1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 728 Keeping the flame of high-end chips

Since it was a discussion, there were naturally not so many restrictions, so the applause rang out.

Then let me talk about Yuan Xin's situation. I'm just doing my best in front of you... Su Yuanshan said and wanted to say a few words of modesty subconsciously, but he saw everyone looking at him a little weird.

He suddenly stopped talking. Since half of the country here is from the Yuanxin system, no matter how modest he is, it is a bit too pretentious. So let’s get to the point right away.

He had been listening just now.

Domestic colleagues mainly analyze future trends and crises they face from their own perspective and that of the industry. For example, Wang Chaoxin focused on the current situation of the packaging and testing industry.

In the past few years, Zhongxin has relied on two legs: focusing on consumer electronics products with one hand and packaging and testing with the other. It has already become a leading company in the field of packaging and testing in the domestic semiconductor industry. In the past two years, with the domestic The rise of the semiconductor industry and the opportunity of the cold winter in the semiconductor industry in Southeast Asia have surpassed ASE on the island and its packaging and testing peers such as Singapore United Technology. Their next goal is to be on par with the leader in packaging and testing, the American Amkor.

Of course, Amkor is an international leader in packaging and testing. If Zhongxin wants to defeat Amkor by relying on the domestic market, it is obviously unrealistic. Therefore, it is imperative to go overseas. But before Zhongxin can go overseas, Ankor is here. He rushed into the country and planned to confront Zhongxin head-on.

Although Wang Chaoxin is thick-skinned, he also knows that since the country has allowed these foreign giants to come in, it will naturally be embarrassed to go astray. So he kept crying about poverty, saying that the current cost is too high and the competitiveness is not enough. He also hopes that the higher authorities will provide more policy support, and at the same time, he must actively help coordinate the international procurement of Zhongxin's packaging and testing equipment.

Wang Dongsheng talked about the future industrialization of LCD TVs, saying that LCD panels alone would not be enough and would require the cooperation of downstream TV manufacturers. In comparison, international competition is secondary - through the headwind expansion of the third 910 project last year, BOE can fully achieve the advantage of one-third of the world's production capacity.

As we all know, as long as you reach one-third of the market share in the industry, you almost have pricing power.

Actually, after listening to everyone's speech just now, I am mainly concerned about the future of semiconductors, not the present. Su Yuanshan looked at everyone and smiled: After all, in the past five years of our country, nothing else, just 908.909.910 After three projects, coupled with the support of local governments and other self-raised funds and investments, the final investment in our semiconductor industry is at least 50 to 60 billion yuan - including inflation factors, over the past few years, Almost 10 billion US dollars have really poured into our semiconductor industry.

Speaking of this, Su Yuanshan felt a little emotional.

Ten billion US dollars, in history, is really unimaginable - this does not include Yuanxin's continuous investment over the years.

It can be said that these 10 billion US dollars were saved by the country through its teeth. And the fact that we are still able to talk and laugh here shows that we have indeed lived up to the country's expectations.

Everyone present smiled and applauded.

Indeed, over the years, with the implementation of national projects, nothing has been seen at first. But from the year before last to this year, with the financial crisis in Southeast Asia and the traditional semiconductor winter, domestic semiconductor companies felt that they had done nothing... and then The market share will be high and there will be more orders.

According to the latest statistics, the self-production rate of domestic chips increased by 30 percentage points last year! Directly exceeding 60%!

What is even more gratifying is that domestic chip design companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain last year - in other words, those chip design companies have already gathered in Wuxi, Shanghai, Suzhou, provincial capitals, Tianjin, the capital, and other semiconductor industries. They were born with the support of the earth. This year, they just completed their gestation and gave birth to fruits.

Nowadays, whether it is a single-chip microcomputer or various professional chips, almost all domestic alternatives can be found in China - of course, some high-end chips, such as DSP chips, such as desktop PC central processing units and graphics card cores, are still Mainly imported.

But at least it is no longer like in the past, where all chips have to be imported, and they even have to depend on people's faces to get them.

——Every one of you here doesn’t know the days when even microcontrollers were listed as high-tech products prohibited from export?

But we must also be soberly aware that we are still some distance away from Western developed countries. Moreover...we now rely on output to achieve our own production rate, and we can even rely on cost advantages to expand around the world - not to mention whether we can To defeat the traditional Western giants internationally, even if we rely on our output and cost advantages to defeat them, we still have lessons to learn from the past.

Hearing Su Yuanshan talk about lessons learned from the past, some people didn't even react. Cao Xingcheng next to him looked at him and said, Are you talking about Ni Country?

Yes, didn't NEC just hit memory chips so hard that Silicon Valley couldn't hold its head up? In the end... we all know the result. Su Yuanshan shrugged: Three years ago, NEC fell from the top spot in semiconductors. , gave way to Intel - let me tell you a big story, Yuanxin's business is relatively scattered and has not been listed on the market, so it is not easy to rank in industry analysis reports. If it must be ranked, in the semiconductor industry, Yuanxin is actually the second largest Yu intel.

So, the key now is to keep the flame of our high-end chip industry and not let the international giants who have gained competitive advantages by joining the WTO strangle our high-end chip industry in the cradle.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Su Yuanshan again.

As we all know, only Yuanxin has a place at the high end.

The leader also looked at Su Yuanshan: What is your consciousness?

So, I still hope that leaders and everyone will give more support to domestic CPUs and DPS.

If Su Yuanshan is given a chance to speak, he will naturally support it unceremoniously.

In the past month, the CIA has been releasing new CPUs. Even if Su Yuanshan is as stable as Mount Tai, he clearly feels a lot of pressure on the processor department...

Su Yuanshan believed that Yuanxin could make a comeback, but if he could make a comeback before it was too late, that would naturally be the best.

After the symposium, Su Yuanshan briefly chatted with several members of Yuanxin's executive board about daily life and then returned to the design center. He planned to stay one night before returning to Shanghai. By the way, he would chat with Zhu Yuanxin and take a look at the design. Work progress at the center.

However, as soon as he called Zhu Yuanxin to his office in the courtyard and started talking, Wen Xiaoqian came over there holding the phone.

What's wrong?

Mr. Wan called. He said he would like to discuss something with you and see if you have any connections in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Foreign Office?

Su Yuanshan was startled: Why is he looking for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

Having said that, Su Yuanshan still took the call.

On the phone, Wan Yongliang's voice was very excited.

Mr. Shan, the fight is about to begin.


Kosovo! I think this is a great opportunity for us to set up an international news station! Do you think you can find some connections so that we can send foreign reporters there?

Kosovo? NATO, Yugoslavia?

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