1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 716 Dual Workpiece Nuclear Bomb

On the roof of Yuanxin's administrative building, Xi Xiaoding congratulated Li Yinan on officially becoming a member of the Science and Technology Committee.

There was no formal ceremony or appointment certificate. Li Yinan directly moved a chair and sat next to Tian Yaoming, saying that from now on, the Five Wonders of the Central Plains would become the Six Immortals of Peach Valley.

Of course, Li Yinan was still a little nervous.

Among these positions on the roof, he, Qin Weimin, and Tian Yaoming had the most dealings with each other. He knew that these two old leaders were good old men. Although they were in high positions and powerful, they had nothing to say to their subordinates.

And Li Mingliu... Frankly speaking, Li Yinan didn't think that he would do worse than Li Mingliu if he swapped places with Li Mingliu.

But Li Mingliu is the number one general of Shanzong, and he was indeed a firefighter and the backbone of Yuanxin in the past. Now he is in charge of Yuanxin Shanghai Science and Technology Park, and he also leads the flash memory department to compete with big guys like Inel. front……

I have to accept this.

As for Mr. Shan and Mr. Xi... I won’t talk about it. These two people, even Li Mingliu, who was crazier than him, were all obedient, and Li Yinan naturally had nothing to say.

Yinan, how's your work lately? Su Yuanshan sat opposite Li Yinan. He was clearly in his twenties, holding a tea cup like a middle-aged man, and said to him cheerfully.

Li Yinan's expression straightened up and he immediately said: It's okay... If you want to ask PHS... Li Yinan smiled bitterly: Mr. Shan, that thing really doesn't work. We have considered adjusting the power, but that would involve There are many agreements, and we have to cooperate with the NTT laboratory in Ni country...

NTT? Li Mingliu frowned slightly and interjected, Ni Guo Telegraph and Telephone Company?


Then make some wool. Li Mingliu pursed his lips disdainfully: Your laboratory is so awesome. If you cooperate with them, isn't that going to help the poor?

Li Yinan felt secretly happy after hearing this, and nodded with a smile: NTT... is indeed a little behind our pace now. Last year we held the Pan-Asian Communication Technology Forum, and their ideas had obvious limitations. So last year we bought theirs PHS…is kind of giving them a thumbs up.”

Su Yuanshan has been listening with a smile, and it can be seen that Li Yinan has indeed maintained relatively good restraint today - or in other words, Li Yinan in Yuanxin is no longer as unruly and unruly as he was with his old club in his previous life. There is nothing left in the eyes.

Even the emotional intelligence has become higher.

The reason is very simple. In his previous life, Li Yinan was the number one genius, and he was pampered by his old club who valued technology.

Even every time he had a conflict with his second-in-command Zheng Baoyong, his old club favored him... In this way, Li Yinan became even more lawless.

But in Yuanxin, there are a lot of people who are better than Li Yinan, not just in terms of IQ. There are really many people who can be on the same level as Li Yinan in terms of intelligence - after all, Li Yinan is not a rare person. of genius.

Not to mention Yuan Xin and Mr. Shan, a mountain that no one can overcome - even Mr. Shan is approachable, who would dare to make a mistake under his nose?

Therefore, even if Li Yinan is dissatisfied with PHS technology, he will speak more tactfully.

Okay, Yi Nan, stop complaining. Su Yuanshan chuckled and said, I know you look down on PHS technology.

Li Yinan was startled, then nodded honestly: It's true that I look down upon him.

Everyone was happy to see him so honest.

Su Yuanshan laughed and shook his head: But Yinan, although Yuanxin is called a small science academy, we are still open for business... Telecom wants to take a sideways shot and enter the mobile communications market - they don't even dare to find tower companies. Woolen cloth.

Of course, the PHS base station is really hassle-free, and it has its own local telephone terminal, making it easy to set up.

Su Yuanshan said, spreading his hands: What should we do if they find us? We must help them.

