1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 730 The Story of WiFi

Zhou Xiaohui walked straight to the laboratory building along the air bridge.

Along the way, whether it is R\u0026D personnel or employees in the corporate department, they are still coming and going as before, and they are busy with the giant ship of Yuanxin running towards the new century.

But Zhou Xiaohui vaguely felt something was different.

After greeting several passing employees, she stood on the air bridge and thought for a while. Finally I realized that the atmosphere was different.

Perhaps it is because the new century is about to begin, or perhaps it is because at the beginning of this year, the two top power departments, the Science and Technology Committee and the Board of Directors, have jointly launched a vigorous rectification campaign. In short, in the science and technology park, people's pace involuntarily accelerated.

After getting off the elevator from the laboratory building, Zhou Xiaohui glanced left and right, went to the carport, grabbed a public bicycle, and rode towards the Newbee laboratory.

At this time, in the Newbee laboratory, Su Yuanshan and Tian Yaoming were having a great time playing with a laboratory prototype each - the so-called playing was nothing more than taking pictures with a camera and then transmitting them to the other party.

Frankly speaking, MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is a business that will be replaced by 3G network applications sooner or later. If there is time to wait, how about I log in to the email directly with my mobile phone, or directly use EM to send real-time picture messages?

Su Yuanshan held up his mobile phone and looked at the colorful pictures that were refreshed. Although his tone was full of disgust, he still had a smile on his face.

After all, as a company that produces mass consumer products, Yuanxin's responsibility is to take into account the diversity of customer needs.

After all, as a technology company in the communications industry, Yuanxin's pursuit is to have more skills than to be overwhelmed.

MMS has a famous name in history - multimedia messaging.

Before the CCDMA standard was submitted, Yuanxin began to deploy applications for 3G networks, or the entire mobile network. At the same time, it established projects including ring back tones, multimedia messages, and wireless network cards.

After the CRBT was launched last year, relying on the powerful copyright library of MP3.com, coupled with the popularity of music mobile phones, the CRBT system quickly became popular from the United States to the world. This trend-leading achievement made SK Telecom in the United States It has gained a very high sense of recognition in the country.

This time, the MMS system will be launched.

If music phones have grown up with CRBT, then the future color screen + camera phones should have grown up with MMS.

I think so too, but you obviously can't expect all users to have access to WiFi phones... Tian Yaoming happily weighed the prototype in his hands with a look of satisfaction on his face.

The two prototypes in the hands of him and Su Yuanshan just came out of the laboratory. It is no exaggeration to say that they are bricks - they are the latest Yidoo equipped with 3G baseband and WiFi chip. The prototype of a series of concept aircraft. And it is equipped with Yuanxin’s latest YOS system.

From Su Yuanshan's perspective from later generations, this mobile phone is already infinitely close to the smartphones of later generations.

As for why it is equipped with a WIFI chip... there is a twists and turns in the little story.

Last year, when the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers solicited standards for short-range wireless technology, that is, 802.11, just like history, the CSIRO laboratory under the Australian government directly came up with a set of patented technologies and said, I can do it.

After the IEEE took a look at it, holy shit, CSIRO’s technology is so awesome, why should we bother? You are the one!

So I persuaded CSIRO to give up patent fees, just like USB, to benefit the public. And in return, we will choose you as the standard.

As a result, the Australian government refused to do it - why should I not charge patent fees for the technology developed by the team I paid to support?

This angered the IEEE, so the IEEE began to rummage through the cabinets, looking for various information and evidence to prove that as early as a few years ago, the IEEE had begun research on short-distance wireless transmission technology, and said that although your CSIRO technology solved the core problem The technology has been patented, but the underlying technology involved in wireless transmission technology was laid down fifty years ago.

As a result, the Australian government decisively filed a lawsuit with the United States.

Then...this matter spread to Yuan Xin.

Therefore, Yuanxin also started to search the bar, rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and sorted out its own patent reserves. Finally, after comparing it with the Xinghai side, it was discovered that both parties had applied for forward error correction technology when they were developing cordless phones in 1993. patent...

Therefore, as soon as the two parties gathered together, Xinghai took the initiative to find the IEEE and provided a patent certificate stating that the CSIRO patent was infringed.

All of a sudden, the Australian government was at a loss.

After all, the short-distance wireless transmission technology proposed by CSIRO actually relies on the relevant experience of studying black holes, and finally combines the three technologies of multi-carrier modulation (Multicarrier Modulation), forward error-correcting (forward error-correcting) and interleaving (interleaving). Big technology finally solved the problem of signal interference.

In theory, this is technology integration.

In addition, the two major laboratories of Yuanxin are not too big a deal to watch the excitement, and to add fuel to the fire, they told the IEEE, don't panic, wait for us, we will be able to develop excellent short-distance wireless transmission technology right away. - Among them, the most noisy one is Ma Mengqi. In order to develop the image transmission protocol for drones, he has been working on the wireless protocol for a year. Give him some time and he may not be able to get it done.

Now... with the off-site support from the two major foreign players, Yuanxin and Xinghai, the Australian government finally chose to bow its head. It means that I can make it free, but you have to adopt it as a standard and then promote it vigorously.

To put it bluntly, I don’t have to make money, but I have to have honor.

Speaking of which, IEEE even sent an email to Mr. Xi...

As a result, the standard battle for the short-distance wireless transmission protocol, which is officially named wifi, finally came to an end.

What is different from history is that in history, the mainland was very critical and wary of wifi, and even came up with WAPI... But in this timeline, because Yuanxin has already come up with CCDMA, and The two major laboratories of Yuanxin and IEEE collaborated and forced the Australian government to submit. They have already earned enough face. Therefore, in terms of wifi standards, it maintains amazing consistency with the international community...

After all, the CSIRO laboratory still has two brushes. There is no need for Yuanxin to repeatedly develop a similar set. Maybe it is better to come out with other people's agreements.

And Yuanxin is not without its contribution - at the very least, Yuanxin has proposed a more effective and secure solution for the encryption of WiFi protocols, and bundled it into the standard.

Now that IEEE has agreed to help promote it, major companies have also given face to it.

In particular, Yuanxin has started research and development of wifi chips at the beginning of this year. Now this wifi chip has completed the design and is a test chip implemented using FPGA chip.

Zhou Xiaohui walked into the laboratory door with a bang. Before she was at the door, she heard Su Yuanshan's laughter coming from inside.

Actually, these are all false. To promote the popularization of 3G networks, it is mainly necessary to have application scenarios or functions that touch the soul.

Tian Yaoming: Touch the soul?

Su Yuanshan: Yes, it touches the soul. People will know at a glance, wow, it turns out that 3G can still play like this!

Zhou Xiaohui opened the door and looked at Su Yuanshan with a smile: How to play?

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