1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 745 The interest groups behind Yuanxin

Two months ago, when Sun Guoqiao completed the two-way IP set-top box, Su Yuanshan flew directly to the Special Administrative Region and then to Hong Kong. According to his plan at the time, he was preparing to cooperate directly with City Telecom, which already had considerable foresight in the Internet access business.

After all, no matter how strong Yuanxin is at heart, it still has to show its attitude and show that Yuanxin is willing to cooperate and to share prosperity and joint events in the high-tech field with Hong Kong's local snakes.

But unexpectedly, Wang Weiwei from City Telecom would not appreciate it - Su Yuanshan didn't know what Wang Weiwei's attitude was, but he didn't give him a clear answer anyway.

At this time, Su Yuanshan was no longer polite, and backed up China Unicom to establish Xindong Internet, intending to directly cooperate with China Unicom (HK) in depth on a pilot basis to promote the integration of the three networks.

Now two months have passed. Sun Guoqiao, as the person in charge of Yuanxin, serves as the chief technology officer and is currently manufacturing equipment in the Hongyuan foundry in the special zone. As for China Unicom, Yang Weichang directly sent his confidant Qiu Yuliang to be responsible for business and market promotion.

At present, Xindong Internet is recruiting troops intensively. As CCDMA officially obtained the frequency band issued by the International Telecommunications Union, the two big bosses Yang Weichang and Duan Yongping personally visited the Tower Group. The Tower Group also supported it and directly We took the lead in setting up base stations in HK.

If the major shareholder of HK Telecom does not suddenly want to withdraw from this matter, HK will officially launch 3G business next month at the latest - almost the same as Bangkok.

On the other hand, HK Telecom, although the license must be CCDMA, we don’t know how long it will take to actually implement it...

Yuanxin and China Unicom are in full swing here, which may be one of the reasons why Dadong Cable and Telegraph Bureau wants to sell its shares and leave.

Seeing that Su Yuanshan made a decision quickly, Yang Weichang just hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement: Yes, regardless of whether we can buy it or not, we are going to win the HK market. Instead of spending tens of billions of dollars to buy it, Monopolies with serious price premiums might as well take the plunge and directly knock down their market share!

That's the reason. At present, HK Telecom's business revenue mainly comes from traditional cable and related value-added services derived from it. We have mobile communications, a big killer for the future, and we may not be able to defeat HK Telecom - others Wang Wiki can tear a hole in the Internet era, seize food from the tiger's mouth, and even established HK Broadband...

Su Yuanshan paused as he spoke and smiled disdainfully.

Wang Weiwei is really a talent. After rejecting Yuanxin, he established HK Broadband as he did in history, hoping to take the lead in Internet access services.

But he forgot that when Yuanxin entered Hong Kong, it was never a company fighting.

Behind Yuanxin are a large number of operations, system maintenance and network infrastructure equipment manufacturers and builders such as China Unicom, China Tower, Warwick, ZTE, AsiaInfo, and Southern Communications.

These companies, which have risen rapidly with the rapid development of domestic communications industry, not only check and balance competition with each other, but also make up for each other's shortcomings, forming a huge interest group. Yuanxin, just because it is a technology leader, naturally assumes the responsibility of a leader.

How can he, King Weiji, dare to confront such a huge interest group?

In other words, it is just HK Telecom. How can He De dare to confront the Chinese communications industry interest groups which have a huge market of 1.3 billion people?

In short, we are just like the Chongqing negotiations, fighting and negotiating at the same time. The more market share we gain, the smoother the negotiation... Maybe we can win it for less than 10 billion?

Su Yuanshan finally gave an optimistic estimate.

Yang Weichang nodded with deep understanding and laughed.

Wang Rui on the side also nodded with a reserved smile, but there was still a slight loss in his eyes.

Although he was not the first group to join Yuanxin, once he joined Yuanxin, he became the absolute core. In addition, in the past two years, he retired to the second line due to illness, which gave him a lot of time to think. After doing a lot of thinking, he had a deeper understanding of why Yuanxin developed so rapidly.

Of course, there is no doubt that his talented junior brother is the foundation of Yuanxin's development.

But the deepest reason is that Yuanxin is an extremely efficient and ridiculously efficient company - the root of which lies in Su Yuanshan's decision-making.

Yes, it's a decision - Su Yuanshan can always make a decision the first time, and most of his decisions are correct.

This allowed Yuanxin, under the leadership of Su Yuanshan, to become an extremely terrifying giant aircraft carrier, heading straight for its set goal - it did not stop at all amid the rocks and storms that could not be seen ahead.

Therefore, this has created companies that have in-depth cooperation with Yuanxin. For example, Sony, Deyi, SK, China Unicom, Apple...

Each of these companies, whether domestic or foreign, has been extremely beautiful in recent years, regardless of performance or financial reports, showing incomparable prosperity.

Farewell to Yang Weichang, Su Yuanshan and Wang Rui returned to the hotel suite together.

Wang Rui started packing his personal belongings after entering the room, while Su Yuanshan stood aside. He endured it for a few times, and finally said: Brother, tell me honestly, what did the doctor say about your physical condition?

Seeing Wang Rui turn around and look at him, Su Yuanshan immediately added: Don't lie, I can find out.

Haha, you guy. Wang Rui smiled and shook his head, sitting down on the sofa.

Su Yuanshan also sat down facing him.

It's the same old thing, rest. Wang Rui said with a smile: You can't do physical work, you can't stay up late, you can't drink...

Su Yuanshan breathed out lightly, but his expression was a little complicated, a little regretful, but also a little relaxed.

Wang Rui could understand Su Yuanshan's mood. After thinking about it for a while, he smiled and said, Xiaoshan, don't worry about me, just treat me as early retirement.

Su Yuanshan pursed his lips: You can re-employ after retirement, senior brother... If your health allows, how about you help keep an eye on our think tank?

Think tank? Wang Rui's eyes flashed and he immediately sat up straight: You said it was the one named by the teacher?

Yes, yes. Su Yuanshan nodded: Our think tank has been established for several years. Whether it is published articles or submitted documents, it usually focuses on academics and more on semiconductors. industry.

After a pause, Su Yuanshan said: To be precise, he is advocating for the semiconductor industry. But now, the semiconductor industry does not need to be advocated, let alone so much academic advocacy.

“So what needs to be preached about now?”

A demographic crisis, an energy crisis, an environmental crisis, an economic crisis.

Su Yuanshan clapped his fingers and said one by one.

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