chairman of a listed company with a market value of more than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars, it was not a problem for him to stay outside while the company was in the process of integration.

When I came, my initial idea was to meet Huo Jianning directly.

Huo Jianning? Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Weichang were both startled!

Well, he is the current CEO of Orange and also the sensible general manager of Hutchison Whampoa... Su Yuanshan narrowed his eyes and said softly: The one who is called the working emperor.

Huo Jianning can be said to be the most capable assistant in Lao Li's family.

It was he who completed the divestment of Orange, then went public to cash out, and in one fell swoop won the third largest share of the UK communications market. It was also him who led this Orange acquisition.

In Su Yuanshan's view, Yuanxin has too few cards to play in Europe, especially in the UK.

Almost nothing.

He can run rampant in Southeast Asia and even Asia, relying on the market share and influence of technology and equipment.

But in Europe... facing the established giants such as Noisi, and at a time when the call for European integration is getting louder and louder, Yuanxin is really powerless.

The inability of those basic communication equipment and technologies to enter means that Yuanxin cannot contact the operators here - just rely on the model of selling mobile phones. How is it possible for those old communication giants who easily make hundreds of billions of dollars? Pay attention to you?

Not to mention, Yuanxin’s mobile phones are far less influential in Europe than in Asia and North America.

Compared to Lao Li's family, there are too many cards to play.

Therefore, the only thing Su Yuanshan can do is to steal cards.

Now the old Li family relies on Huo Jianning... As long as Huo Jianning is stolen, everything will be solved.

Even if you can't steal it.

As long as he takes a look at the card, then the Old Li family... will also be worried about this card.

Yang Weichang was worthy of being an old and cunning man, and he understood Su Yuanshan's intentions instantly.

He slapped his thigh and praised: What a great move! As long as we win Huo Jianning, Hutchison Wong will naturally be in chaos!

Zhang Xiaolong also came to his senses, nodded and said: That's right... But, Mr. Shan, will this have a bad impact? Moreover, I heard that Huo Jianning had promised at the beginning that he would only work for the Li family - he only admired Lao Li’s vision and structure.”

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly and asked, Then do you think my vision and structure are comparable to Lao Li?

As soon as these words came out, Yang Weichang and Zhang Xiaolong were stunned at the same time, and then laughed together.

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