1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 750 The influence of technological leaders

Compared with other companies, the Internet Center settled in Cyberport much faster because it was relocated as a whole.

In order to move here smoothly, Zhang Xiaolong said a lot of good things to the leaders of the special zone, and even Chen Jing also met with the leaders of the special zone. In the end... in order to take into account the overall situation, under the intervention of the mysterious force, Yuanxin Internet Center finally Still moved over smoothly.

Of course, even if they took the overall situation into consideration, the leaders of the special zone refused to let Zhang Xiaolong run away with the monks and the temple. They only allowed Zhang Xiaolong to formally establish a branch here, but did not allow the headquarters to be revoked.

Therefore, the Internet Center quickly entered a state of affairs - other companies were still renovating and recruiting personnel, while the Internet Center had already been cleaned and workstations arranged.

Not long after Su Yuanshan and Zhang Xiaolong chatted, there was a burst of noise outside the office. Then, before anyone arrived, a burst of hearty laughter came first.

Hearing this voice, Su Yuanshan put down the documents, took his feet off the coffee table, and then looked at the door with a smile.

——The IT boss second only to Microsoft is here, he has to give face, right?

Sure enough, as Zhang Xiaolong's secretary opened the door, red-faced Ding Lei and Pony appeared at the door.

Seeing Su Yuanshan there, Ding Lei was slightly startled, but quickly smiled: Mr. Shan is here too.

Senior brother, we're separated. Su Yuanshan smiled, stood up, and shook hands with Ding Lei and Pony one by one.

Ding Lei was discussing business in Europe the day before yesterday and did not participate in the opening event of HK. However, he still sent the CTO of newbook to attend, which was considered as a face-saving measure. Among these technology companies with Yuanxin pedigree, the CTO is the most important one. An extremely important position. In a company where the founder serves as CTO, he is the well-deserved second in command, or he is a technical partner.

Since its listing on Nasdaq, Newbook has been on the fast track. Now its market value has taken advantage of the Internet storm to rise to second only to Microsoft. Not to mention, Ding Lei is also actively expanding its business, in the original news, e-mail, and lifestyle communities. On top of other basic services, it has also established sub-channels in various languages ​​in various countries and regions - the slogan is to become a portal for all languages ​​in the world.

With its original size, reputation and publicity, newbook has now firmly occupied the top spot in the Internet portal. Unless it encounters irresistible force, its position will be unbreakable.

So, Ding Lei came over.

The Internet Center was originally founded by him. Although it was only engaged in email at first, it also set the tone from the beginning. The purpose of the Internet Center is to become a basic technology provider for Internet companies. After so many years, Zhang Xiaolong has become his The successor has always practiced this line.

Nowadays, domestic data centers are inseparable from Internet centers. Major websites all use Yuanxin's EasySQL management system for database management.

Speaking of EasySQL, there is another interesting story. Three years ago, when Yuanxin launched EasySQL, Oracle felt like it was facing a formidable enemy. After a little evaluation, it said that this would definitely affect the future database management pattern, so it went to Yuanxin specifically. , discuss to see if we can sell it to them, the price is easy to negotiate...

But I never thought that within a few days, Xinghai quietly acquired a small Swedish company called MySQLlab and officially announced that it would compete with Yuanxin...

Well, now Oracle has completely given up and given up on the idea of ​​a relational database management system.

In addition to the management system, Yuanxin is also second to none in the field of data backup and security, with multiple patents in hand.

Ding Lei came here this time not only to reminisce about old times, but also to discuss cooperation with Zhang Xiaolong.

Hey, what did Mr. Shan say? Ding Lei chuckled twice. Now you are a leading boss in the Internet industry. He still looks like a programmer and wears a denim T-shirt, looking so approachable.

Su Yuanshan didn't point it out and said with a slight smile: Are you talking about business or a gathering of the Big Three?

The main thing is to get together and discuss business by the way.

Okay, I won't stop you from getting together. I'll go take a look at ESO. Su Yuanshan stood up as he said that. He knew that he was there. These three people were a little awkward - especially Ding Lei.

After saying that, he really got up and left.

And watching Su Yuanshan leave, Ding Lei and Pony who were present really breathed a sigh of relief.

President Shan is President Shan... Although Ding Lei said with a smile, the corner of his mouth was still a little bitter: He and Gates can leverage the market of the Internet with just one sentence...

This is the influence of technology business leaders. Pony also concluded with some emotion.

And, he knows it all too well.

