1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 725 Heartbeat Internet

(with deletions)

Su Yuanshan also knew that he was strong. He could also guess that perhaps Wang Weiwei saw that the Cyberport was about to be completed and put into use, so he wanted to seek more benefits from the cooperation... But the attitude Wang Weiji showed yesterday was wrong.

Su Yuanshan has always known that he cannot negotiate, and his negotiations have always only laid the foundation. He has always left other people to take charge of all the negotiations involving interests - Chen Jing has complained about this to him too many times.

His style has been unbeatable in past negotiations. The reason is very simple. The field that Yuanxin wants to talk about has technical advantages, or he is willing to give away big profits, and the negotiating partners are almost all big guys with technical backgrounds, who are relatively simple. There are many, so three or two sentences can set the tone.

But when he met with Wang Weiwei yesterday, he felt that although Wang Weiwei was also a technical person, he was too shrewd and wanted to fool himself into doing Tai Chi...

Then...how to do it?

Last night, Su Yuanshan communicated with Chen Jing and Duan Yongping for half an hour. The other two people also felt that if Yuanxin wanted to engage in triple play integration, an obedient broadband access provider was necessary. Otherwise, when you encounter some difficulties, you will be irritated by all kinds of resistance and shirk.

So, Su Yuanshan finally decided to do it himself.

In the afternoon, Su Yuanshan rested at home for a long time and drafted a cooperation agreement with China Unicom with Chen Jing and others. However, the next day, he waited for Qiu Yuliang, the vice president of China Unicom.

Vice President Qiu Yang Weichang personally named him as his subordinate to China Unicom and even trained him as his successor, so it was suitable to meet Su Yuanshan.

Since they were all old acquaintances, it was much easier to talk. With almost no effort, Yuanxin reached a cooperation agreement with China Unicom. Both parties invested 250 million Hong Kong dollars each to establish Xindong Internet Broadband Co., Ltd.

In addition to providing ADSL broadband access services up to 8M, Xindong Internet also provides wired telephone functions.

In addition, Xindong Internet has also reached a strategic partnership with China Unicom, and conducts mutual business authorization and agency with China Unicom (HK).

Of course, Su Yuanshan has not forgotten to promote triple network integration - currently implemented, it is to promote two-way IP set-top boxes.

As for the content provision of the set-top box, it will naturally be provided by ATV at the beginning, and other TV programs will be discussed later - will any TV station refuse to have another viewing channel?

Two days later, Su Yuanshan returned directly to the Special Administrative Region and met Sun Guoqiao again.

Old Sun, I have paved the road for you in HK, and the rest is all up to you.

Su Yuanshan was sitting in Jiang Qingchuan's office, raising his feet like a gentleman and smiling happily at Sun Guoqiao.

So soon? Sun Guoqiao was startled. He glanced at the calendar subconsciously - it felt like only a few days had passed.

Well, what we want is a rabbit that moves like a rabbit! Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup, blew on the tea foam on it, took a sip and looked at the other party with bright eyes: This seems to be just a small step, but in fact But it is the first step in our park plan, and it is a great step... Therefore, where the park plan will go from here, and whether we can get Venus, it all depends on how well this step goes.

Sun Guoqiao took a gentle breath.

He has been in charge of set-top boxes for so long, so he naturally understands that this set-top box called Happy E Home is the core product used by Su Yuanshan to benchmark Microsoft's Venus Project.

Thinking that Su Yuanshan had gone to such trouble for such an invention that he had accidentally come up with, and even used it to compete with a giant like Microsoft, he felt a surge in his heart.

Lao Su, believe me, I don't understand the operation aspect, but the technical aspect... I promise, I will never hold you back!

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