1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 749 Three Magic Sticks

Su Yuanshan looked beyond Gates to both sides of the North Lantau Highway - the billboards on the roadside were under construction, and with just a glance, he could see that they were China Unicom's 3G advertisements.

After looking away, Su Yuanshan did not answer Gates immediately. Instead, he thought about it and then asked Gates a question: Bill, what is the most important thing in the 21st century?

After hearing this, Gates was slightly startled, but immediately replied without thinking: Talent!

Yes! Talent!

Su Yuanshan has no doubt that Gates will answer this way - they are both very ambitious people who like to imagine the future, so they have long talked about the future - this is one of the reasons why the two have maintained an extremely close friendship. .

Talent is the most important thing, which is the consensus the two of them reached a long time ago.

Why is Silicon Valley successful? Isn't it just talent after all?

And why do we choose to take root in the mainland? Or because we can enjoy the talent dividend of more than one billion people after receiving education.

So back to the comparison between Hong Kong and Singapore, from a purely market and location perspective, Singapore is naturally not as good as Hong Kong in the field of technology. After all, Hong Kong is backed by the mainland, and this advantage is too strong.

Gates nodded in agreement, and he also knew that in addition to being a window connecting the mainland and the world, the HK Cyberport itself also has the effect of radiating throughout Asia. That's why he immediately chose to support Cyberport - instead of simply selling Su Yuanshan a favor.

So, your goal is to form a triangular radiation area consisting of the provincial industrial zone, HK Cyberport, and Singapore Software Park to attract all the talents in the Pan-Asian region and compete with Silicon Valley, right?


Su Yuanshan took a deep look at Gates.

When did this guy see so far ahead?

Okay, that's it. Su Yuanshan laughed: You know, there shouldn't be only one Silicon Valley in the world.

Sanders is absolutely right, you have great ambitions. Gates let out a long sigh: It's so big that even Silicon Valley can't accommodate it.

Su Yuanshan: Uh...

But I like it.

……I have someone I like!

The car sped along the highway and soon passed through the city and arrived at Sun Xihui's villa in Repulse Bay.

Unlike Jobs's stubborn and standard genius template, Gates himself likes social gatherings. In addition, Mr. Qiao has built HK Cyberport as an important branch this time, so he has to work hard. Much busier. Microsoft's business weight here is much less...

He came here this time more to give Su Yuanshan face and to get acquainted with the circle of big guys in HK.

In Sun Xihui's villa, Chen Jing and Carly had already arrived, and Ye Rudai was also taken home by Sun Xihui personally.

In addition, Yang Weichang, Zhang Xiaolong, Wang Guang, Shi Dazhu, Qiu Bojun and others were all present.

In addition to these giants from the mainland's software and communications fields, executives from the financial industry such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, and Standard Chartered also gathered together.

Because there were so many guests, it was naturally impossible for Sun Xihui to make the dinner a Chinese-style flowing banquet. Instead, she held a cocktail reception and dinner.

That night, Su Yuanshan and Gates naturally became the protagonists...

Well, or rather, the male protagonist.

As the night progressed, there were more mosquitoes, and everyone moved the cocktail party from the lawn to the living room.

On the balcony on the second floor, Su Yuanshan held a half-filled glass of wine, leaned against the railing, and smiled at Ye Rudai next to him like a second-rate man.

These are the elite people who unite around my husband!

Drink less. Ye Rudai was wearing a loose white dress today. Because of her pregnancy, she had not touched any alcohol. At this time, she saw Su Yuanshan's cheeks were red and looked like he had drunk too much. She couldn't help but He frowned slightly and said, Don't talk nonsense.

Haha, that's a little exaggerated. Su Yuanshan gently hugged Ye Rudai's shoulders. Although he looked half-drunk, his mind was extremely bright, and even his eyes were clear.

It's just that... his drinking capacity is not good to begin with. Even if he maintains his reserve, he can still realize that he has lost control of his mouth.

Downstairs, Gates is still fighting fiercely with all parties.

I didn't expect Mr. Gates to have a good drinking capacity. Ye Rudai pursed her lips and smiled, leaning lightly on Su Yuanshan's shoulder: And Mr. Chen seems to have drank a lot.