With the implementation of the HK Cyberport project, EM's road to listing suddenly became smoother. Pony also wisely chose Oak Capital, a new brokerage that is closely related to Yuanxin, as its issuer.

According to Oaktree Capital’s arrangements, the road show will be held in the middle of next month. And with the opening of the HK Cyberport and the encouragement of three magic sticks, Oaktree Capital has become increasingly optimistic about EM's issuance price, saying that based on EM's current business and scale, it is very likely that it will be listed. The market value exceeded HK$3 million at the beginning.

Haha, we have all witnessed the rise of Yuanxin with our own eyes. Mr. Shan is indeed a genius. Zhang Xiaolong saw the expressions of the two people, smiled and agreed with their views.

Well, it's true - let's not talk about Mr. Shan. Ding Lei stopped worshiping Su Yuanshan with a smile and touched Zhang Xiaolong: You are now out and listed on the market. How do you feel about doing an interview?

I... really don't feel anything. Zhang Xiaolong shrugged: The market value is not equal to cash, and we can't get it. Moreover, we have to do something big here... The stocks can't be moved. Besides, I am now Human relations are still in Yuanxin.

What's big?

Uh...it's a business secret for the time being. Zhang Xiaolong shook his head apologetically.

Really secret?

It's a secret. Zhang Xiaolong glanced at the calendar.

The time Su Yuanshan gave was one week.

A week later, he and Mr. Yang Weichang were going to meet with representatives of the Dadong Telegraph Bureau.

The calendar turned over page by page.

In Hong Kong, where there is no daily limit, the market value of the new Xinjia still rose for three days before it completely stopped its momentum. After another four days of adjustment period, the stock price finally stabilized at HK$150.

At this time, Suga's market value has reached a high of HK$230 billion, making it the technology stock with the highest value in the Hong Kong stock market. Needless to say, it has defeated Cheung Kong Holdings and HK Telecom, and its market value is second only to HSBC and China Telecom and Hutchison Whampoa ranked fourth.

As for why the Internet Center has reached such a high level just after it was separated, the reason is naturally because it is the closest capital has ever been to Yuanxin so far.

On July 6, Zhang Xiaolong and Yang Weichang went to London hand in hand. Su Yuanshan ended his trip to HK early and went to Bang Country with Zhou Xiaohui as early as the 5th.

Mr. Shan, do you want some juice? In the business class, a beautiful stewardess asked Su Yuanshan softly.

Okay, thank you. Su Yuanshan took the juice and handed a few snacks to Zhou Xiaohui next to him: Do you want anything else?

Zhou Xiaohui smiled and shook her head.

Then leave us alone. After Su Yuanshan smiled at the stewardess, he turned sideways and looked at Zhou Xiaohui: Tell me, what is the situation over there in Hyundai?

The specific situation... Hyundai is still a bit ambitious. They hope to follow the example of Ni Guo. After a pause, Zhou Xiaohui said with a smile: After Daewoo went bankrupt, Hyundai was the only one that could carry the banner. They naturally We have benchmarked ourselves against Nissan.”

Su Yuanshan laughed twice.

You have to allow people to have dreams! Zhou Xiaohui shrugged: It is said that they will launch a luxury model this year.

Oh? What's the name?

have no idea for now.

...It seems like you are not qualified as a spy. Su Yuanshan joked.

In the past, Zhou Xiaohui had to obediently make SK Telecom obedient in order to facilitate Yuanxin's overall layout in the communication field of Bangguo, but she was also one of Yuanxin's eyes in the corporate world of Bangguo... and she had to keep an eye on Bangguo's every move.

However, in the past year, Zhou Xiaohui has been busy with SK Telecom's affairs and has not been able to get any useful information. She only occasionally heard the news that Hyundai was going to launch a high-end brand.

Since Hyundai wants to push high-end cars, it is exactly what Su Yuanshan wants - because Yuanxin Automotive Research Institute has perfected the engine electronic anti-theft technology.

So Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui returned to Bang Country first, and then met with Chen Jianfeng and other anti-theft technology teams from the Automotive Research Institute in Bang Country.

Logically speaking, this small business of selling technology should not be run by him personally. But engine electronic anti-theft is not an ordinary technology. It is Yuanxin's signature technology in vehicle electronic control technology. If it can successfully open up the situation, it means that Yuanxin Automotive Research Institute will have the cooperation with established giants such as Bosch and Siemens in automobiles. The ticket to competition in the field of electronic control.

This is a big step.

Advancement is the business of automakers around the world, and retreat is the entire booming automobile industry in China.