Buying PHS not only satisfies customer needs, but also closes the relationship with NTT. Is this a multi-purpose thing? Our efforts in the past few years have been to deepen our relationships with telecom companies in various Asian countries and regions. Is it related to?

Not to mention, just spending a little money can save our precious research and development time... Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Let me ask you, if I asked you to develop a technology similar to PHS, what would you do? Aren’t you in a hurry with me?”

... Li Yinan blinked and finally smiled.

Whoever is not in a hurry is a grandson.

That's right. Su Yuanshan smiled and said: If the signal problem cannot be solved, forget it. It was not developed by us anyway. We are only responsible for providing some money and helping to build the equipment. You can just tell Telecom.

After hearing this, Li Yinan finally felt relieved and said with a smile: That's a good relationship! I'll call Telecom right away.

Well, there is one more thing. Although there have been several reductions in network access fees and tariff adjustments, for now, no matter the price or tariff of mobile phones in China, they are not as good as PHS - don't underestimate this thing. It is weak, but it is cheaper. So you must pay attention, in the next few years, it will definitely have a big explosion, and then...

Seeing Su Yuanshan paused, Xi Xiaoding asked curiously: What happens next?

How about the pager? Su Yuanshan asked with a smile.


At this time, Qin Weimin smiled and said: I heard that the sales of pagers hit a new high last year.

It's just a reflection. Don't say that Telecom will launch PHS soon. Even if it doesn't, there are so many cheap mobile phones now, and the second-hand mobile phone market has also emerged. Who can't afford a mobile phone for paging? Su Yuanshan said with a pout. : Look, within three years, the pager will be completely finished. This year should be the last glory.

However, PHS is the same as paging, including VCD and even DVD - they are all products destined to be eliminated by the times.

Su Yuanshan looked at Li Yinan and said seriously: Yinan, you are also an old man from Yuanxin. You know how our research and development funds came from in those years.

Li Yinan looked calm, pursed his lips, nodded and said: Well, VCD is the main source of revenue for Yuanxin, and pagers have supported the development and expansion of Zhongxin.

Yes! So, just because they are destined to be eliminated, we cannot despise or ignore them. That will lead to big losses!

Okay! Then I'll tell the equipment department to make plans for the outbreak market?

Well, go ahead. Su Yuanshan nodded: Next, Mr. Xi will tell you the key points.

Li Yinan immediately looked at Xi Xiaoding, who smiled slightly: We just discussed it and will hold an enlarged meeting of the Science and Technology Committee in a while. Then you will take the lead and select two observer members to form an inspection team to rectify the current R\u0026D department. Lazy atmosphere.”

Su Yuanshan took over what Xi Xiaoding said: This job is a bit hard, and it's easier to offend people. Do you want to take it?

Li Yinan blinked, frowned, and quickly asked: Can you shoot someone?

Hearing Li Yinan's words, except for Hetian Yaoming, the other three were slightly surprised.

——Good guy, is this guy going to shoot someone when he comes up?

Li Mingliu, in particular, has a look in his eyes like This guy is smarter than me - Li Mingliu has a bad temper, but he is also very protective.

If it's just a business issue, set a goal to see the consequences, and try not to offend others. But if you discover a problem of principle during the process, don't be afraid of offending others.

Su Yuanshan looked at him with a serious expression as he spoke: Yinan, remember, you represent the highest authority in the scientific research field of Yuanxin, and what you do represents the highest interests of Yuanxin. You must be cautious and fearless.

To control a huge enterprise like Yuanxin cannot be done with just a few words or by relying on personal charm.

In the past few years, Yuanxin has adopted a dual-line policy of enterprise and scientific research, and has allowed a respected boss like Mr. Xi to take charge of the scientific research of Zhongxin, as well as the technical capabilities of Su Yuanshan himself... which has allowed Yuanxin to be able to develop in the field of scientific research. Get rid of the influence of the corporate sector that millions of workers are dependent on food and clothing, and be able to grit their teeth and spend unlimited money in various fields - yes, if it is not a two-way development, I am afraid that even Su Yuanshan will not be able to make R\u0026D The department is not affected by Yuanxin's overall performance.

