1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 726 Escape from Hsinchu Garden

Su Yuanshan is naturally assured of Sun Guoqiao's skills. Moreover, the set-top box is not a mass consumer product, and there is no need to think hard about how to expand the market and take care of the first reaction of users. It only needs to complete the functions, and the remaining promotion can naturally be handed over to other departments of Yuanxin.

After bidding farewell to Sun Guoqiao, Su Yuanshan stayed in the Special Administrative Region for another day, waiting for Jiang Wenxi's arrival.

Brother Jiang, long time no see.

Chen Daohua and Su Yuanshan stood at the gate of the R\u0026D center of Meijie (Special Zone) Company, waiting for Jiang Wenxi's arrival.

Although we were not picked up at the entry gate, it was an extremely rare treatment that ordinary people could not enjoy.

Brother Daohua! After getting off the car, Jiang Wenxi walked quickly towards the two of them and first extended his hand to Chen Daohua.

The island is so small to begin with, and the two parties have a cooperative relationship. Naturally, Jiang Wenxi and Chen Daohua are old acquaintances.

Looking at Mei Jie's newly completed R\u0026D center building, Jiang Wenxi's eyes showed an indescribable emotion - everyone worked together on the island, but now, although Mei Jie still hangs a sign on the island, he also raises design team. But everyone knows that Mei Jie's focus has long been moved to the mainland.

Relying on the Hongyuan Foundry, which is separated by a wall, Meijie has completed the transformation from traditional motherboard factory design + manufacturing to professional design. The advantage of this is that it can greatly get rid of the shackles of the manufacturing factory and fully liberate innovation and manufacturing. Designing ability.

At the same time, because of holding shares in Hongyuan, Meijie has no worries in the production and manufacturing process.

Today, Meijie has three sub-brands of Dreamers, Game Elites and Surfing Pioneers for motherboards alone. At the same time, it uses patents and technology to accurately position user groups with different needs for these three sub-brands. Their motherboards have not only become well-deserved high-end products in the DIY market, but this brand effect has even extended to brand-name machine manufacturers - some brand-name machine manufacturers' high-end consoles will even specifically say Joined with Meijie to create a dream-class console Waiting for publicity, and using this to compete for the high-end host market, its brand effect is evident.

Not to mention the graphics card. As a strategic partner of Xinghai, Meijie has always been the first manufacturer to get the 3DFX chip - don't forget, the first finished graphics card of 3DFX was made by Meijie. This kind of cooperation continues to this day. With 3DFX’s “indiscriminate killing” in the 3D market, Meijie’s position as the leading graphics card manufacturer is unshakable.

So far, those graphics card models that are praised by players as the most powerful are all produced by Meijie.

It can be said that Meijie has reached the limit of a board manufacturer, whether in terms of its status in the world or in the market.

And all of this happened after Mei Jie came to the mainland.

Brother Jiang, there are no outsiders here. If you have any needs, just ask directly.

In Chen Daohua's office, he poured tea for Su Yuanshan and Jiang Wenxi, then sat next to Jiang Wenxi, looked at each other with a smile, and said straight to the point.

Since his sister entered Yuanxin, his behavior here has been more or less affected, and he has become more straightforward - which is exactly in line with his style: With all due respect, on the island today, there is no The soil of the semiconductor industry has been destroyed - after the government tacitly canceled the discriminatory investment in the mainland, Cao and Zhang immediately established a wholly-owned factory in the country, and now one in Tianjin and one in the Special Economic Zone have been laid.

As soon as the stakes are set here, Hongxin immediately arranged an order for a photolithography machine for a double workpiece table - you tell me, what's the point of staying on the island?

Jiang Wenxi sighed and smiled bitterly.

Of course he knew that in order to leave a spark for semiconductors, the island government had on the one hand lifted restrictions and on the other hand introduced many policies to deal with it. The mainland government, in order to bridge the relationship with the island, has opened the door to the island. It is no longer bent on seeking cooperation as in the past, and is taking the opportunity of cooperation to learn technology. Instead, Taiwan-funded enterprises are directly allowed to set up wholly-owned branch factories, and various places also provide quite generous conditions - some conditions are not even available on the island.

What does this mean? This shows that in just five or six years, the mainland's semiconductor industry has changed from the layman who was just a stinky beggar in the past to the upper class people who don't care or even look down on the island's semiconductor technology. Yes.

As a result, companies on the island have left one after another, but as long as the roots are still on the island, the island can still say that the semiconductor industry on the island is booming and leading the Asia-Pacific - for example Now the media is bragging about this person in front of me and this person's sister.

Yes, so when my sister talked to me, I considered this issue very seriously. Then I discussed it with Mr. Shan. Jiang Wenxi looked at Su Yuanshan, who had been looking at him with a smile, and smiled helplessly: But , Now the government is very careful about our companies - especially those like us with a bit of technical background, for fear of running away. I don’t know what officials do for a living...

Haha, those officials... what else can they do besides engage in party disputes? Chen Daohua has been in the SAR for seven or eight years and has long seen the vigorous and vigorous side of the SAR government. He said disdainfully: Every chip design company on the island counts. , who is internationally competitive now - no offense intended.

Jiang Wenxi shook his head helplessly and smiled again.

I see, they really want to kill us all. Chen Daohua snorted coldly: According to me, you should just give up on the shell of SIS, resign as a whole, and start a new business.

Su Yuanshan answered with a smile: I also suggest this.

Haha...Brother Daohua, you know it won't work. Jiang Wenxi shook his head, and then he was silent for a few seconds and sighed: My idea is to cooperate with you to first establish a separate graphics core R\u0026D company in HK Cyberport, and then Shift the focus of technology and R\u0026D personnel, and then achieve policy avoidance through multiple rounds of financing.”

I wonder what you think? Jiang Wenxi said and looked at Chen Daohua with an expectant look on his face.

Chen Daohua blinked and looked at Su Yuanshan doubtfully.

——Why didn’t Su Yuanshan tell himself?

Facing Chen Daohua's gaze, Su Yuanshan coughed embarrassedly.

Brother Daohua, it's like this... The island is really a bit crazy now. Su Yuanshan breathed out softly and said helplessly: So I have to take the initiative first.

Then...if we are involved in GPU design, over there at Xinghai... Chen Daohua frowned, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

As a die-hard ally of Xinghai and the first graphics card designer of the 3DFX GPU core, if Meijie were to intervene in the GPU design... Xinghai would probably have objections no matter what.

how? Do you want to overthrow the world?

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