1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 729 The arrival of the 3G era

Su Yuanshan quietly listened to Wan Yongliang excitedly telling his thoughts on the phone, but his thoughts drifted far away.

It seems that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization still launched air strikes against Yugoslavia, as it did in history.


Mr. Shan, what do you think? If ATV wants to become international, it must have an international vision and show its presence internationally. This time NATO takes action against Yugoslavia is a good opportunity.

Yes. Su Yuanshan gently unclenched his fists and breathed out slowly: Okay, but what is the direction of the report?

Fair. Wan Yongliang quickly replied: We don't care what the domestic and international media say, but we are new to the industry. In addition to rushing for news timeliness, the only thing we can do is to report only on the news and the event itself - if at the beginning Just being biased is obviously not okay.”

Even if you want to be a dragon-slaying boy, you still have to be great and upright. Wan Yongliang chuckled.

Su Yuanshan pondered again for a few seconds and then nodded slowly.

Lao Wan is a very shrewd person, and he can fully understand his ambition in media and influence.

Well...then it's established. Pay attention to safety. War is no joke. After a pause, Su Yuanshan continued: As for the reporter selection, you have your own considerations.

Don't worry, I know it. What about diplomacy?

Su Yuanshan: ...Where can I find diplomatic relations for you?

No, Mr. Shan, you must have a way.

...Okay. Su Yuanshan sighed: You make the preparations first, and I'll call my uncle.

He really has some connections in diplomacy - his grandfather was a diplomat stationed in the Soviet Union back then, and thanks to this, my uncle was able to have a smooth life as a gangster.

Although my grandfather has already retired, my uncle's business is now in full swing, and Su Yuanshan, his grandson, is famous, so if he really wants to find some connections, he can easily get it.

Seeing Su Yuanshan hang up the phone, Zhu Yuanxin asked curiously after listening to a few words intermittently: Where is the war?

The Balkans. Su Yuanshan waved his hand: No matter where you are, let's talk about us.

Brother Zhu, everyone in this symposium is talking about semiconductors, but we all know that the promotion of the semiconductor industry will ultimately fall in specific product fields. In the past two decades, the chips and memories led by the United States and Japan have , the product field we rely on is the promotion and development of computers. In the next twenty years, if we want to take the lead, we can only achieve breakthroughs in new product fields.

Well, it's the digital age. Zhu Yuanxin nodded with a smile: Flash memory, liquid crystal, lithium battery.

Yes - and we need to add a camera, which will be the eyes of future smart devices. Su Yuanshan also smiled: Unfortunately, Sony's technical barriers to CMOS photosensitive components are too high... We can't grab it, it's cheap They are.

Zhu Yuanxin laughed: Haha, Mr. Shan, you have to leave some soup for others to drink.

Yeah... forget about the camera, but the chip is a piece of meat that no one can use. I've got it!

As he said that, his cell phone rang again.

When he saw the name on the caller ID, Su Yuanshan was slightly startled and immediately pressed the answer button.

——The call came from the director of the Domestic Telecommunications Standards Committee.

A month later, amid the smoke and fire in the Balkans, the Telecommunication Standardization Department of the International Telecommunication Union officially announced the third generation wireless communication standards.

Unsurprisingly, the three international standards that have been allocated spectrum are WCDMA led by the European Telecommunications Standards Committee, CDMA2000 led by Qualcomm in North America, and CCDMA led by FarCore in Asia.

From the fact that all three standards carry the letters CDMA, it can be seen that the biggest winner is actually Qualcomm - if Yuanxin hadn't grabbed some patents, I am afraid that equipment manufacturers around the world would have become Qualcomm's wage earners.

With the promulgation of the 3G standard, the atmosphere in Yuanxin's communications department, especially the equipment department, suddenly became tense.

The passenger plane from Seoul slowly landed at the provincial capital airport. After a while, Zhou Xiaohui, wearing a dark blue women's suit, appeared at the airport exit with her secretary and assistant.

At the exit, Fu Zhenhua, who was responsible for welcoming her, waved with a smile and called out Mr. Zhou.

Brother Fu. When Zhou Xiaohui saw Fu Zhenhua, she immediately laughed with a serious face. She walked up to Fu Zhenhua in a few steps, stretched out her hand and said with a smile: How dare you bother you to pick me up... Also, you'd better call me Xiaohui sounds pleasant to my ears.

She and Fu Zhenhua, one of them was Su Yuanshan's secretary and the other was Su Yuanshan's driver. They were both the closest people to Su Yuanshan, and they had a very good relationship in private. Zhou Xiaohui even visited Fu Zhenhua's house.

Haha, Mr. Shan said that I have nothing to do anyway, so I just came for a run. Fu Zhenhua is middle-aged, but he still maintains a good figure, and his voice becomes louder and louder: Besides, you are now Boss...

Zhou Xiaohui smiled and shook her head, and followed Fu Zhenhua into Su Yuanshan's special car.

When she came back this time, her first task was to meet with the executive board of directors, which was actually to discuss the deployment of Bangguo's 3G network.

At the meeting at the beginning of the year, she seriously reviewed the limitations of her vision in the past year. Therefore, starting from this year, she refocused her vision and stance on the height of Yuanxin, and did not miss out on all the information about Yuanxin that she was qualified to know. Core business intelligence...

And strangely enough, when she returned to Yuanxin's position, she suddenly found that her work at SK Telecom was inexplicably smoother - at least, her work was much more satisfying.

Along the way, Zhou Xiaohui and Fu Zhenhua chatted as usual. Of course, Fu Zhenhua mainly introduced Su Yuanshan's daily affairs to Zhou Xiaohui... It was a pity that Mr. Shan had been staying in Shanghai for the past month and was very busy, so there was no Sun. Interesting things to share.

Mr. Shan is a boring guy. Zhou Xiaohui was now sitting on the boss chair in the back row. She pulled the backrest of the front row and said with a smile: It was still fun when I was in Jiangdu Building. At that time, , Sister Sun and we fought for his sofa to take a nap every day. He just lay on the chair to rest every day, just like a toad with his mouth open.

Fu Zhenhua laughed loudly: You can't spread these words randomly.

YX003 soon drove into the science and technology park. After Zhou Xiaohui asked her secretary and assistant to take her luggage back to the apartment building, she went straight to the administration building. After breaking into Su Yuanshan's office with ease, he found that there was no one else in the office except the administrative secretary who was guarding outside.

The girl in the secretarial team is named Tang Shuang. She was one of Zhou Xiaohui's secretaries. When she saw her coming back, she immediately stood up in surprise: Sister Zhou, when did you come back?

We just came back. Where is Mr. Shan? Zhou Xiaohui was already taking out her cell phone.

Went to the NEWBEE laboratory - he said that if he hasn't come back when you arrive, you should go directly to the laboratory to find him and give you a surprise.

Surprise? Zhou Xiaohui was stunned and immediately asked: What surprise?

I don't know, but after listening to a few sentences, I guessed it was about 3G applications.

As a member of Su Yuanshan's secretarial team, Tang Shuang certainly knows that in addition to domestic and HK, the country is the focus of Yuanxin's 3G ecology.

As for the 3G ecosystem, the most important thing is application.

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