1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 727 Half of the Semiconductor Industry

Su Yuanshan blinked, he also knew that this was a bit unkind.

Now it can be said that Meijie is in an extremely smooth sailing and is a guest of various chip manufacturers - as a motherboard manufacturer with a status that is biased towards the middle and lower reaches, it is indeed not easy to achieve this status.

But once Meijie attempts to enter the upstream chip design field, it will be different.

If a former serf wants to sing, he will be beaten.

Especially during the critical period when 3DFX is flexing its muscles and preparing to push 3D display technology to a new level, Meijie cannot have any problems.

It's okay, this matter needs to be looked at in two parts. Su Yuanshan coughed lightly - he worked for Chen Jing for a long time last night, and in the end Chen Jing chose to support him, but on the condition that he let himself Let her brother talk, but she won't open the door.

Chen Daohua had a natural trust in Su Yuanshan. After hearing this, he looked at Su Yuanshan seriously.

First of all, Brother Daohua, you have to believe that I still have a certain influence on Xinghai and the 3DFX department. Right?

That's right. Chen Daohua nodded immediately.

He has worked with the 3DFX department for so many years, so he naturally knows that Su Yuanshan recruited the 3DFX team into Xinghai by name, and set bottom lines and policies to protect the 3DFX team along the way, and ultimately promoted it to reach a strategic partnership with Mei Jie - it can He said that the boss of 3DFX has great admiration and respect for Su Yuanshan.

So, we can try our best to eliminate misunderstandings between the two parties. For example, SIS is currently mainly engaged in the design of integrated display cores. Technically, it cannot keep up with 3DFX. And in terms of business direction, there is no conflict between the two parties.

Secondly, high-end independent 3D acceleration chips are a necessary goal and pursuit, and we will definitely go forward. But until they appear, we are not in a competitive relationship with 3DFX.

Chen Daohua nodded slowly, but immediately asked: But Xinghai may not realize that we will pose a threat to them, right?

At that time, you can withdraw. Su Yuanshan chuckled.


And if that time comes, maybe Mei Jie won't need to look at anyone's face?

Chen Daohua was slightly startled and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Su Yuanshan said sternly: Really, Brother Daohua, we need a GPU core team to realize our needs. Just think of it as a favor. If there is any trouble over there in Xinghai, I will go directly to them and explain to them. .”

After pondering for a while, Chen Daohua finally nodded slowly.

Then how to cooperate first?

Establish a chip design company controlled by three parties. Su Yuanshan blurted out: YITA.


Well, Eta. Su Yuanshan shrugged: I just picked it up casually. If you have any good ones, you can just call me again.

As he said that, Su Yuanshan felt the vibration of his phone. After taking it out, he immediately made an apology gesture, stood up and walked aside, pressed the answer button and put it close to his ear.

Ten seconds later, Su Yuanshan hung up the phone and showed his hands to the two of them: Yes, I have to go to the capital... You will discuss the arrangements and integration of the technical team with Mr. Xi.

Chen Daohua and Jiang Wenxi looked at each other, and both of them heard the position Su Yuanshan just called.

Especially Jiang Wenxi's eyes were full of envy - the minister personally made the call to his personal mobile phone, which was already a great honor for the company.

Okay, let's discuss it with Xiaojing again.



One day later, Su Yuanshan went directly to the capital.

The call was naturally from the boss of the Ministry of Information Industry.

And he was not the only one who received the call, but all the big guys in the semiconductor industry were notified, but...he was the only one notified by the leader alone.

The reason is very simple. As the competent department of the semiconductor industry, the Ministry of Information Industry needs to know what the domestic semiconductor industry’s “feelings” and thoughts have been in the past month or so since joining the WTO. That’s why this conference was held in the capital. forum.

The symposium was held in the tea room. Because the standards of this symposium were very high, there were not many people there, and there were no experts, professors or irrelevant officials from academia and government, except for the leader and the secretary who took notes. In addition, everyone else is a big boss in the semiconductor industry.

In addition to regular guests such as Zhang Rujin, Zhou Boguang, and Wang Chaoxin, Wang Dongsheng, Wang Chuanfu, and his old club are also on the list.

What surprised Su Yuanshan even more was that he also saw Cao Xingcheng, the chairman of UMC.

Hills are always good.

Hello, Mr. Cao. Su Yuanshan stretched out his hand to Cao Xingcheng from a distance. After the two shook hands, they laughed at the same time. Then he sat down nearby.

