1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 746 Four major crises

These four crises made Wang Rui quite frightened.

Good guy! Is this to badmouth? Or seek defeat before seeking victory? Or is it picking chestnuts from the fire?

Xiaoshan, is it... too serious? Are there so many crises now?

When Su Yuanshan saw Wang Rui's expression, he knew that his senior brother had some misunderstandings. He smiled and shook his head and said: Of course these crises are not about to happen or even explode immediately, but they will become more prominent in the next ten, twenty, or several decades. Especially... the population.

After a pause, Su Yuanshan said solemnly: You know, I have been advocating the theory of population advantage. You also know, my judgment on the future has always been accurate.

Wang Rui nodded: ...Well, that's true. But...the current policy still shows no signs of loosening.

So we need to advocate, advocate vigorously, find more population experts, give more money... Senior brother, you don't know...

Su Yuanshan simply drew a model for Wang Rui.

In addition to the population crisis, the topic of energy and environment was actually initiated by the West a long time ago. In 1992, the West initiated the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Five years later, in 1997 , and launched the Kyoto Protocol.

We have actively participated in and signed both agreements. In May last year, we signed the Kyoto Agreement and stated that we would pay close attention to greenhouse gas emissions.

Obviously, Wang Rui knew nothing about this matter, so he listened very carefully.

And we have to see the essence through phenomena. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and frowned slightly: I study physics. Even if I have only heard of environmental physics, I also know that for the earth, human beings are not even a hair. Forget it. The earth doesn’t need us to save it at all. What we want to save is ourselves.”

But how to save it? Whose interests should be sacrificed to save it? This is the key.

Therefore, behind these two climate and environmental conventions, it seems to be about energy and environment, but in fact it is about industry and development. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we must burn less coal and less oil. What follows next What is it? It’s industrialization.”

Wang Rui stood up and poured Su Yuanshan a glass of water.

Now our country is vigorously carrying out the industrialization process. The most intuitive thing is the power generation, which is thermal power plants and coal. Last year, our country's power generation was 1.4 trillion kilowatt-hours, ranking second in the world. This year, with the east wind of joining the WTO, It will probably exceed 1.6 trillion - if you go to Shanxi now, all the cars on the road are trucks pulling coal. (Note: It is a little higher than the same period in history.)

So, to prepare for a rainy day, the transformation of clean energy in the future is inevitable. Including wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy, hydropower stations, etc... Well, actually, I also have selfish motives to pave the way for our electric vehicle business in advance. And what we have to do is to advance in advance. Let the higher-ups be aware of and pay attention to the energy transition. Don’t let the situation accumulate and involve a large number of interest groups...

As for the economic crisis, of course it's not domestic. But, as we join the WTO, we work closely with the world. Uh...

Su Yuanshan paused, shrugged, and said, Well, currently we are mainly cooperating with Laos and the United States - globalization is led by Laos and the United States, and we must admit this.

But since we have joined the globalization led by Lao America, we must deal with the crisis faced by Lao America. To put it bluntly, we must be prepared to cough when Lao America sneezes. But how to prepare , how to minimize the impact after joining globalization is something we need to consider and prepare in advance.

After listening to Su Yuanshan talk endlessly for half an hour, Wang Rui finally smiled bitterly.

Xiaoshan, these propositions of yours...are really bigger than the last.

Isn't that what think tanks do? Su Yuanshan chuckled: And it's not like we haven't gained anything. If the superiors adopt the suggestions, we can quickly grasp the first-hand wind direction and adjust our strategies - for example, if the country Starting to vigorously engage in clean energy and improve the environment means that the coal mining industry will face an earthquake. Then lithium batteries, solar energy, wind energy, etc. will enter a period of rapid explosion. Following this, clean energy vehicles will also usher in good news …These all affect the whole body.”

um, yes.

So, senior brother... just help keep an eye on it. At the end, Su Yuanshan immediately said nervously: I'm not asking you to stay up late and write an article. What I mean is that you organize the experts a little bit, eat and drink casually, and have a party. Play ball or something, then arrange it, lay it out, and finally you can see the results.”

Okay, I understand. Wang Rui nodded with a smile.

Seeing Su Yuanshan hesitate to speak, he suddenly remembered that this guy was going to be a father soon, and immediately smiled and said: The most important thing is actually the population, right?

Haha, yes - other things are regret medicines that you can take, but for the population, there is really no regret medicine.

Su Yuanshan returned to Sun Xihui's villa.

He also started to pack his things.

Now that he has made the decision to fight and talk at the same time, there is no point in him staying here. What's more, he will come again next month.

But before leaving, he went to Silicon Core again and expressed his importance to the GPU project.



After returning to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Su Yuanshan continued to devote himself to work. Yin Zilin is an expert in inter-core communication protocol technology, but there are still some shortcomings in the protocol structure. The addition of Su Yuanshan just makes up for this - Su Yuanshan is the chief designer of dual-core technology, and he naturally has God's vision that others cannot obtain.

Therefore, their progress accelerated immediately.

One month later, the inter-core communication protocol was officially completed and entered the simulation testing stage.

Su Yuanshan, whose mission had finally come to an end, also sent out email invitations to Gates and Jobs respectively, inviting them to attend the Cyberport opening event in Hong Kong on June 28.

The two readily agreed - after all, they had already signed a Cyberport settlement agreement.

Especially Apple, as a company that is temporarily focused on consumer electronics, it is uniquely positioned in Hong Kong and has all the advantages. The reason is very simple. Next door is the Special Economic Zone, which is where the largest foundry in Asia is located.

It is also the foundry for most of Apple’s current products.

And unlike Microsoft, Apple has long established a Greater China branch in the provincial capital software park. Therefore, HK Cyberport will become an important base for Apple’s Asia strategy.

On June 25, Jobs arrived in Shanghai first to meet Su Yuanshan. Traveling with him was the head of Apple's chip design department.

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