1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 748: Being courteous for nothing

Stop talking nonsense and get down to business.

Gao Xiao was the first to show his hands: Either there are commercial spies, Apple knows about the NB of our next-generation processor.

...Even if there is a commercial spy, it cannot be from Apple Pie. What are you thinking? Su Yuanshan glared at Gao Xiao for the first time.

Hey, I really don't know.

At this time, Zhu Hongbin, who was in charge of caching technology, hesitated and said: Could it be that... Mr. Qiao thinks that our technical strength is the weakest among the four X86 companies... so he can help us?

After a pause, Zhu Hongbin explained: What I mean by pull is not in terms of performance, but that maybe Apple thinks they can provide us with more ideas...

Su Yuanshan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

What Lao Zhu said makes sense! He touched his chin and pondered for a few seconds before saying, Yes, Mr. Qiao has always been a bit arrogant... To put it bluntly, he stretches his hands a bit too long. We are in the X86 field. It gives people the impression that he is a little brother. Maybe... Qiao always feels that some of his genius ideas can help us better adapt to MAC OS.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan paused and became more confident.

Yes, that should be the case. Apple's choice of X86 is undoubtedly a difficult transformation. Whether it is MAC OS or other software in its ecosystem, it must be recompiled and adapted, and even rewritten. ...Since Mr. Qiao has made such a big determination, he naturally hopes that the X86 architecture can 'cooperate' with him more.

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As expected, Jobs was still ambitious...and as expected, he was still unconvinced by Gates.

You know, in Mr. Joe's eyes, Apple is the one who truly created the personal computer and the graphical operating interface - although Gates said he was just a thief who took the first step.

Now, with the rise of PCs and the Internet, Microsoft's market value has soared to No. 1, and Gates has been the world's richest man for four to five years.

You say that Mr. Joe is envious of Gates' achievements and wealth. That's definitely wrong, but if you're not convinced... that's definitely true.

Now, it is natural that Steve Jobs has made the transformation decision that was only made a few years ago in history, and hopes to assist Yuanxin to perfectly adapt to MAC OS from the chip design.

After hearing what Su Yuanshan said, everyone looked at each other again.

Gao Xiaodi was the first to laugh.

Isn't Mr. Qiao a little overconfident? Why should we listen to him?

So... it depends on what Mr. Qiao says. Su Yuanshan laughed: First of all, we have to make sure that if Apple is really willing to 'build' us, it will be a good thing for us. Next, it depends on whether Mr. Qiao can help. ”



The next day, Jobs officially visited the Yuanxin processor department and met with Gao Xiaodi and other senior executives.

After the visit, Gao Xiaodi led Jobs, Su Yuanshan and his entourage to the rooftop garden. Just after the conversation started, Jobs expressed the hope that Yuanxin could reach a strategic partnership with MAC OS.

Just like...the wintel alliance back then.

——In the unprecedented battle between Wintel and PowerPC, Microsoft and Intel formed an alliance, and both parties carried out targeted optimization for each other, which resulted in a spiraling advantage in terms of experience and efficiency, and ultimately defeated without any suspense. The PowerPC Alliance is almost in disarray.

Today, defeating X86 is something that seems impossible to the naked eye.

But add x86 and beat Microsoft...

He can still think about it.

People always have to have some dreams.

After listening to Jobs's thoughts, Su Yuanshan and Gao Xiaodi looked at each other, with Sure enough expressions in their eyes.

Seeing Su Yuanshan winking at him, Gao Xiaodi coughed lightly and smiled at Jobs in fluent English: Mr. Jobs, of course we hope to cooperate with an excellent or even great company like Apple. But...ours The Tamron series processor architecture is nearing completion, and the design of the new processor has also been completed...

I know, but the architecture can always be improved. At the same time, I also know that your 64-bit architecture is moving very fast. Jobs interrupted Gao Xiaodi, and then cast a consulting look at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile: Yes, I might as well tell you that in three months, we will release two processors based on a new architecture. One is a conventional 32-bit processor, and the other is a 60-bit processor. Four.”

After a pause, Su Yuanshan added: We have reached an agreement with Microsoft. They will launch an operating system based on the 64-bit instruction set after the release.

Hearing this, Jobs frowned slightly and suddenly asked: How long will Microsoft take? Are your 64-bit instruction set processors compatible with 32-bit programs?

It's backward compatible. As for the time... Su Yuanshan looked at Jobs and quickly calculated in his mind: It will take about two years.

We only need one year. Jobs raised a finger: Su, in one year, I will be able to make MAC OS support your 64-bit processor.

Su Yuanshan: ...

Gao Xiaodi: ...

The so-called showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Mr. Qiao was so positive, obviously he came in exchange for benefits.

Mr. Qiao, what happens next?

Then, I hope your next-generation architecture will add a little bit of design specifically for MACOS.

After finishing speaking, Jobs took out a document from his briefcase.



On the 27th, Su Yuanshan and Steve Jobs took his private plane to Hong Kong. After landing, he ordered people to take Mr. Qiao and others to the hotel, while he stayed at the airport to wait for the next flight.

After being stranded at the airport for nearly an hour, Mr. Gates' flight arrived at the airport.

After meeting and hugging each other, Su Yuanshan led the other party into his car.

Compared with Mr. Joe's keep away from strangers, Gates is obviously much more active in social aspects. This is mostly because he left the front-line programming work prematurely, which gave him a lot of time to pay attention. The development of Microsoft is running around the world as a CEO. Instead of being like Mr. Qiao, who still stubbornly stays on the front line of work, thinking that he and he alone is the only awesome product manager.

Therefore, Gates and Sun Xihui know each other.

So Su Yuanshan just happened to drag him to Sun Xihui's manor, so that the two of them could talk about things in private first.

Of course, the business between him and Mr. Qiao, Mr. Qiao said hello and said that he could not disclose it...

Su, answer me a question first.

After getting in the car, Gates didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

……what is the problem?

“Why should we replicate a HK Cyberport in Singapore?”

Gates is highly myopic, which makes his eyes even brighter. He stared at Su Yuanshan, unusually serious.

You have to know that Singapore has no advantage over Hong Kong.

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