Su Yuanshan looked at Cao Xingcheng, who had vaguely gray hair, and couldn't help but think of the time when he went to UMC - at that time, Cao Xingcheng happened to be in power and made the decision to build a factory in the special zone. Nowadays, UMC's wafer fab in the SAR has become an indispensable part of the SAR's electronics industry. Unfortunately, due to the island's policies, UMC's wafer fab in the SAR was unable to complete the process upgrade.

And this time Cao Xingcheng was invited to participate in an industry symposium led by the Ministry of Information Industry... Obviously, the country did not treat him as an outsider.

Of course, Lao Cao can also afford this treatment.

In this life, although the situation of UMC and TSMC has long been different, Lao Cao's behavior has not changed - UMC is the first island wafer factory to enter the mainland to build a factory, and it has also been expressing dissatisfaction with the island government. , proposed that if the self-blockade continues, Island Semiconductor will have to die.

Mr. Cao, do you use OEM in your wafer fab here, or...

OEM. Cao Xingcheng immediately replied: The mainland's semiconductor market has great potential. Now that it has joined the WTO, it can get a lot of international orders. Professional OEM must be a way out.

Yeah... indeed. Su Yuanshan nodded with a smile, glanced at Zhang Rujin who was a few seats away, smiled and said: With the advancement of the digital and intelligent era, in the future, products at each process node will only More and more, you can actually get the right order regardless of the process.”

We also considered this. Cao Xingcheng also glanced at Zhang Rujin, with some complicated emotions rising in his eyes.

Deyuan was established under his nose. In just a few years, it has surpassed the Two Heroes on the Island in terms of manufacturing process, and even entered the first group of advanced manufacturing processes, becoming the leader of professional foundries. .

And... what's even more disgusting is that Deyuan has been poaching people on the island since its establishment, which really... makes people speechless.

With Su Yuanshan, he could smile and let go of grudges with Su Yuanshan, but with Zhang Rujin, that was really not possible.

The leader entered the room and everyone took their seats.

Su Yuanshan was also a casual person, so he simply sat down with Cao Xingcheng.

After the leader's opening remarks, the symposium officially began.

Since leaders come with ears, they mainly focus on the speeches of the bosses.

And this time, Su Yuanshan also planned to come with only his ears and not speak.

After all, for Yuanxin, joining the WTO will have no direct impact on Yuanxin - Yuanxin's chip field is currently an advantageous area, and the only weak area is desktop processors. Anyway, Su Yuanshan has already planned to settle down in the single-core era. If you don’t, you won’t care about the market anymore.

However, because of joining the WTO, other domestic products have gained a lot of competitiveness - especially electronic consumer products, mainly mobile phones.

As the main solution provider for domestic mobile phones, Yuanxin has naturally benefited a lot.

For example, after joining the WTO, the pending anti-dumping case of Zhongxin and Giant mobile phones quickly came to a conclusion-it did not constitute dumping.

This has inspired many low-end mobile phone brands in China, and they have launched various cheap multi-function mobile phones to enter European and American countries. So overnight, using mobile phones to listen to MP3 became popular on the streets of Europe and the United States...

There are also poor people in Western countries.

Such a trend is undoubtedly good for Deyuan - because Deyuan has completed the expansion of its production line in the special zone - and it is also the launch of Acer's most advanced dual-workpiece stage lithography machine.

At the beginning, Deyuan's position in the SEZ factory was to focus on the manufacturing of flash memory particles, contributing to the advent of the digital age in the SEZ's electronics factories. Nowadays, with the popularity of music phones and USB flash drives, the demand for flash memory particles has skyrocketed, and the cost has also dropped.

Let’s not talk about the high-end, just talking about the output. Once the production line of this special zone is completed, the current production capacity of Deyuan’s flash memory particles will account for more than half of the global shipments. Once the SYD located in Bangkok is completed, its production capacity will directly occupy more than six floors.

As long as the digital age comes faster, Yuanxin's flash memory production advantage will be infinitely magnified.

Therefore, Su Yuanshan felt that he had nothing to say.

But it was obvious that the leader didn't want to let him go just like that.

When Wang Dongsheng finished his speech on the LCD panel, the leader of the Ministry of Information Industry glanced at Su Yuanshan's face for a few times.

Mr. Su, please say a few words.

As the leader's words fell, everyone's eyes flicked to Su Yuanshan at the same time.

Among them, Zhang Rujin, Wang Chaoxin, Wang Chuanfu and others all had smiles on their faces - these are the big guys on the executive board of Yuanxin and are members of the Yuanxin system.

It can be said that here, the telecore system accounts for most of the domestic semiconductors.

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