1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 722 It’s hard to get along with anyone

In the next week, Su Yuanshan has been integrating into the team. And in the process of integrating into the team, he discovered that the reason why his cheap senior brother was making slow progress was that in addition to the fact that dual-core was a completely unfamiliar advanced architecture and he had to explore everything by himself, the main reason was that Yin Zilin did not participate in the Duohe architecture. design, so I was a little timid.

This also shows that Yin Zilin has technical intuition - he is keenly aware of the importance of inter-core communication. This bus will affect all subsequent communication architectures based on dual-core or even multi-core architectures and is a core bus.

Another point - Yin Zilin has only five years of working experience in total, and he is still a little timid to take on such a responsibility after seeing a group of veteran engineers in Silicon Valley who have been involved in chip design for decades.

After discovering the crux of the problem, Su Yuanshan took Yin Zilin and Gao Xiaodi to plan out all his ideas and prospects for dual-core and multi-core, and then expressed his absolute belief that Yin Zilin had that ability... In addition, Su Yuanshan himself also started to After joining the team, accepting Yin Zilin's task arrangements, and assisting Yin Zilin in overall progress, the morale of the inter-core communication team instantly rose.

In mid-March, an unremarkable product rolled off the assembly line at Hongyuan's OEM workshop. After hearing the news, Su Yuanshan suspended what he was doing, made an appointment with Sun Guoqiao and flew directly from Shanghai to the Special Economic Zone.

In Jiang Qingchuan's office, he saw Sun Guoqiao, who was as thin as a monkey.

Guoqiao, thank you for your hard work.

Su Yuanshan shook hands with Sun Guoqiao first, then casually said hello to his senior brother, and then went straight to Hongyuan's technology laboratory.

Affected by Yuanxin, although Hongyuan is a low-end OEM, it has many high-end laboratories, including ones that specialize in product design, as well as product analysis and design. At the same time, each factory has its own Process laboratory, and industrial robot experimental center - they have reached extensive cooperation with the Yuanxin \u0026 Sony intelligent robot team of Pandora Laboratory. If anyone is closer to the future era of fully automatic machine production, then Hongyuan must be is one of them.

This is Jiang Qingchuan's philosophy to use high-end management and technical means to complete low-end OEM business.

Not bad, not bad! This is the effect we want!

Su Yuanshan held the remote control and looked at this primitive two-way IP set-top box, but he was full of praise.

The reason is simple. He has inside information that China is planning to promote triple network integration - this is two years earlier than in history.

The so-called triple network integration refers to the Internet, telephone network, and cable radio and television network. As soon as the integration of these three networks is launched, the next step is the fiber optic home project.

It is true that it seems that everything is still too early, but is Yuanxin a company that is afraid of early technology?

Yuanxin does not wait for the set-top box to be finished.

For more than a year, Sun Guoqiao has been working on set-top boxes. The reason why he spent so much time to complete the design that he completed a few years ago was mainly to develop this two-way IP. For this reason, he even led The team proposed a complete IPTV technology solution.

Sun Guoqiao smiled shyly: I think it may be a bit difficult to promote it. The main reason is that the current network speed cannot meet the requirements of streaming media transmission, and to promote it on a large scale, I am afraid it will need state support.

It's okay, we can do a pilot. Su Yuanshan watched the signal simulated by the server being played on the TV through the set-top box, and said enthusiastically: I'm going to HK in the next few days to meet with the telecom bosses in HK... …”

Well... then I can't help you. Sun Guoqiao raised his eyes and said, By the way, we will soon have a set-top box based on digital satellites. I guess that one will be easier to promote, right?

Of course! Countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan have been doing it for a long time, and set-top boxes are very expensive. We can take this opportunity to enter the international market, and first make a wave of our colleagues, so that they can experience the magical power of the East. .”

Haha, that's okay.

After Sun Guoqiao finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

Seeing this, Su Yuanshan no longer made it difficult for him - this old man Sun Guoqiao was a real special prize genius who relied solely on his strength. Su Yuanshan had no doubt that as long as he was given a platform, this man could take off.

In the afternoon of that day, Su Yuanshan said goodbye to Sun Guoqiao, took the technical documents and went straight to the pass, heading for HK.

Now that we have arrived in HK, Sun Xihui's villa is naturally the first place to stay.

After experiencing the peak of last year's financial crisis, HK has finally calmed down, and people's lives have gradually returned to normal. Those who should have jumped off the building had already jumped on August 18th. Those people were all Blinded by desire, they tried to follow Soros to make a fortune in Hong Kong, and finally realized the only wealth they could become as Hong Kong traitors. In Sun Xihui's words, they deserved to die.

As the main foreign exchange settlement place in mainland China, Hong Kong's financial industry has also recovered rapidly with the development of the mainland in the past six months, and all industries have also returned to normal.

Xiaoshan, Wang Weiji is not someone to be easy to deal with.

In the study, Sun Xihui stared at Su Yuanshan with a serious face and said seriously: Wang Weiji can steal food from Xiao Li's mouth...you know he has great abilities.

hehe. Su Yuanshan nonchalantly crossed his legs on the coffee table and said with a smile: I know, but when did I become easy to get along with again?

Wang Weiwei, the founder of City Telecom - 7 years ago, this man founded City Telecom. On the one hand, he deployed wired telephones to confront Li Jiacheng's second son, Yingke Telecom. On the other hand, he secretly infiltrated Chencang and began to develop the Internet on a large scale. business.

This... reflects the difference between Xiao Li, a half-hearted person on the Internet, and a real IT elite. Wang Weiwei relied on the rise of the Internet. In the end, City Telecom defeated Yingke in the field of Internet access and almost monopolized Hong Kong's Internet access business in later generations.

Anyone who can defeat Xiao Li is naturally worthy of a high look.

... Sun Xihui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Why do you make it sound like you are a piece of meat?

But then, she also smiled.

Yes, compared to Wang Weiwei who relied on his own expertise to snatch the promising future of Internet access from Yingke, Su Yuanshan directly cooperated with the Hong Kong government in an unreasonable way and took Xiao Li's classmate All the fat meat was taken away!

He is the most difficult one to deal with.

It is foreseeable that with the completion of Cyberport, FarCore's influence in Hong Kong is bound to become wider and stronger.

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