1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 742: Work hard and work fast

It is not simply applied to heterogeneous supercomputers, but with the development of semiconductor technology and the improvement of design capabilities...GPU itself will become as important as the CPU as the core of productivity - not only It is graphics processing, and it can even be said that the graphics processing power in actual applications is only a small part, and its biggest role is computing power.

It is precisely because of seeing this that Brother Zhou Qiang came here - he is currently the top engineer in the field of heterogeneous computing protocols in China.

When Zhou Qiang heard Su Yuanshan praising him like this in front of outsiders, even though he was usually extremely arrogant, he started to talk a little bit: Mr. Shan, you passed it...

Su Yuanshan turned back and glared at him: Are you questioning my father's vision?

Zhou Qiang shut up immediately.

The other two people, after hearing Su Yuanshan's words about his father's evaluation of Zhou Qiang, took a deep look at each other again - no matter how unsophisticated they were, they could still hear what Su Yuanshan meant.

That is, don't underestimate this guy who seems not very reliable. When it comes to heterogeneous computing, this guy is really capable.

Zhang Ruiping nodded silently.

Now that Su Yuanshan has said so, and has already raised heterogeneous parallel computing to such a high level... it is obvious that accepting Zhou Qiang is no longer a choice, but a task.

Sure enough, Su Yuanshan's next sentence was: So, I hope you can form a harmonious team and seek common ground while reserving differences.

After a pause, Su Yuanshan looked at Zhou Qiang again and said seriously: Brother Zhou, in the chip design team, the chief architect has absolute authority over the chip architecture and should also bear absolute responsibility. Therefore, your task is not It’s not about turning the GPU into a supercomputing chip, but it’s about cooperating with the overall architecture and providing the optimal solution.”

Seeing Su Yuanshan's rare serious face, Zhou Qiang opened his mouth...

After a while, he said angrily: Okay, our team will listen to Lao Zhang.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Ruiping immediately smiled and said: No, no, let's refer to it together. The right way is to get the chip out.

Yes, developing chips is the right way! Su Yuanshan nodded and laughed: And, based on my superficial knowledge, I can confirm that your architecture is on the right track.

Half an hour later.

Senior Brother Zhou, can you please restrain yourself...

Su Yuanshan sat on Zhou Qiang's boss chair with his feet raised, while the other person sat down on his desk and looked at him with some embarrassment.

You are Pandora's number three after all, brother... These brothers from the island just came here... Yes, I know, they do have a bit of that.

Are they a little stupid? They are very stupid, okay? Zhou Qiang said dissatisfiedly: If you don't talk about anything else, let's talk about stream processors. I only knew a concept before I came here, but after reading a few pages of paper, it's just I understand the design...

The stream processor is a complete system, okay! Su Yuanshan wanted to kick this guy: Okay, let's not talk about this. From now on, we will adopt a dual team format. You are responsible for cooperating with Zhang Ruiping to organize and propose a complete set of instructions. And the complete Hanoi parallel computing architecture—can it be done?”

Zhou Qiang was surprised: Is it a bit too difficult?

Su Yuanshan glanced at him: Is it difficult? Then I ask Mr. Xi to come over?


When Mr. Xi was asked to come over, Zhou Qiang immediately stopped talking.

Although Su Yuanshan asked their team to cooperate with Zhang Ruiping, the chief architect, during the meeting before, Su Yuanshan first gave him a high hat - the top engineer in the field of domestic heterogeneous parallel computing.

Although... Zhou Qiang himself thinks so.

But how can it be compared with saying it from Mr. Shan’s mouth?

Okay, but you have to give me some time. Zhou Qiang gritted his teeth: Now we lack everything, and the most lacking thing is people...

It's easy to deal with the shortage of people. Isn't there the University of Hong Kong next door? Just recruit people. Then next month, we will go to HK again to participate in the check-in promotion of the first phase of Cyberport customers, and invite Gates and Mr. Qiao to have a personal meeting. Dialogue program. When the time comes, the University of Hong Kong will definitely invite me to give a lecture...

What if they don't invite you?

Is it okay if you don't invite me to come to your door? Su Yuanshan rolled his eyes at Zhou Qiang angrily and stood up: Okay, if nothing happens, I'll get out of the way first.

Then walk slowly.


Su Yuanshan was speechless for a while.

Pandora's group of people are good at everything, but they are a little... that. Not understanding the world?

Su Yuanshan does not agree with saying that they are the kind of geniuses with low emotional intelligence and no social skills. After all, these guys are usually easy to deal with, and apart from the taciturn bosses like Obai, many of them actually like to chat in private. For example, this Li Xunhuan Zhou Qiang, and Ma Mengqi.

However, it is a fact that they are proud. Not to mention being released, even within Yuanxin, they come from the top laboratories in China and even Asia, and they are qualified to look down on others.

Fortunately, Xi can always restrain these people.

Well, Mr. Shan can certainly do it too.

After meeting with Jiang Wenxi again, the two sides talked about future talent introduction and exchanges, as well as the outlook for the future market, etc., and then Su Yuanshan got into the car.

Fu Zhenhua is still the driver of his special car here.

Mr. Shan, are you going back to Mr. Sun's house?

Well, what time is it now? Su Yuanshan closed his eyes to rest.

Wen Xiaoqian was already sitting in the passenger seat. After hearing this, she glanced at her watch and quickly replied: 11 o'clock.

Then go back, just in time for dinner.

Su Yuanshan opened his eyes with a smile, watched the car start, and then drove towards the Cyberport.

Along the way, the construction work at the Cyberport has begun to be completed. On the construction site, the slogan Work hard, work fast, and finish soon can be seen.

It seems that this time Lao Wang has really let the people of HK see what inland speed is. Su Yuanshan smiled and kept looking sideways at the building's retreat.

Yes, but it is said that the project supervision here is very strict... I don't know... whether Lao Wang and the others will do something wrong. Wen Xiaoqian turned around and looked at Su Yuanshan. At this time, her cell phone rang, and she immediately pulled her backpack .

Don't worry, this is Lao Wang's letter of surrender. How could he go astray? Su Yuanshan looked at the phone in Wen Xiaoqian's hand. It was his personal mobile phone: Whose phone number is it?

Um... Wen Xiaoqian glanced at the number, smiled, and handed the phone over: Guess.

I guess, next time I have to add a function to match different ringtones for different users.

Su Yuanshan took the phone while talking.

Well...he knew why Wen Xiaoqian was laughing.

It's leaves.

On the phone, Ye Zi's voice was a little nervous.

Brother Xiaoshan... let me tell you something.

What's the matter?

It seems... something happened. Ye Rudai's voice was a little uncertain.

What happened? Su Yuanshan frowned slightly and said in surprise: The capital chain is broken?

When I returned to China last time, my aunt hasn't come yet!

Su Yuanshan sat upright instantly.

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