1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 724 Su Yuanshan’s strength

(with deletions)

“Cyberport’s positioning is not to provide Internet services exclusively for Hong Kong, or even for Traditional Chinese users around the world, but to provide services for all enterprises facing the international Internet - this requires it to have extremely high international export bandwidth. , especially... direct export bandwidth to Europe and the United States.

Su Yuanshan pointed to the hillside on the northeast side: In addition, the construction of the data center is also very particular. The underground development planned in the second phase is to dig a tunnel in the west mountain to house the servers in the future. The third phase The same is true for the planned undersea data center...

But this is a bit far, but to build the Cyberport into a bridge connecting the world and the mainland, or even itself as a gathering point for the world's Internet, these infrastructures have to be considered.

Listening to Su Yuanshan's talk, a group of officials from the newly established Science and Technology Department behind him nodded their heads - the main job of this new department, the Innovation and Technology Department, is to assist in the construction, development, and management of the Cyberport. Get familiar with the business and then expand the business.”

Of course, as a local Internet and software park, Cyberport cannot ignore local users. Su Yuanshan chuckled: Even the provincial capital has begun piloting optical fiber projects in software parks. We are directly targeting the Cyberport of the international Internet. We must not fall behind...

Mr. Su, what you mean is that HK will also start promoting optical fiber access? At this time, an official from the Science and Technology Department asked in fluent Mandarin: The cost seems a bit high.

Oh... Enterprises in the Cyberport must set up optical fiber, but ordinary users... I'm afraid that's not possible now. They have to slowly start with ADSL broadband. Su Yuanshan smiled and sighed: Mr. Li, you know the most terrible thing in the world. What's the worry? I know that broadband using traditional telephone lines will be eliminated in ten years at most, but now I still have to build it...

The group of people laughed at the same time.

Who provides broadband services in Hong Kong now? PCCW or City Telecom?

Mr. Li replied without thinking: At present, Hong Kong has not officially launched ADSL business. Only Yingke has tried to promote DDN network before. In terms of Internet access, City Telecom has the most users.

It seems that we need to speed up the process. Can't Cyberport become the global Internet center and Hong Kong residents are still using traditional modem dial-up to access the Internet?

Mr. Li immediately said: Then let's talk to several telecommunications companies.

Oh, Mr. Li, you might as well talk to me. Su Yuanshan chuckled and flicked the dust on his clothes: Yuanxin plans to jointly invest in establishing a broadband service company with China Unicom.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, everyone present was startled.

——Having dealt with Su Yuanshan several times, in addition to knowing that this young man is very keen on technology and the market, he also knows that under Su Yuanshan's influence, Yuanxin's expansion path is upright. The King's Way - It is precisely because of this that this young talent has been recognized and loved by almost all major leaders at all levels in the country.

The same is true for development in Hong Kong.

In order to complete the expansion in Hong Kong and to obtain the support of the Hong Kong government, Su Yuanshan made no secret of his intentions to the Hong Kong government, including the acquisition of ATV. Su Yuanshan made it very clear that making money for ATV is second, relying on ATV to bridge the cognitive bias of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, promoting the integration of mainland China and Hong Kong, and allowing ATV to take the express train of the Internet and become a brand rooted in Hong Kong and with global influence. TV media, this is the real intention of Yuanxin to acquire ATV.

The Hong Kong government has also given Yuanxin good rewards and support for its honesty. As long as it complies with relevant policies and regulations, the Hong Kong government has always given the green light to Yuanxin.

But what Su Yuanshan said about setting up a broadband service provider together with China Unicom... the Hong Kong government had no idea.

You know, at the beginning, Su Yuanshan was asked about the telecommunications business and whether Yuanxin wanted to get involved in Hong Kong's telecommunications industry. Su Yuanshan's answer at that time was that Yuanxin had no such intention. If there was indeed a business need to accelerate the development of the telecommunications industry, Yuanxin would also have to cooperate with local telecommunications companies in Hong Kong.

Yuanxin can't offend everyone... Su Yuanshan originally answered with a smile.

Su Yuanshan knew that the big guys in the Science and Technology Department had doubts, so he smiled and said without mind, It was decided temporarily this morning.

Oh? So sudden?

Well, the main reason is that time waits for no one. We have received news from the country that the country intends to carry out triple play integration - please come here.

While Su Yuanshan and a few others walked towards the elevator, he briefly introduced what triple play integration is.

So we feel that this is a good opportunity - our country is very particular about crossing the river by feeling the stones. But there are no successful cases of triple play integration abroad... But according to Yuanxin's calculations, this will definitely It is the future development direction. Therefore, if we can start a demonstration of triple play integration in Hong Kong in advance, then for the country, there will be one more standard to refer to, and it will save a lot of trouble when promoting it.

Anyway, I feel that HK should naturally be the stepping stone for the Mainland.

This sentence made several officials present feel happy and nodded.

What is a stone? Of course he is a role model.

Although they are officials in the Hong Kong government who are close to the mainland, they are still Hong Kong people and have the inherent pride of Hong Kong people. Hong Kong's economy has developed so rapidly, from a small broken island to today's financial and trade center. It is one of the Four Little Dragons. They should be the subjects of learning for the mainland.

And coincidentally, we have launched a new two-way IP Internet TV terminal, which can perfectly fit into the three-network integration. So yesterday I made an appointment with Mr. Wang from City Telecom to talk about it to see if we can cooperate. It's a pity. What’s strange is that Mr. Wang seems not optimistic about the future of cooperation...it’s quite perfunctory.”

Su Yuanshan shrugged and smiled slightly: So, we have to do it ourselves.

After hearing Su Yuanshan tell the whole story, several officials from the Science and Technology Department looked at each other.

Although everyone was smiling, the meaning in their eyes was obvious - Mr. Wang from City Telecom was obviously Wang Weiwei. Maybe Wang Weiwei just wanted to gain more benefits?

This young man is good, he just takes action on his own if he disagrees.

Isn't this a bit... too strong?

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