1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 733 NTT’s Small Problem

Based on data and intelligence, NTT is inclined to choose WCDMA.

Zhu Pengjun also sat down. He came here to provide technical support and was also a pioneer. After all, he had been responsible for the implementation of the technical cooperation with Niguo before, and he had acquaintances here - although the status of NTT's technical department was far inferior to that of Yuanxin, it was always more convenient to have acquaintances to talk to.

Without raising his head, Carter quickly wrote a small inspiration in English on his notebook and replied: Yes, but Qualcomm started contact with Niguo as early as the beginning of the year, and their integrated baseband chips are very fast. ——I heard from Mr. Tian that he seems to be faster than us?

Zhu Pengjun coughed lightly.

Although he is from the base station equipment department, he is also familiar with the progress of the baseband chip. I know that in the Science and Technology Park of Yuanxin Headquarters, in addition to those independent laboratories and teaching and research centers, the core R\u0026D strength is actually the YX architecture and communications department.

It stands to reason that Yuanxin is the provider of YX architecture and theoretically has the fastest integration speed.

In order to maintain the absolute advantages of the YX architecture and realize the commitment of open licensing, almost all the elites in the chip design field here are based on the YX architecture.

Qualcomm, on the other hand, had reached a cooperation with Yuexin on the YX architecture three or four years ago. In order to win over Qualcomm, President Shan even directly interfered with the communications department’s patent concessions at that time.

You know, Qualcomm at that time was really just a pure communication technology provider, and its chip design capabilities were extremely weak... It was also because Mr. Shan was used to being right, and everyone was accustomed to listening to him on technical matters. , which did not cause a lot of dissatisfaction.

Then it turned out that Mr. Shan was indeed right, and heroes in the world should not be underestimated.

After obtaining the authorization of the YX architecture, Qualcomm completed the integration of cdma baseband chips in the second year. It has now become the largest supplier of Xinghai. In addition, it has also found NEC, Sharp, Kyocera and other mobile phone manufacturers in Niguo for cooperation. Target, as for Samsung and LG from the country, let alone them.

After tasting the sweetness of selling mobile phone chips, Qualcomm continued its efforts, relying on the strong talent advantages of the United States, and relying on Yuanxin to prioritize the development of the YX architecture to compete with the stubborn ARM, MIPS, Alpha and other streamlined instruction set architectures. opportunity, and quickly became the fastest growing integrated chip designer in the field of YX architecture.

Moreover, Qualcomm has been constantly coaxing Apple, Samsung and others to persuade Yuanxin to separate the YX architecture to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings - it is said that Mr. Shan actually agrees with this suggestion.

So this time, Qualcomm rushed over in a hurry, obviously wanting to directly win over Niguo, a high-quality market with the second largest population among developed countries.

Well... Obviously, Russia is not considered a developed country in the eyes of the United States.

Actually, Mr. Tian is not much slower than Qualcomm. At most, it's a matter of time. And our advantage is not comparable to that of CDMA2000 and WCDMA. Zhu Pengjun looked at the lines written by Carter in English, which was actually listing FarCoin. The advantages.

Yes, but our influence on the Japanese government is too weak. Although NTT has great autonomy in purchasing equipment, the government still decides what standards to adopt. Carter stopped writing and frowned deeply.

He has served as the global president of Yuexin for nearly two years. From the beginning, he was mainly responsible for the mobile phone and YX architecture business in Europe and the United States. Last year, he took over and was responsible for the expansion of all overseas businesses of Yuexin - including Asia strategy. This means that Yuanxin undoubtedly recognizes his ability and recognition of Yuanxin.

Because of this, he now increasingly realizes that it is really difficult for Yuanxin to expand when it involves advanced basic and platform fields.

To put it bluntly, once the business involves the national level, it becomes particularly difficult for Yuanxin because of its background rooted in mainland China.

This is the result of the fact that Yuanxin has maintained close cooperation and win-win cooperation with the Asian region for so many years. If Yuanxin follows other companies to learn... I am afraid it will be really difficult to get it done.

Sometimes Carter thinks, if Yuanxin were in Silicon Valley, the whole world would be crawling at the feet of Yuanxin, right?

Shaking his head, Carter shook off the unrealistic fantasy and sighed: The biggest concession Mr. Shan gave us is to authorize base station chips and equipment to be produced by Chinese companies. If we still don't agree, then we can only place our hope on SoftBank or AU. , and then support these two families.”

Yeah. Zhu Pengjun nodded.

This is also the purpose of his coming.

Tokyo, NTT headquarters.

As one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, NTT controls more than half of the country's market share. It is not a pure telecommunications operation and service company. It has investments in various fields and even around the world.

The saying that people in Ni country cannot avoid NTT from birth to death is really not a lie.

As a result, they are a lot stronger.

Mr. Matsuda.

Mr. Lewis, Mr. Zhu.

In a pleasant meeting, both parties entered the conference room of NTT Technology Department, and then sat down separately.

Carter concealed his unhappiness well and looked at Matsuda Gang, the person in charge of the meeting opposite - the director of the Technical Equipment Department with a smile. He smiled and said in fluent Chinese: Mr. Matsuda, I am representing Yuanxin this time. , I hope to cooperate with you in the next generation of communication technology.

Matsutangang glanced at Zhu Pengjun and then looked at Carter, also with a smile on his face - he concealed the bitterness very well: We also hope to carry out multi-faceted cooperation with Yuanxin in the next generation of communication technology. In this regard , Mr. Zhu can testify.”

Zhu Pengjun coughed lightly.

Although this Matsuda Gang is an old minister, he actually has a technical background. He had interacted with him when he came to Ni Country for exchanges, and knew that this person had an engineer's natural admiration and pursuit of technology. In other words, I am very convinced of Yuan Xin.

But I am still convinced...

Doesn't it mean that he is qualified to sit across from NTT and represent the executive board directors and overseas presidents of Yuexin to negotiate cooperation issues - although the cooperation negotiated here cannot be regarded as real cooperation. But that will eventually express NTT's attitude, and then affect the Japanese government's decision through NTT.

Then... I can't even understand that NTT means that it will fully support the use of CCDMA in the next generation communication standard? Carter continued to ask with a smile.

Obviously, there was a small problem when Ni Guo was preparing the negotiation objects.

Even if NTT is Party A’s father now, Yuanxin is Party B. This kind of unequal status negotiation should not occur between giant companies of the size of Yuanxin and NTT.

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