I don't work in modern times... Zhou Xiaohui glared at him, and then immediately thought that this guy was going to be a father, and couldn't help but laugh again.

——She really saw Su Yuanshan grow from a seventeen-year-old boy to a father.

Su Yuanshan was a little confused by her smile: Did you eat dirty food?

You just ate dirty food. Zhou Xiaohui said with a smile: By the way, Ye Zi, what do you think about it? I've seen her busy at work these days, and she doesn't have the consciousness of a pregnant woman.

Hey, I can't control her. Su Yuanshan felt dizzy when he mentioned this.

Although, his wife knew very well that Xiaoye was indeed a good hand at conceiving the child, and the pregnancy was very stable. But now she has a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, and she will really be unable to leave her job for a while...

What can Su Yuanshan do? Naturally, we had no choice but to let her go.

However, he was also more thoughtful and secretly called his mother-in-law and asked her to go to HK early to watch over his daughter, so as not to cause problems if she was really tired and the loss would be outweighed by the gain.

Hey, in the blink of an eye, you are going to be a father... and I am still single. Zhou Xiaohui finally couldn't hold it back and sighed.

Upon hearing this, Su Yuanshan coughed immediately.

Well...he really felt guilty about the girls from Yuanxin...especially Zhou Xiaohui.

Over the past many years, he has been treating Zhou Xiaohui as a mule. He forcefully forced a college graduate to become a CEO, a strong woman...

Then it was a bit of a miss for life.

After chatting all the way, the plane landed at Seoul Airport on time.

After landing, Su Yuanshan and Zhou Xiaohui waited for half an hour for the flight arriving from the provincial capital and met up with Chen Jianfeng and others before returning to the hotel together.

The next morning, Su Yuanshan and Chen Jianfeng went to the Hyundai Motor headquarters together.

Mr. Shan, welcome.

Zheng Haoyong, the president of Hyundai Motor, had been standing at the gate for a long time. After seeing Su Yuanshan, he greeted Su Yuanshan.

Thanks to the last exchange, Hyundai Motor successfully completed its marriage with Capital Motors, thus realizing its dream of entering the country.

Although the price is giving up modern electronics.

But now it seems that this decision is undoubtedly a wise one.

Because after Hyundai Electronics entered the SK Telecom, Deyuan and Yuanxin systems, it got rid of the situation of being stubborn in the field of memory particles. Relying on the addition of flash memory production lines, it quickly glowed with a second spring.

At the same time, because of the relationship between Yuanxin and Deyuan, SYD Semiconductor Group became the first overseas wafer factory to obtain the most advanced dual-workpiece lithography machine.

——The executives of Hyundai Group are not fools. They know that if Hyundai Electronics did not join the telecore system, Hyundai Electronics would probably be inferior to today's Samsung.

Hello, Mr. Zheng. Su Yuanshan stepped forward quickly and shook hands with Zheng Haoyong.

After each introduced their companions, Su Yuanshan and Zheng Haoyong entered the living room.

When the leaders of two giant companies meet, they must first inform them of the agenda. Therefore, Zheng Haoyong knew that Su Yuanshan was here to sell technology this time.

But he was curious about what kind of technology could allow Su Yuanshan to come in person.

That's right, Mr. Zheng.

After the greetings, Su Yuanshan held the tea cup and said with a smile: You may know that Yuanxin has an automotive research institute.

Yes, I heard something.

Zheng Haoyong nodded.

Not only had he heard about it, he also knew that Yuanxin's Automotive Research Institute was launching a series of analog chips and sensors - this was also something a semiconductor company should do.

In addition to this, the automotive institute has also launched a navigation system.

Frankly speaking, from the perspective of the traditional automobile industry, these things are undoubtedly bells and whistles and dispensable functions. But Zheng Haoyong is not that old-fashioned. He can look at problems beyond the limitations of his own industry.

Therefore, he has planned to cooperate with Yuanxin to add the navigation system to Hyundai Motor's high-end model, Equus.

He is very clear-headed on how to enhance the competitiveness of high-end models.

If you want to compare the control and brand of a group of established car companies in Europe and the United States, Hyundai can't even compete... Therefore, embracing technology is a better way.

So, what we bring this time is engine anti-theft technology that currently seems to be most suitable for configuration on mid- to high-end models.

And...well... Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and smiled: Recorder equipment that can reduce trouble.

Recorder? Zheng Haoyong immediately thought of a certain function on the plane.

Black box?


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