1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 743: Feng Zi

A feeling like an electric shock suddenly arose.

But soon, Fu Zhenhua, who noticed his unusual behavior, immediately braked and parked the car on the side of the road.

As soon as the car stopped, Su Yuanshan's soul returned instantly. He waved to Fu Zhenhua and Wen Xiaoqian who turned their heads at the same time, took another deep breath, and then his smile quickly bloomed.

Have you been to the hospital for a checkup? Have you drank alcohol recently? Have you taken any medicine? Well... it seems that it has only been three months... and I can still take wedding photos.

Just in a flash of thought, countless arrangements flashed through his mind, and there was no longer a door in his mouth. Whatever came to mind came out of his mouth.

Don't make trouble! Ye Rudai couldn't laugh or cry on the phone: I'm just doubting it now! You guy...

Su Yuanshan laughed loudly: Listen to me, you immediately find your sister-in-law and ask her to accompany you to the hospital for a check-up, and then I...

After saying that, Su Yuanshan immediately looked at Wen Xiaoqian. He didn't care about Wen Xiaoqian's current condition and said directly: Xiaoqian, help me book a ticket to Silicon Valley tomorrow.


Brother Xiaoshan!

On the phone, Ye Rudai shouted again, and her voice suddenly calmed down: Listen to me.





Ye Rudai sat cross-legged on a chair, looking out the window at the lights of Silicon Valley at night, holding the phone in one hand and the mouse in the other, with a smile on her lips.

She obviously heard that Su Yuanshan's tone was more flustered and anxious than hers - although she was a little uncertain, she did think a lot before making this call.

For example, what should I do if I really win the bid?

Don't worry, I'll go to the hospital tomorrow.

Ask my sister-in-law to accompany you!

... Ye Rudai subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then realized that this guy had to call Yang Yiwen to inform her, so she sighed: Okay, I'll tell my sister-in-law. But listen to me and don't come over.


My idea is that if I really get pregnant, I will come to HK. Ye Rudai pursed her lips and smiled softly.

Su Yuanshan has never concealed his wariness of Lao America in front of her, and has always behaved as a nationalist - frankly speaking, his values ​​are inconsistent with the mainstream values ​​​​in Silicon Valley.

Well, as his child, obviously he can't grow up in Silicon Valley.

Not to mention... there are still parents on both sides to go through.

For ordinary people, perhaps going abroad to find a good job, then start a family, and then bring their parents and family around is a dream that many people pursue throughout their lives.

But for Su Yuanshan, these ordinary people's lifelong pursuits are not even as important as a random note he marked in the design code.

But...Ye Rudai still doesn't want to return to the provincial capital.

Because conceiving and giving birth to a child is a long-term process.

In the past year, under the leadership of Li Yanhong, eso has quickly covered all domestic Internet companies with the provincial capital software park as the center, and is also actively promoting cooperation with the government, enterprises and institutions - Li Yanhong Qian It was fine, there was no need for her to go back.

The Cyberport is about to be fully opened. As a pan-Asian strategic center established by eso last year, it needs a leader to promote it strongly.

On the other end of the phone, Su Yuanshan answered simply: Okay!

Hmm... By the way, we plan to withdraw the listing application. Ye Rudai pursed her lips and continued: It's just a good time to save worry and trouble and focus on business.


Then it's nothing. Don't come here... I will be in Hong Kong next month at most to prepare for the branch here.

Okay - but when will the banquet be held?

... Ye Rudai blinked, and her face suddenly became distressed.

She had attended Tang Wenjie's wedding and knew that the guests were busy but the newlyweds were very tired.

Not to mention Su Yuanshan marrying himself... Not to mention alarming Yuanxin, I am afraid that even half of the technology industry will be alarmed.

Too much trouble!

...How about we get evidence first?

...Okay, I'll listen to you!



Until he returned to Sun Xihui's villa, Su Yuanshan was still a little confused.

Sun Xihui, who figured out the whole story, looked at him and shook her head.

What if she is under too much pressure at work and has irregular menstrual periods? Sun Xihui reminded him with a smile, telling him not to be happy too early.

That won't happen! She just gets pregnant easily! Su Yuanshan waved his hand and said firmly: It's because of her physical condition!

Of course, I'm good at it too!

... Sun Xihui was speechless for a while: Okay, but I still think we should wait until we go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow.

Well, I'll just wait for the news!

Then, he waited until 12 o'clock and finally determined that Ye's physical condition had not changed and it was easy to get pregnant...

At noon the next day, Su Yuanshan still had lunch at Sun Xihui's house.

As soon as he confirmed that he was pregnant, he called his parents. The couple were overjoyed after hearing this, especially Comrade Zhang Xiuyun, who said that he would leave his wife immediately and come to Hong Kong to take care of his daughter-in-law. Su Yuanshan was so frightened that he quickly stopped...

Good guy, if her old man came over, wouldn't his father's life be a mess?

But soon Ye Rudai gave a solution and her parents came over.

Sister Sun, please help me find out who is selling a house here.

Su Yuanshan people are happy to see everyone when there is a happy event. Sun Xihui was also happy for him. Hearing this, he blinked: You're sure you live here, right?

Well, you're here, and the environment here is pretty good.

Sun Xihui smiled and nodded: Okay, I'll give you a set. The one next door is also mine.

Su Yuanshan was surprised: Huh? Have you invested in real estate here?

The reason why he was surprised was that he had warned Sun Xihui a long time ago that as long as the Hong Kong government could withstand the pressure and insist on implementing the 85,000 plan, housing prices in Hong Kong would enter a stable period that would last for several years... Even if the Cyberport comes to fruition, such an obviously good strategic investment will only boost housing prices in the surrounding areas a little. It is conceivable how full and frothy Hong Kong's current housing prices are.

Sun Xihui started out as an industrialist and now works as an investment banker. Obviously, she is unlikely to be like those celebrities who know how to invest in fixed assets without knowing anything else.

It's not investment, it's just buying it for fun. After a pause, Sun Xihui blinked again: You can also understand that I bought it specifically for you.

...Then don't I have to say thank you?

...Your thank you is even more perfunctory than my thank you for making you a cup of coffee.

Su Yuanshan burst out laughing.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, villas and mansions worth tens of millions are already extremely wealthy.

But in the eyes of the founders of Yuanxin who went out... it was just an ordinary gift.

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