1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 731 Total War in the Communication Era

Hey, Jay Chou is here.

Tian Yaoming faced the door and took the lead in saying hello.

Su Yuanshan turned around and saw Zhou Xiaohui's appearance, knowing that she must have come over just after getting off the plane, and he also laughed: You came just in time, we were just talking about you.

Zhou Xiaohui closed the door smoothly and glanced left and right, ready to find a cup.

Su Yuanshan handed her the disposable paper cup he had on hand: I haven't drunk it yet.

Zhou Xiaohui took the opportunity to sit down next to Su Yuanshan's sofa. She said hello to Tian Yaoming first, and then looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile: Mr. Shan, isn't there a surprise?

Well, the MMS system is ready to go online. Take it over and see how you can promote it. Su Yuanshan said and handed the prototype to Zhou Xiaohui.

MMS? MMS SMS function? Zhou Xiaohui knew that Yuanxin had established several value-added business projects related to mobile phones, and the names of these projects and the names that were finally launched on the market were often very different - the latter needed to be catchy, It also needs to be easy for people to understand.

Yes! In short, it is...a text message function that can send pictures - it can be connected to the Internet through an interface. For example, if you browse a website, as long as the website has MMS service, you can send pictures to your mobile phone , whether it is made into a screen saver, wallpaper, or even simply shared and enjoyed.

In addition to the expansion of Internet services, the most important thing about it is the ability to share what you see. For example, if you take a photo now, it can be sent directly to your contacts through the MMS system.

While following Su Yuanshan's instructions, Zhou Xiaohui raised her phone to take a picture of Su Yuanshan, and then selected Tian Yaoming in the contacts.

Soon, Tian Yaoming's cell phone buzzed. He raised the phone and faced Zhou Xiaohui: Received.

Zhou Xiaohui glanced at it for a few times and couldn't help but wonder: This...is what you call touching the soul? Isn't it?

Hahaha! Of course not. Su Yuanshan laughed.

He does not deny that MMS, with the support of cameras, is indeed an eye-catching feature - in China, the MMS system has always been tepid, but in Western developed countries, MMS has indeed been popular for a while. But if you want to say that it can really be used to endorse 3G... that's still far behind - even MMS is not a product of the 3G era in history. It can still be used under GPRS networks, but it is a bit slower.

To promote 3G, the first thing to promote is the concept. This concept needs to intuitively change people's lives.

Zhou Xiaohui crossed her legs, supported her chin with her hand, and looked at Su Yuanshan seriously, as if she was listening attentively.

Su Yuanshan was delighted when he saw this: Use your brain and think about how to promote it next. Bang Country is the focus of our promotion, and the sample is to be promoted to the world.

Zhou Xiaohui shrugged: It's just to promote high-speed Internet access...

...Don't be perfunctory.

It's true, it's a series of changes brought about by high-speed Internet, such as high-speed downloading and smooth web browsing. After a pause, Zhou Xiaohui said: If news websites can cooperate in launching video news, I think you should be able to watch it, too. But traffic costs need to be considered, especially domestically.”

But as far as publicity is concerned, there is obviously no need to consider traffic costs.

Well... indeed, you can do a lot of things with a fast Internet speed. Su Yuanshan nodded, and it could be seen that Zhou Xiaohui had indeed thought about it.

But obviously, she is still a little limited. Of course, it’s not her fault—currently all mobile phone cameras are rear-facing, not front-facing yet!

So? Zhou Xiaohui looked at Su Yuanshan, waiting for him to touch the soul.

Video phone! Sister Xiaohui. Su Yuanshan shook his head with a smile and held the phone in his hand: When we designed it, if we turned the camera in another direction and put it in the front, could we turn the portable video phone into a Is it realistic?”

Zhou Xiaohui was startled when she heard this!

As the actual person in charge of the largest telecommunications company in the country, and coming from a communications giant like Yuanxin, she naturally knows the history of video calls well.

Over the past countless years, communications industry giants led by AT\u0026T have never given up their pursuit of video calling technology. Almost seventy years have passed since the earliest black-and-white telephone communications.

But unfortunately, in the following decades, although the picture of video communication changed from black and white to color, it was still limited by the transmission rate, and the picture was still a slideshow, with one frame every few seconds.

It was not until the rise of the Internet, especially the emergence of cheap CMOS cameras, that Yuanxin launched a video camera for ordinary consumers and jointly launched a video chat function with EM. Only then did it achieve the dream function of predecessors in the communications industry in a roundabout way. ——It was this video chat website that allowed EM to regain the favor of investors.

However, the video phone implemented by this curve to save the country is still inconvenient and restricted.

Now, what Su Yuanshan means is to use the lens of the mobile phone to complete the function of the web camera, let the mobile phone complete the function of the PC computer, and let 3G complete the function of Internet broadband access... to reproduce the current situation in the PC field, which is also considered an emerging trend. Product video chat?

After being stunned for only two seconds, Zhou Xiaohui realized the key: How smooth is the picture? What performance does the mobile phone need to support?

Basically, all mobile phones that can play MP4 files smoothly are supported. For smoothness, please refer to online videos. Su Yuanshan pointed at his head with a smile: Use your brain, and there is nothing you can't think of.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaohui immediately exhaled.

If all mobile phones that can play MP4 files smoothly can support it, it means that a large number of cheap mobile phones can be launched to promote promotion, instead of having to use Yuanxin's most high-end Yidoo concept model to play well.

In addition to high network load scenarios such as video calls, the bandwidth of the 3G network itself is a resource. It can be used to connect mobile computer devices through 3G mobile phones and wireless network cards with modem functions... Su Yuanshan He paused and said, We can even expand the application scenarios a little wider - for example, in the future, when wireless communication technology reaches 4G or 5G, everything in the world will be able to access the Internet - Brother Tian, ​​do you think so? no?

Tian Yaoming nodded happily.

He was the first person in Yuanxin to come into contact with Su Yuanshan's vision for wireless communications. As early as two years ago, when Yuanxin completed the core technology of the CCDMA standard, NEWBEE Labs began to develop the next generation network, that is, the 4G network. , and this year, a team to explore the next generation, that is, 5G network, was officially established.

If Tian Yaoming thought that Su Yuanshan's plan was a bit too fantasy eight years ago, now he has become convinced.

Because NEWBEE Laboratory has found an evolution direction based on CCDMA, and because it adopts the same frequency division duplex mode as CCDMA, the internal code name is temporarily named: FDD-4G.

...Okay, you guys have the final say, I just want the product.

Zhou Xiaohui shrugged and said that she was a standard operator.

Technology or whatever, you can just bring it.

Um. Su Yuanshan raised his wrist and glanced at the time, then stood up: It's okay here. Let's go back to my office first and let's talk while we walk.

Zhou Xiaohui stood up immediately: What are you talking about?

Talk about fighting.

Su Yuanshan stared at Zhou Xiaohui, smiled and sighed: Sister Xiaohui, this is really an all-out war in the communication era that is related to the future of Yuanxin!

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