Gates is an old bartender. Mr. Chen... Su Yuanshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled: Mr. Chen is a master who hides his secrets. But they are the two of them with the highest status in the world here. No matter how much they drink, they will It’s as it should be.”

Yeah. Ye Rudai did not refute Su Yuanshan - his words obviously contradicted the previous sentence of the elites who unite around their husband.

Do you want to stop accompanying them? The market opening ceremony won't be held until noon anyway.

Forget it, I'll just accompany you.

...Go down, I'll chat with Sister Xiaohui and Sister Sun. Ye Rudai saw Zhou Xiaohui and Sun Xihui going upstairs hand in hand, and gave Su Yuanshan a gentle push.

Watching Su Yuanshan go downstairs again, and as soon as he arrived in the lobby, he was pulled over by Morgan's HK president to have a drink, and then started talking again, Ye Rudai pursed her lips and smiled.

Yi Zi, how do you feel? Zhou Xiaohui came here in the afternoon. As the CEO of SK Telecom, her presence here means that SK Telecom has officially sounded the clarion call to enter Southeast Asia.

How about what?

Zhou Xiaohui pointed at her belly.

Ye Rudai was embarrassed and her face turned slightly red: There's nothing abnormal, I just feel like I've eaten a little too much... I guess I'm gaining weight.

Of course, you are eating for two people now. Sun Xihui smiled naturally: And you have just started now. It will be more obvious when you are seven or eight months old - I was pregnant with Zhao Yan at the time, and every night Everyone has to eat a bowl of noodles. If you don’t eat, you’ll be too hungry to sleep.”

Ye Rudai: So, Sister Sun, you haven't gained weight?

You're fat! But you lose weight not long after you give birth... Besides, taking care of a baby is a troublesome job. It would be nice if the nanny can take care of it all. If you want to take care of it yourself, you will want to stuff it back.

Zhou Xiaohui: ... shouldn't Ye Zi take it by himself? In other words, should Mr. Shan's mother take it or who should take it?

My mother...it might be them together. When she mentioned this, Ye Rudai was a little speechless: They all want to come over. But Xiaoshan doesn't want his mother to come over... Just ask my mother to come over, I don't care. I don’t know who to listen to.”

...Hey, let's talk about it after we are born! Don't forget, I am also a good hand! Sun Xihui hugged Ye Rudai and laughed loudly: And in terms of experience, I am more advanced than aunties and the others.

The three women were chatting and taking care of the children upstairs, while Su Yuanshan was drinking and drinking downstairs.

Just like what he said to Ye Rudai just now...

What appears here today is essentially because of him and Yuan Xin.

These people will become the bosses who dominate HK Cyberport in the future, and they are also Yuanxin's friends and allies in Hong Kong. Any one of them is worthy of him making an exception for one more drink.

At noon the next day, Su Yuanshan and Ye Rudai rushed to the Cyberport on time.

The process of opening the market was not lengthy. First, Mr. D spoke on behalf of the Hong Kong government, and then three business representatives were invited to speak - these three are Mr. Xiao Li from China Telecom, representing Hong Kong's local technology companies; Yuanxin Mr. Chen Jing of Microsoft represents the strongest technology companies in the mainland; and Mr. Gates of Microsoft represents international technology companies.

This arrangement takes into account the emotions of everyone, especially the locals in Hong Kong. It also announces to the world the ambition and goal of HK Cyberport - HK, no matter history or present, will be an open city. A free port that welcomes all businesses and capital.

On the day of the opening of the market, the ATV Technology Channel was also announced, and that night, the first in-depth dialogue in the technology industry was held.

Inside the ATV studio.

Due to the intervention of the two tycoons Yuanxin and Dingxin Media, not only did ATV get rid of the previous economic dilemma of even toilet paper, various equipment and facilities were also replaced with shotguns. In Hong Kong, where every inch of land is precious, it is particularly wealthy.

For example, this studio, in addition to the 50-square-meter host and guest seats, also has a large auditorium that can accommodate 100 spectators.

At this time, science and engineering students from several local universities in Hong Kong and specially invited spectators sitting in the first row had already entered the venue.

The host Zhu Yafang walked briskly towards the host's position. After a brief inspection, she gestured OK to the director.

