1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 738 China Unicom’s Snake Swallowing Elephant

Su Yuanshan came to HK at this time, naturally not just to express condolences to the hero reporter and to understand the situation at ATV.

He has too much to do.

From the Spring Festival to now, after several rounds of discussions and negotiations, SIS finally successfully sent a team to Hong Kong, and jointly established Silicon Graphics Technology Co., Ltd. with Yuanxin and Meijie. Among them, Yuanxin holds 49% of the shares, SIS holds 35% of the shares, and Meijie holds 16% of the shares.

Meijie's name is not added. On the one hand, this is a pure chip R\u0026D and design company oriented to the industry, and there is no brand effect in it. On the other hand, Meijie, as a board card factory begging for food from upstream chip companies, It's better to be low-key.

In addition to inspecting silicon chips, Su Yuanshan also has one extremely important thing to do - China Unicom has officially snatched the opportunity to cooperate with Yuanxin and won the CCDMA standard, and the first 3G pilot city is in Hong Kong.

In addition, China Unicom also received a policy - the Ministry of Information Industry supports China Unicom and Yuexin's vigorous development and expansion in Hong Kong, including not only conventional market behaviors, but also mergers and acquisitions.

——In short, the higher authorities hope that Yuanxin and China Unicom will win the Hong Kong telecommunications business market if possible.

Frankly speaking, it is indeed a bit overkill for Yuanxin to go to great lengths to seize a market with a population of less than 10 million people. Even though the economic conditions of these millions of people are excellent, Yuanxin has been advocating that The theory of demographic advantage is still somewhat insignificant in the eyes of companies looking at it decades from now.

But when Su Yuanshan got the news, he immediately took action personally and behaved like a duck.

Naturally, it is because he knows better than anyone else. Perhaps from the above point of view, this is just taking advantage of the control of the HK communication industry by pure commercial enterprises such as Yuanxin and China Unicom (HK), and does not consider it that far-reaching, nor It goes against Hong Kong's free market and the spirit of Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong. But in Su Yuanshan's opinion...this move is really a very good one.

Then, in front of Yuanxin and China Unicom, there will be the biggest obstacle.

HK Telecom.

Coincidentally, as in history, HK Telecom's major shareholders began to consider whether the traditional telecommunications business would be impacted by the rising Internet, and began to consider withdrawing.

Lao Wan, although it is a bit cliché, I still have to say it. HK is the core area for us to control our business in Southeast Asia in the future. We not only need to be deeply tied to HK in terms of technology and economy, but also in terms of public opinion. Take it into your hands.”

I know. Wan Yongliang nodded with deep understanding: After all, we are still a mainland company. Now that Hong Kong has recovered from the financial crisis, some people's tails are a little raised again...

Oh? Tell me about it? Su Yuanshan suddenly became interested.

Well, it's hard to say. I can only say that it feels like this - the faster the other side develops, the more they show a sense of superiority.

Haha, I want people to be poor but hate others to be rich. Su Yuanshan said with a clean smile: A wealthy relative of yours sees that you are not doing well and helps you from time to time, which makes you burst into tears of gratitude. But once you start to become prosperous...some of your high-quality relatives will indeed be happy for you, but some...will not feel happy in their hearts - so they will do everything possible to find a sense of superiority.

Wan Yongliang laughed loudly: I will come back to you to borrow money!

That's right. So...for this kind of relative, we should always coax him. After all, we are all relatives and have helped us. There is no need to turn against each other.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan stood up and said, Then I'll leave first. If you need anything here, just call me.

Watching Su Yuanshan leave, Wan Yongliang took a long breath, and then shook his head.

If we look at the history of Yuanxin, he is the first executive recruited by Yuanxin besides Chen Jing. Although he has grown up with Yuanxin in the past seven or eight years, compared to Mr. Xi, Mr. Li With them, he naturally has another perspective to view Yuan Xin and observe Su Yuanshan.

There is no doubt that Su Yuanshan is extremely concerned about ATV, even a little too much - this is not in line with the style of a technology company and a technology genius.

Putting aside the absurd statement that Su Yuanshan wanted to use public opinion to do something, there is only one remaining reason, which is that Su Yuanshan absolutely believes that public opinion will be useful in the future.

There is a long way to go. Wan Yongliang twisted his neck and smiled bitterly, then dragged his tired body to the conference room to prepare for the deployment of ATV's next work tasks.

Repulse Bay.

Su Yuanshan and Sun Xihui stood side by side at the gate of the villa, chatting while waiting for guests to come.

Not long after, a low-key black Audi drove through the gate.

Su Yuanshan and Sun Xihui stepped forward at the same time.

Yang Weichang, who was full of energy, opened the car door himself and walked towards the two of them with a smile.

Mr. Sun, Xiaoshan.

Uncle Yang, welcome to Sister Sun's mansion. After Su Yuanshan shook hands with Yang Weichang, he welcomed Yang Weichang to the study room on the second floor as a landlord.

As the chairman of China Unicom, Yang Weichang is a real senior cadre. He really didn’t come to HK just because he wanted to. The last time I came here was because of the establishment of the HK subsidiary, and this time, I was going to perform the snake swallowing elephant operation.

In Hong Kong, generally speaking, when talking about telecommunications companies, we only talk about PCCW, China Unicom, China Mobile, City Telecom, etc. Not to mention HK Telecom.

The reason is simple, because this major shareholder is the old telecommunications company of the British Cable and Telegraph Company. Due to historical reasons, it occupies an absolute monopoly position in Hong Kong. From ordinary telephones to IDD voice to telegraph services, to mobile communications and Internet network communications... HK Telecom's monopoly is even more powerful than NTT.

Historically, in 2000, when the Internet bubble was at its worst, HK Telecom was deprived of the Internet and went public through a backdoor listing. PCCW, which had surged 80,000 miles, completed the merger, giving the Li family a complete monopoly on HK's communications field.

You know, at that time, HK Telecom's annual net profit was as high as 10 billion Hong Kong dollars!

Even now that China Unicom and Yuexin have joined forces to take over HK, HK Telecom still firmly occupies more than 80% of the business in various fields.

If you look at the size of China Unicom's HK subsidiary, it does seem a bit like a snake swallowing an elephant.

After reaching the study room on the second floor, Yang Weichang got straight to the point.

Xiaoshan, you can't stay out of it this time.

Yang Weichang looked at Su Yuanshan, his eyes burning with hope.

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