1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 734 The people of Ni country are sick

Since NTT doesn't give face, Carter naturally doesn't need to be too verbose.

He was too lazy to think about why NTT would make such a fuss, and planned to leave after saying a few words.

Sorry, Mr. Carter. Matsuda Gang finally smiled bitterly.

He came from a technical position, so it was a bit overwhelming to face Carter's momentum, which came with his status as a top executive of Yuanxin.

We really value our cooperation with Yuanxin. Matsuda Gang repeated again, and his tone was very sincere: That's why I will contact you first.

Carter didn't speak, just looked at the other person with a half-smile. He is Caucasian and tall. He is about 18 years old, while Matsuda Gang is less than 1.7 meters tall. Even across the conference table, he can still look at the other person condescendingly.

After a pause, Matsuda Gang continued: We must admit that technically, CCDMA does perform very well...

Mr. Matsuda, we all know this. Zhu Pengjun glanced at Carter and took over the words: We have cooperated before. If there is an operator in the world that understands the CCDMA standard better, it is NTT.

Yes. Matsuda Gang pursed his lips and remained silent for a few seconds again.

Facing Carter and Zhu Pengjun, he no longer knew what to say.

Even the entire NTT technical department doesn't know what to say - because from a factual point of view, CCDMA should be the best of the three standards. If they were really allowed to choose, they would definitely choose CCDMA - they provided the technology!

But this matter does not depend on their will.

In other words, it does not depend on the will of the Technical Equipment Department.

Mr. Carter, Mr. Zhu. We don't have the final say on standard matters. Finally, Matsuda Gang raised his head and smiled bitterly.

Then can I meet the senior management of NTT? Carter put his hands on the table and looked directly at each other.

At the same time, NTT President's Office.

President Ichiro Matsushima had a pleasant chat with the two guests from Europe.

Of these two, one is an official of the European Telecommunications Commission and the other is the president of Siemens' communications technology department.

The purpose of their visit is naturally the same as that of Yuanxin. They hope that NTT can help promote WCDMA in the subsequent adoption of 3G standards.

Mr. Matsushima, as a long-term partner, we believe that we have more advantages than other peers in terms of service upgrades, equipment upgrades and maintenance.

Mr. Hans, the technical president of Siemens, looked at Ichiro Matsushima and smiled meaningfully: In the past ten years, GSM technology has proven that it is good enough and stable enough. As the world's largest telecommunications company, we believe that stability is , Seamless upgrade is the greatest responsibility to users and the greatest responsibility to enterprises.

Ichiro Matsushima nodded with deep understanding.

As the president of NTT and a business leader in charge of more than 100,000 employees, although he also recognizes CCDMA technology and even FarCore,... faster is not always better.

What's more, the CCDMA standard is not fast enough for NTT to bear even a slight risk of instability.

Then, let's talk about this first? Mr. Hans stood up after looking at the officials next to him, and extended his hand to Matsushima Ichiro: I hope to continue to cooperate with you in the future.

After sending Hans to the door, Ichiro Matsushima returned to the office.

But after opening the calendar, he frowned deeply again.

Today is also the day when the global president of FarCore comes to visit - although he has arranged for Mitsui, the vice president in charge of marketing, to receive him, he still feels that he has to personally check in after all.

Mitsui knows very well that he has always been unconvinced by mainland companies like Yuanxin. The reason for arranging for him to go was of course considering that Yuanxin's influence and reputation in the Asian region were too great... Not to mention Yuanxin, even NTT's technical equipment department was convinced by Yuanxin.

Since we are going to negotiate, we must find someone with tougher knees.

After thinking about it, Matsushima Ichiro picked up the phone and called Mitsui's secretary.

Soon, Mitsui's secretary told him that Mr. Mitsui was holding a meeting of the marketing department.

Is he holding a market meeting? Ichiro Matsushima glanced at the phone and then at the important events on the calendar. He realized that he had indeed read and heard correctly and frowned: Where are Yuanxin's customers? Negotiations. it's over?

The secretary paused for a moment and then quickly said: President, Vice President Mitsui did not receive guests from Yuanxin.

What? Ichiro Matsushima stared: What's going on? What about Yuan Xin's guests?

He seems... to have arranged for Minister Matsuda of the Technical Equipment Department to receive him. After a pause, the secretary explained: The person coming from Yuanxin this time seems to be the head of the technical department, which just meets the reception standards.


Ichiro Matsushima couldn't help but cursed, and then exhaled a few heavy breaths.

A moment later, Matsushima Ichiro dialed Matsuda Gang's phone number.



Walking on the road leading to the president's office, Carter felt as if he was participating in a comedy sketch today.

He kept making eye contact with Zhu Pengjun, but it was obvious that Zhu Pengjun was just as confused as he was.

Even the short middle-aged man leading the way was confused.

After receiving the call, Matsuda Gang kept saying that there was a small communication problem, and then the president invited them to the office to get together.

It seems that Mr. Shan is right. People who live a good life are sick.

As he turned the corner, Zhu Pengjun strode after Carter and quietly complained.

Carter had a sullen face and nodded slightly.

Not only was he sick, he was also seriously ill - because he saw the president and CEO of NTT, the man in charge of the jobs of 100,000 people, standing at the door of the office, waiting for him with a big smile.

Mr. Carter, Mr. Zhu.

Ichiro Matsushima bowed slightly and shook hands with the two of them.

Although Carter was full of dissatisfaction, he and Zhu Pengjun still shook hands with each other at the same time with the etiquette of the country. Then enter the office.

Boy, I'm sorry, I was negligent just now.

Ichiro Matsushima apologized to both of them.

Indeed, they arranged this matter poorly and it could be considered a serious business accident.

It's okay. Carter quickly regained his usual composure and said with a smile, It's our honor to meet Mr. Matsushima.

As he spoke, Carter and Zhu Pengjun looked at each other, and both of them had the idea of ​​strike while the iron is hot in their eyes.

Mr. Matsushima, we are here for cooperation this time.

Carter went straight to the point and opened the briefcase directly without giving Ichiro Matsushima any chance to greet or escape.

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