Zhu Yafang is 30 years old. In Hong Kong, a financial capital where men are expected to be lawyers and women are admitted to finance, she is one of the few local girls in Hong Kong who majors in science and engineering.

Although she later turned to communication studies, she still looked at the entire Hong Kong... or even the entire country, and she was unique and the most suitable candidate for the technology channel host based on her academic qualifications.

Welcome everyone to the technology channel. Today is the first issue of our technology face-to-face column.

“We are honored that in this first edition, we can invite the great founders of three great companies to our site.”

Following Zhu Yafang's introduction, Jobs, Gates, and Su Yuanshan walked from behind the scenes to the front desk in turn, and then took their seats one by one.

Today is the first day that Hong Kong Cyberport opens. As the Chief Executive said, this marks Hong Kong's transformation into a technology capital and an Internet capital... And what is the reason that made three great companies choose this place invariably? Woolen cloth?

Zhu Yafang smiled and stretched out her hand to Jobs, who was sitting in the front seat.

Apple, the company that pioneered the personal PC, should of course be ranked first.



ATV's interview was edited overtime and completed the next day.

At the same time as the cable launch, it also completed the star launch in the mainland at almost the same time.

In interviews, both Jobs, Gates, and Su Yuanshan showed great confidence in the HK Cyberport, saying that it will be a major window embracing the Asian and mainland markets.

Of course, these three have not forgotten to advocate the Internet and future digital technology product fields.

Especially Gates, who is even more radical than Su Yuanshan, believing that the Internet era has already begun and has already entered the running stage.

In contrast, Jobs focused more on digital products.

Of course, this is not to say that Jobs believes that the Internet is unimportant, but that he believes that the Internet should be an industry that extends to all areas of people's lives, rather than simply surfing the Internet, killing time, convenience of work etc.

In short, Mr. Qiao believes that the Internet is a kind of life.

Su Yuanshan agrees with all the views of the two people. He believes that whether it is the Internet, the software industry, the game industry, or the communication field, in the future, it will be a digital era, an intelligent era, and the network, whether it is wired The network, or the wireless network currently being promoted, are just carriers of this kind of life and this era.

As soon as this talk show was aired, the effect was immediate.

Not only are all HK's technology-related stocks going up, but all Nasdaq's Internet stocks are also booming.

Microsoft's market capitalization has exceeded US$150 billion.

Newbook, which followed closely behind, was set at US$130 billion.

Apple's stock price also rose by nearly 10 percentage points.

In addition to these visible effects, invisible places - such as the Internet companies and technology stocks in the Mainland that are preparing to be listed in Hong Kong and Nasdaq, have all accelerated their speed, and the difficulty has suddenly dropped. down.

Of course, amidst the praise, there are also those who are wary.

The famous stock god Buffett published an article in the Wall Street Journal, calling on investors to be cautious. The future is not as good as what these three magic sticks said.

——Yes, as the interviews of the three people were broadcast around the world, the three people had a common nickname, The Three Magic Sticks.

But Su Yuanshan didn't care.

He believes that the Internet is engraved in his bones and is not subject to anyone's will.

Because he has really experienced it.

The third day.

Xinjia, which was acquired through a backdoor transaction by Yuanxin Internet Center, completed its resumption of trading and was relisted.

On the day of listing, the market value of this shell company, which was on the verge of delisting, soared into the clouds like a rocket. From less than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, it instantly surged 60 times to a high of 120 billion Hong Kong dollars.

There is no doubt that this has created a miracle since the opening of the HK Exchange, and also subverted everyone's understanding of Yuanxin.

——Yuanxin Internet Center is not even the core one among the major science and technology parks of Yuanxin!

But just this, you can have a market value of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars...

This is just the beginning. Su Yuanshan put down the report, crossed his legs on the sofa, and looked at the excited Zhang Xiaolong opposite.

Even if you focus on portals now, anyone with a little bit of brains will know that what is really worth investing in are basic technology suppliers like Internet centers. So... even if your market value is only half of Newbook's, it is still a market value of HK$500 billion. Only the existence that can be tolerated!

It's a pity that it's just the market value... Zhang Xiaolong had no doubts about Su Yuanshan. Hearing this, he nodded and sighed: If it can be exchanged for cash...

You think beautifully.

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