1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 736 This is how Sony’s future comes

Carter's voice stopped abruptly.

He glanced at Ichiro Matsushima in disbelief, and then in disbelief at Hans and Mitsui - they were both in the communication circle, how could they not know each other.

Then, after frowning without leaving any trace, he quickly smiled politely at the two people coming behind him. Then he closed his mouth and just looked at Matsushima Ichiro with a smile.

After hesitating and being stunned for two seconds, Matsushima Ichiro immediately stood up and said hello to Hans and Mitsui.

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. President. Obviously, Mitsui was also a little confused. He didn't expect to see Carter and Zhu Pengjun here, who had been left aside by him. After a brief embarrassment, he took the lead in walking towards Carter: Carter gentlemen.

Hello, Mr. Mitsui. Carter stood up, shook hands with a condescending smile, and then greeted Hans: Hans, what a coincidence.

Oh, yes, what a coincidence. Hans was obviously a little confused. He shook Carter's hand almost at a loss. Carter, the global president of Yuanxin, represents Yuanxin and has not left almost all international communication forums. As long as they are engaged in communications, there is no one they don’t know.

Are you in a hurry? If so, we can come here another day. Carter looked at the time and said with a smile: We still have to prepare for the meeting with Mr. Sun.

As soon as these words came out, Mitsui was fine, while Matsushima Ichiro was obviously startled.

——There is no doubt that Yuanxin sent Carter and Zhu Pengjun, the core management of the technical department, with sincerity. Even in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, they did not contact the EU Telecom like Siemens. officials, but limited itineraries and arrangements between companies.

This means that Yuanxin really hopes to cooperate with NTT in the enterprise field.

If Carter leaves now, the cooperation may come to an abrupt end.

——If Yuanxin is really just a company that sells equipment and promotes communication standards, then it’s okay to leave. Anyway, there are still two standards, NTT has options. But just now after Carter reported several advantages of Yuanxin, Ichiro Matsushima realized that Yuanxin's reasons were worth listening to.

He dared to bet that a gambler like Sun Zhengyi, not to mention Yuan Xin coming to his door in person, even if he heard a little bit of news, might just come to Yuan Xin's door without stopping.

So, Matsushima Ichiro looked at Mitsui in a very short period of time: Hans, Mitsui, if something happens, please wait a moment.



After watching the two of them walk around for a while before leaving again, Carter couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.

This kind of ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo free and relaxed working environment has been determined by Yuanxin's technological temperament and atmosphere at the beginning. Therefore, Yuanxin executives, including himself, can enter the office anytime they want during office hours.

However, once there is a meeting with important guests of equal status, especially when guests who compete with each other visit at the same time, Yuanxin's meeting process will be arranged and prepared perfectly, and there will never be such enemies on the same road. situation.

In the final analysis, this is still a matter of the company's management system.

Mr. Carter, please continue.

Of course, Ichiro Matsushima didn't know what Carter was thinking. He just hoped that this episode would pass as soon as possible.

Well, the next advantage is that Yuanxin has never been an independent company, but a company that is truly open to the world. Carter composed himself and smiled: Our equipment and technology are both good. , we are always happy to share with our partners.”

For example, when we cooperated with AIS in Thailand, we jointly established Taian Electronics to provide them with a complete set of mobile phone solutions and a large number of technologies for their reference. Therefore, AIS was able to quickly complete the Its domestic and Southeast Asian expansion - this expansion is not just network operations, but also includes the sale of communication equipment.

At the same time, we have also jointly established a communications laboratory with AIS and Singtel, which involves joint research and development and progress in various aspects such as communication equipment, communication technology, communication protocols, etc.

At this point, Carter glanced at Matsuda Gang, the director of the NTT Equipment Technology Department who had been accompanying him, and Zhu Pengjun, who was sitting next to him: Mr. Matsuda and Mr. Zhu have a deep understanding of this.

For other companies, they may think that technology and patents are their foundation. But at Yuanxin, this is not the case. Whether it is Yuanxin's slogan or its behavior, it has always been: win-win.

There is one company that can prove this.

Ichiro Matsushima nodded with a smile.

As long as they are in the Chinese business community, no one is unaware of the strategic partnership between Yuanxin and Sony. The two companies range from consumer electronics to Internet audio and video to gaming audio-visual entertainment to the semiconductor industry... The cooperation is so deep that even It’s to the point where it’s a bit embarrassing, or “jealous”.

Over the years, Sony has reversed the slump in the early 1990s and made rapid progress in various fields. Not only has its long-term loss-making audio and video business made money, but its gaming and mobile phone businesses have also made a lot of money...

Not to mention the lithium battery business - these two shameless people directly merged their lithium battery departments into Soxin, which is now the world's well-deserved lithium battery giant, NO.1, and has no rivals.

Their slogan is that Suoxin’s lithium battery technology is at least ten years ahead of the pursuers!

And the last advantage is...why did Sony choose Yuanxin? Why did the Saint of Management recognize Yuanxin?

Carter closed his mouth after asking this question, leaving enough time for Matsushima Ichiro to think.

Ichiro Matsushima was startled for a moment, and then he immediately started thinking.

The Saint of Management, everyone in Ni country knows whose title this is.

Moreover, just last year, Time Magazine selected Mr. Akio Morita as one of the 20 most influential business people of the 20th century.

This is a great honor for anyone.

“Because Yuanxin’s advantage has never been in the present.”

Carter did not wait too long and directly told Matsushima the standard answer.

Yuanxin has always been a future-oriented company - the present is the future seven years ago. Sony chose to cooperate with Yuanxin seven years ago, so... they won the future.

Carter looked at Matsushima Ichiro with burning eyes, and the latter also looked at him deeply.

There is a saying circulating on Wall Street that if Yuanxin needs investment, then they are willing to borrow loan sharks to enter Yuanxin. This is the best compliment to Yuanxin.

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