1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 744 Murdoch attacks

In the afternoon of the same day, Su Yuanshan first paid a visit to Mr. D of the Hong Kong Government and continued to have an in-depth chat on the later planning and management issues of the Cyberport. Of course, Su Yuanshan did not forget to give Mr. D confidence - he really hoped that Mr. D and the Hong Kong government could stick to the land policy.

In a sense, housing prices in HK are the peak of psychological expectations for domestic housing prices.

Therefore, he had an in-depth chat with Mr. D, and Mr. D also agreed with his conclusion that the country regards Hong Kong's economic development and opening model as a special zone superior to the special zone.

Of course... In saying this, Su Yuanshan more or less meant to put a high hat on Mr. D and HK. After all... the uniqueness of HK's history and geographical location cannot be replicated by the mainland as a whole.

But who cares, as long as HK is heading in the good direction, what if Su Yuanshan sends 10,000 top hats?

After visiting Mr. D, he immediately received news from Yang Weichang and Wang Rui, asking him to meet at the hotel in the evening.

After meeting, the first words Yang Weichang and Wang Rui said were:

Congratulations, Xiaoshan.

Hey, sister-in-law is such a big mouth.

Su Yuanshan pulled up a chair and sat in the teahouse box, jokingly saying with a smile: Then prepare gifts. As a commoner, I dare to accept any gift.

No problem with the ceremony, but I have to wait until you get the invitation. Yang Weichang chuckled and said, When are you going to have a banquet? Where will it be?

Uh... maybe we won't handle the wine first, but just get the certificate. When Su Yuanshan mentioned this, he was a little undecided. On the one hand, he also hopes to be lively and lively, on the other hand... he also thinks the same as Ye Zi, the influence is too great.

If you really prepare for a wedding with a lot of fanfare - even if it's not a big fanfare, the array will be absolutely amazing.

Moreover, Su Yuanshan has always been known as an approachable person in Yuanxin, squatting down and chatting with everyone, and it will offend anyone if he refuses.

So he also tends to talk about the evidence first, and then talk about the wedding slowly.

Yang Weichang obviously understood, nodded and said with a smile: Indeed, but friends and relatives have to have a drink.

Well, we'll talk about it later. Uncle Yang, senior brother, what did the Dadong Telegraph Office say?

Today's meeting with Yang Weichang and Wang Rui was, of course, not about his marriage to his son, but that they had already met with Zhang Yonglin and Bell Liles, the shareholder representative of Dadong Telegraph Bureau.

When it came to the topic, Yang Weichang immediately became serious: The psychological price of Dadong Telegraph Bureau is indeed about 14 billion US dollars, and they also need cash. The attitude was so determined that we didn't even know the topic at one time. How to unfold it.”

Su Yuanshan opened his mouth, and after a while he said in a daze: You won't be able to get in the oil and salt?

No oil or salt comes in.

That's not the case...how is it possible that oil and salt are not allowed to enter? Su Yuanshan frowned and tried to remember.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could not recall how the transaction between Dadong Telegraph Bureau and Yingke was completed in history. He only knew that after Yingke finally won HK Telecom, it became the monopoly of HK Telecom business - the foundation of the Li family's city was also laid.

Because, besides us, there is another company that is in contact with the Dadong Telegraph Bureau.

Su Yuanshan was immediately startled: Who?


Holy crap! Su Yuanshan's eyes suddenly widened: Really or not?

Wang Rui looked at him and smiled bitterly: It's true, Xiaoshan, Zhang Yonglin told me personally. Moreover, it is said that Murdoch seems to be forming a consortium with a local HK boss to acquire...

...Li Jiacheng?

When Su Yuanshan heard about a certain big shot, he immediately thought of the Li family, and it was Lao Li.

Frankly speaking, the current Lao Li is not the invincible Lao Li in Hong Kong in the future - in history, the past two years have been the time for him to enter the mainland and hoard land with various policies and fame.

But according to Su Yuanshan's inquiries, a very strange thing is that although Lao Li has started to acquire land in the mainland. But the origin of the scale cannot be said to be big.

To put it bluntly, the current Lao Li has just gone through the financial crisis and he has no money.

Then, after collecting various information, Su Yuanshan finally knew what was going on.

——This year in history, Lao Li sold the Orange telecommunications company in the UK.

Orange has only been established for seven years. In 1994, Orange had only 3 million users. By 1999, this year, this number had increased to 35 million, making it the third largest mobile phone operator in the UK.

At this time, just like history, the top two telecommunications giants in Europe, Vodafone (UK) and Mannesmann (Germany), both regarded the UK market as a battleground and fought fiercely for the leading position.

Under normal circumstances, if the boss fights with the second child, the third child will usually be killed.

But Lao Li Jian took a different approach and chose the best way out - Orange certainly has the shortcomings of being a third party, but it also has its unique value as a third party - Vodafone and Mannesmann, whoever can buy Orange can do it Become the real boss.

As a result, Lao Li finally completed this huge deal. Orange was successfully sold for HK$20 billion in cash, more than HK$20 billion in bills of exchange, and 10% of Mannesmann's shares.

This transaction directly brought Lao Li more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in income.

From then on, Lao Li became unstoppable in Hong Kong, and aggressively built land in the mainland, waiting for appreciation in value.

Don't restrict me with illusory morality, I'm just a pure businessman - this is Lao Li's true portrayal and his values.

Therefore, when Su Yuanshan heard that Murdoch wanted to form a consortium with the HK boss, Su Yuanshan immediately thought of Lao Li.

the reason is simple.

Lao Li is a pure businessman. He can naturally see that HK and mainland China are in a period of rapid development. Murdoch, the Australian media tycoon, had already entered the Hong Kong television field, and now it is understandable that he would enter the traditional communications field.

People are different. Some people like to engage in traditional industries and take part in the monopoly money.

very good……

When he heard that Murdoch was also going to get involved in HK Telecom, Su Yuanshan immediately calmed down.

There is no doubt that this is not allowed.

Keep in touch first and continue negotiating. Su Yuanshan lightly clenched his fist: In about two months, the Internet Center will be relisted. At that time, let these media people see how terrible the Internet is.

...What about our three-network business? Yang Weichang asked immediately.

China Unicom and Yuexin had just established their Internet access business and launched the three-network-in-one project. Now they suddenly had the possibility of monopolizing the market... Suddenly, the deployment of various tasks was inevitably a little slack.

Keep moving forward and put some pressure on your competitors. Let them know that the longer you delay, the harder it will be to face the challenges of FarCore and China Unicom!

Su Yuanshan smiled coldly: I would like to see who dares to stop me in the Internet and mobile communications fields.

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