1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 723 The Capitalist’s Good Partner

But you came here at the right time. It is said that Wang Weiji is planning to expand the broadband business this year. If Yuanxin joins, they will definitely not refuse.

Sun Xihui immediately contacted Wang Weiji after receiving the news from Su Yuanshan and briefly explained her purpose. According to her judgment, Wang Weiji is quite positive about the upcoming cooperation. After all, Yuanxin has money, technology and equipment, and is the most ideal partner for cooperation. The only thing that needs to be worried about is that Yuanxin is in Hong Kong. A series of measures were taken very strongly, and it seemed that they did not give face to the local cowards at all.

Take the construction of the Cyberport, for example. With the support of the Hong Kong government, Yuanxin directly took over the planning, management and operation of the Cyberport - in fact, everyone can accept this. After all, no one who plays high-tech can beat Yuanxin. But in terms of land development and infrastructure construction, developers in Hong Kong still hope to cooperate with Yuanxin and seek a share of the pie.

But Yuanxin was not only unmoved by the winking attention of local developers in Hong Kong, but also directly attracted a mainland real estate developer, and then also persuaded the Huo family, and finally formed a new real estate development company together. company……

This... is really a bit much.

But no one can fault Yuan Xin’s move! The reason is very simple, because everything is completed through fair bidding at the request of the broad masses of the people of Hong Kong - FarCore and the Hong Kong government have put forward strict time and cost requirements and penalties for the various constructions of the Cyberport. Such measures have made the real estate tycoons in HK... none of them dare to take the initiative!

And then there is ATV - after a few stabilizations, Yuanxin, as the major shareholder, directly parachuted a group president over to take charge of ATV, and was stunned to hold back the tone of the old ATV employees.

how? You said Yuan Xin fucked? Don’t pay attention to ATV? They let the marketing president from Yuanxin’s founder team come over! What is the concept of the marketing president and senior vice president of Yuanxin? It is the core of power of Yuanxin, the kind that is directly responsible to the CEO... ATV is a small company with a market value of only one billion, and people come here to be assigned to the frontier.

With many performances, Yuanxin's reputation among business people in Hong Kong is indeed a bit that.

Well, as long as they are willing to cooperate. Otherwise...

Sun Xihui blinked: What else?

Otherwise, I would have asked China Unicom to lay the line directly. Su Yuanshan said and sighed: If I didn't take care of the emotions of you HK capitalists, how could I find someone to cooperate?

...You are the HK capitalist!

Hehe... just refer to it in general. Su Yuanshan chuckled and shook his head: Now China Telecom is eyeing the wireless communication business of China Mobile and China Unicom, but China Mobile and China Unicom are not eyeing the broadband and local phone business of China Telecom? According to me, that's it. ... Regardless of whether it is wired or wireless, local or mobile, sooner or later it will be unified.

...Then let's wait for your unification. Sun Xihui raised her wrist and glanced at the time, stood up and said, I'm going to hold a board meeting - by the way, do you still remember Vivian?

Morgan's one?

Yes. Sun Xihui blinked and looked like a little girl who had snatched a toy: We hired her to take charge of our Oaktree Capital.

Well done! Su Yuanshan laughed: One by one of the senior managers of Morgan Stanley, they are all top capitalists and... uh... good partners of capitalists. Hehe...

This guy was quite sensible and swallowed the word dog at the last moment.

Do you want to meet me?

Hmm...Okay, bring her back to me tonight.

Well. Sun Xihui turned and walked towards the door, suddenly stopped and said: Why do I feel so wrong when I hear what you said - what do you mean I will bring it back to you at night?


Not long after Sun Xihui left, Su Yuanshan jumped up from the sofa, sat down at the desk again, and opened his laptop.

If he followed his past habits and came to Sun Xihui's side, it would be for vacation... But now, let alone vacation, even if he finally comes out, he has to keep an eye on the progress of his work.

After straightening out the current inter-core communication scheme, Su Yuanshan is working with several people who specialize in protocols to redesign a set of bus standards, and during the design process, he proposed the concept of Instruction Per Clock (IPC), that is, Yuanxin CPU The design philosophy is to increase the number of instructions executed per clock cycle.

This was the first time Su Yuanshan had entered such a high-intensity work in recent years, which made him feel the joy he had not seen for a long time. So much so, that when he received a call from Chen Jing, he felt regretful that someone would disturb him when he was enjoying himself...

Of course, Chen Jing was not chatting with him for nothing, but she asked Su Yuanshan to meet Jiang Wenxi from SIS in HK.

During the Spring Festival, Chen Jing took the opportunity to go back to her hometown to meet with colleagues working in board card business in the lower reaches of the island. It was a daily visit to enhance relationships. On the other hand, she used this as a guise to drag Jiang Wenxi from SIS to make a preliminary acquisition intention - of course, if the name of Yuanxin was used, the acquisition was obviously impossible. The island government is faced with the overall rise of mainland semiconductors and the increasing difficulties of its own semiconductor industry. It will be fine if it cannot make an effective counterattack, but at least it must keep its bottom line.

Otherwise, why would we talk to the mainland?

Therefore, after analyzing SIS, Chen Jing's advice was to let SIS learn from Mei Jie's original plan - first shift its focus away from the island and retain only a nominal headquarters and non-core R\u0026D department.

In this way, we can not only enjoy the advantages brought by the mainland's market, policies and environment, but also make the island government look good.

But Jiang Wenxi came from a technical background. Although he was inclined to agree after careful consideration, he still proposed that he still wanted to meet Su Yuanshan...

No, the opportunity has come.

When are you free? I asked him to go directly to HK. On the phone, Chen Jing's voice was a little hoarse. After the Spring Festival, she has been traveling around the world, first inspecting the R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley, and then going to Europe. , then went to Russia, and finally came back and gave two reports in the capital. Everyone was a little too busy.

I will be free after three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I will have a meal with the boss of City Telecom at noon, and then I will probably accompany the Hong Kong government boss to inspect the Cyberport the day after tomorrow... Su Yuanshan flipped through the schedule, paused and said: Sister Jing, drink more boiled water.

...I'll drink you big-headed ghost. Chen Jing coughed and said angrily: Even if you ask me to eat two slices of Golden Throat...

Hahaha, then take two slices of Golden Throat - should I die first?

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan looked out the window and saw Sun Xihui's car driving through the gate.

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