1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 735 Our advantages are unparalleled



Outside the marketing department's office, Hans and Mitsui shook hands and hugged warmly.

Mitsui was one of the few people in Japan who studied in Europe. When he was studying at the University of Munich, he met Hans. Up to now, the friendship between the two has been maintained for more than 20 years.

How was your discussion with Mr. President? Mitsui asked with concern as he led Hans to his office.

As the vice president in charge of marketing, Mitsui is far less concerned about what standards NTT adopts than the technical department - the reason is simple. NTT's size and influence are large enough to form a crushing advantage over other operators.

Unlike developing countries like mainland China, the country is a truly developed country. The current penetration rate of mobile communications is very high, and it is a market that favors the accumulation of inventory rather than growth. In such a market environment, it will be difficult for companies that have previously had an advantage to lose as long as they do not make decision-making mistakes.

If there was anything he was concerned about, it was that Mitsui felt that according to the usual exaggeration in the mainland, CCDMA's technical standards must have been concealed or even falsified - so he was surprised that the technical department was not aware of this. Heartbroken.

Therefore, even without Hans's relationship, he is very happy to support WCDMA.

Mr. President, we have the same considerations as you. Hans sat opposite Mitsui and said with a smile: We admit that Yuanxin has advantages in the field of architecture, but they obviously have reservations in terms of communication protocols and equipment stability. . And as we all know, the wireless communication business needs stability, absolute stability.

Yes! That can't be made by a country lacking the spirit of craftsmanship. Mitsui nodded in agreement.

Next, the two chatted for a while. When it was mentioned that Siemens was developing a new OSS (Operation Support Systems) based on 3G services, Mitsui patted him on the back and said that this could be done by NTT. Cooperate with Siemens - just like Yuanxin's cooperation model with telecom operators in various countries.

Hans, we must admit that regardless of technology, Yuanxin still has some business methods. Otherwise, they will not grow into a communications giant in Asia that can threaten you.

The more Mitsui talked, the more excited he became. He stood up and took a few steps, looking at his old classmates with burning eyes: I think this is an opportunity for us to change and deepen our cooperation!



In the president's office, Carter handed a promotion document to Ichiro Matsushima.

The birth of a communication standard does not come out of thin air, nor is it achieved overnight. CCDMA is not the achievement and product of one company, Yuanxin. It integrates a large number of ideas, technologies, and needs from communication companies all over Asia. Therefore, it is naturally There is widespread technical know-how and recognition within Asia.”

While Ichiro Matsushima was looking at the document, Carter spoke eloquently: This is the first advantage of CCDMA - it can help NTT promote its expansion in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ichiro Matsushima raised his head, nodded slightly, and made a gesture to please continue.

The second advantage is that we are not a pure communication standards company like Qualcomm, but an integrated technology company that integrates chip architecture, chip design and equipment manufacturing. These equipment are not only related to base station communication facilities The stability of the product is also related to the advancement of the product.”

Carter said with a smile: Maybe Mr. Matsushima knows that Yuanxin's mobile phones are one of the most high-end products on the market. Our directly operated experience stores have become the targets of other companies competing to imitate. Yuanxin The brand appeal...is unparalleled.”

Ichiro Matsushima nodded and smiled again.

Even though Yuanxin has not carried out large-scale promotion in Ni Country due to the tacit PY transaction with Sony, with the construction of experience stores, it is still stirring up in Ni Country's core economic areas, such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and other places. A whirlwind. The so-called imitator is naturally Sony.

Sony has also built multiple brand experience stores around the world.

In the eyes of unrelated outsiders, it may be that these allies are actively confronting and competing with each other, but in the eyes of insiders and smart people, this is how they monopolize the high-end consumer sector in advance. , directly cut off the dreams of Motorola, Ericsson, Nokia and other companies to hit the high-end.

This is a very vicious move.

The third point. Carter looked at Ichiro Matsushima and smiled meaningfully: Mr. Matsushima, what kind of company do you think the essence of Yuanxin is? A semiconductor company? A communication technology company? Is it still as we promote it? A very general technology company?”

Ichiro Matsushima was slightly startled, looking back at the other party in confusion, and after pondering for a few seconds, he said: The fields that Yuanxin is involved in are very broad, and we cannot make a very precise definition.

Actually, Yuanxin is essentially a system company. Carter said with a smile after selling out: From the very beginning of EDA to the current YOS, YXLAB, and YX compiler... we are a company that deals with code all the time. enterprise.

Maybe Mr. Matsushima knows that the SMS system was developed by Yuanxin.

Ichiro Matsushima nodded: Yes.

The ringback tone system was also developed by Yuanxin.

Ichiro Matsushima raised his eyebrows slightly, but nodded: Yes.

“And the MMS system that will be promoted and launched by SK Telecom in Bangkok is also developed by Yuanxin.”

Here, Carter did not use the professional name Multimedia Messaging Service for the MMS system, but used the literal English translation of MMS so that Ichiro Matsushima could understand it.

Sure enough, when Ichiro Matsushima heard the word MMS, he was just stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that this was another value-added service that could take money out of users' pockets.

So far, all mainstream value-added services are provided by Yuanxin! This is our third advantage, and it is unparalleled.

Seeing that Matsushima Ichiro's expression quickly became serious and serious, Carter looked at Zhu Pengjun again.

It seems that Ichiro Matsushima is not a mediocre person who can take charge of such a huge operating empire as NTT... It is obvious that he is aware of how obvious the advantages of Yuanxin are.

After a brief moment of silent thinking, Ichiro Matsushima quickly adjusted his mood and looked at Carter with a smile: What about two more points?

The fourth point. Carter exhaled without leaving any trace - he now feels that he should be able to persuade Matsushima Ichiro to support CCDMA.

At this moment, the office door suddenly received a few gentle knocks.

Ichiro Matsushima looked up and saw Mitsui and Hans appearing at the door at the same time.

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