1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 737 Su Yuanshan never worries in vain

The May Day holiday is finally over.

For ordinary employees, this is a rare long vacation. They need to take a good rest and either do some shopping or visit the great places of the motherland - in short, don't stay at their job.

As for the senior management of Yuanxin... in the current turbulent situation, it would be good to have a good sleep. Wanting to take a vacation indifferently... is a bit too luxurious.

So along with the collection of leave, Yuanxin's executives felt inexplicably more comfortable.

Su Yuanshan stayed in his office in Shanghai, drove Yuanxin's latest laptop, pointed the camera at himself, and then remotely participated in the May business meeting of the communications business cluster held in the provincial capital, hosted by Chen Jing personally.

The standard of this meeting was quite high. In addition to leaders from corporate departments such as Chen Jing, Duan Yongping, Carter, and He Wei, leaders from technical departments such as Tian Yaoming and Li Yinan were also present.

The theme of today's meeting is to summarize the current stage and deploy the next expansion plan.

Chen Jing took the lead in opening the game.

In the past month, we have successively carried out business promotion and deployment in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Judging from the current summary, we have achieved certain results.

In order to take into account the timeliness of the picture, Chen Jing's picture was very blurry, but her voice reached Su Yuanshan clearly: Currently we have won countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. Some of the country’s businesses and standards.”

Chen Jing paused as she spoke and looked at the notebook placed in front of her - Su Yuanshan was taking notes with his head down.

It is particularly important to note that just yesterday, the United Nations, Java and Portugal signed a document recognizing the referendum in East Timor - if nothing else happens, a new sovereign country will probably be born. We have sent relevant personnel Go to the area for technical support and support. Well... if nothing else happens, the communications business in the area is ours.

It also needs to be noted that in these countries and regions, we have not been able to complete the most perfect business promotion as expected - especially countries with large populations and multiple domestic operators. Their governments prefer to adopt multiple standards, In order to get rid of support for a single technology provider. This means that we then face the problem of assisting our partners to expand.

But in the current region, there are still two populous countries that have not made progress, Niguo and Vietnam. Chen Jing looked at Carter.

Carter, please summarize the situation in Niguo and Vietnam.

Su Yuanshan has been listening carefully to the speeches, especially Carter's.

Of course he had seen Carter's work briefing and knew what happened during Carter's meeting with NTT, but the briefing... was far less exciting than Carter's personal appearance.

...This is probably what happened. Afterwards, when we contacted the European branch, the information we obtained was that Mitsui, the president of the marketing department of NTT, and Hans, the president of the technical equipment department of Siemens, were classmates in graduate school. And according to public reports from the two companies, after Hans took charge of the technical equipment department, NTT increased its purchase of Siemens equipment.

At this point, Carter said meaningfully: We suspect that commercial bribery is involved.

Hearing this, Su Yuanshan coughed lightly.

Everyone looked at the notebook. Chen Jing glanced at the notebook and then pointed it at Carter.

Carter, what do you think about it?

Carter said without hesitation: We can collect evidence and prosecute them directly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at me and I looked at you... They were quite surprised by Carter's words.

In the video, Su Yuanshan laughed: Who should I sue?

To... Carter was about to blurt out trade committee when he suddenly realized that Yuanxin is a mainland company... so he quickly stopped talking, feeling quite embarrassed.

After all, this place is no better than his motherland, with a complete long-arm jurisdiction system.

If it can be determined that there is commercial bribery between Siemens and NTT, prosecution may not be necessary, and we can achieve our goal.

Su Yuanshan pondered and said with a smile: As long as a business scandal breaks out, Siemens basically doesn't have to think about it.

Carter immediately said: But Mr. Shan, there are also Qualcomm and Lucent.

Su Yuanshan hummed and said, It's mainly Lucent. They are now teaming up with 3com to launch infringement lawsuits against us and Huawei. What they want is to get involved in the mainland market.

Qualcomm is still very visionary. They are targeting us - at the end of last year, mobile users alone exceeded 40 million, and there are more than one billion people in the mainland, which is a huge incremental market. We have a leading position Under the operational support system and value-added system, peers with a little foresight will consider facing the competitive pressure from our customers.

So on the Niguo side, we can just wait and see how the Asian Communications Industry Ministerial Summit is decided in three months' time.

As for Vietnam, their relationship with us is a bit special and very awkward... so we can consider starting from the industrial chain and adopting Taian Electronics' model to let them get deeply involved in the mid- to low-end industrial chain. After a pause, Su Yuanshan continued: There are some countries that have a good reputation, just give them face. We are a leading company that provides high-end chips and solutions. Supporting low-end manufacturing in backward areas to achieve monopoly development is not profitable. It’s a loss.”

Well...you continue.

The next agenda mainly discussed the next expansion direction of Yuanxin - South Asia, Central and West Asia. In these areas, except for a very few countries, Yuanxin's expansion efforts have been insufficient. Of course, this is due to the region's backward economic development, but also because some of the great powers in the universe have too much self-esteem to accept technology and products from the mainland at all...

Regarding this, everyone agreed that we should do our best and obey fate.

But I have to add that although the third brother's side is extremely hostile in terms of national sentiment, his body... is still very honest.

Facing the cheap giants and Zhongxin and other mobile phone brands, the third brother was saddened on the one hand, but also enjoyed using them on the other hand.

After ending the video conference, Su Yuanshan glanced at the calendar accidentally.

May 8th.

As usual, the bottom of the calendar is still full of today's work, and even because he has just taken a vacation, he has more arrangements than usual.

But Su Yuanshan frowned tightly.

It's already noon, that thing... shouldn't happen, right?

——He naturally does not want to see the casualties of his compatriots and the humiliation of the country.

But...if it hadn't been for this, let alone 995, I'm afraid that for a long, long time, the higher-ups would have considered themselves an alarmist and unfounded hard-line nationalist.

While he was in a daze, his cell phone rang loudly.

Su Yuanshan subconsciously grabbed the phone. When he saw that the caller ID was Wan Yongliang, a stone fell in his heart for no reason.

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