This effect is obvious, but the fragmentation it brings is also obvious.

It means that several major departments in the enterprise field are working hard outside, working overtime every day until they are as tired as a dog, but in the end they have a group of R\u0026D personnel who are increasingly showing off their master qualifications...

Anyone else would probably feel a little unhappy.

And this time Chen Jing used the name of fighting against Shantouism to attack the arrogance of the R\u0026D personnel?

But if only Chen Jing takes action, it may deepen the conflict between enterprises and R\u0026D.

For Su Yuanshan, business and R\u0026D are both meat and potatoes. Whoever is arrogant deserves to be beaten. Therefore, he simply asked the Science and Technology Committee to take action at the same time to eliminate the bad habits of the R\u0026D department...



After January, it’s the New Year’s Eve.

Perhaps to give the mainland a New Year's greeting, just before the Spring Festival, the WTO officially announced that it would accept China and Latvia as the 133rd and 134th members of the WTO respectively. (I count by year.)

A week later, on the third day of the New Year, the Capital Precision Instrument Factory announced a dual workpiece stage suitable for the most advanced Arf lithography machine on the News Network, and stated that Capital Precision Instrument will wholeheartedly provide services for all lithography machines in the world. Corporate Services, accepting all orders.

This news did not bring any emotional impact to ordinary people - in recent years, there have been technological breakthroughs every day, and they have long been numb.

But when the news reached the ears of lithography machine companies...

But no less than a thunder!

Provincial Capital Development Zone Software Park.

Compared with last year's Spring Festival, this year's Spring Festival is much more lively. Even during this non-working period, there are even more people on the road, in cafes, teahouses, and movie theaters than in the past.

With the planning of the provincial capital and the expansion of public transportation, even city dwellers are willing to visit the software park, enjoy the most luxurious cinema in the provincial capital, and go to Starbucks for a cup of coffee that is said to be ridiculously expensive. By the way, let’s learn what a latte is and what a cappuccino is.

If you still want to shop after that, there is the international supermarket chain Wal-Mart that just opened...

If you are hungry, there are KFC, McDonald's, Dicos...

In short, today's industrial zone is no longer the simple company gathering place in the past, but a true new technological city.

Even Silicon Valley is not so full of life.

In Starbucks, Qu Hui was complaining to a young man and woman sitting in front.

It's really annoying. I can't live a clean life during the New Year. Qu Hui took a sip of coffee and sighed: Don't you think it's okay to be on the news a few days later?

Maybe it's the New Year, and Xinwen Network thought it would be nice to get some good news to cheer us up...and haven't we just joined the world? We have to give some greeting gifts, right? Su Yuanshan comforted happily.

When Qu Hui and others completed the dual workpiece stage, the window period he gave was six months to one year. Almost exactly one year from last year – it’s time.

It would be too wasteful if a big weapon like the double workpiece table was only used as a gun for Zheng Zhenchuan to enhance his competitiveness.

As a high-end technology that has been monopolized by ASML for a long time in later generations, if China is lucky enough to develop it and do it in advance, then it should be a nuclear bomb that destroys other peers who want to adopt similar technologies.

After the rise of Yuanxin, after experiencing so many butterfly wings, Su Yuanshan cannot guarantee whether the dual workpiece platform will become an difficult gap like that of later generations. Therefore, grasping the present moment is the most important thing.

No, as soon as the news was announced here, Capital Precision Instruments immediately received news of a visit from ASML and Canon. They said they would rush over as quickly as possible to discuss cooperation matters with Capital Precision Instruments.

As Qu Hui, who was responsible for the entire process of connecting with lithography machine companies, naturally became the person in charge of receiving technical personnel such as ASML.

Inspiring? Come on, ordinary people don't know what we are doing. Forget it, let's not talk about it... Qu Hui pursed her lips and smiled at Ye Rudai: Ye Zi, how long will you stay when you come back this time?

Ye Rudai returned to China just the day before yesterday, and the jet lag has not yet come over. She looked a little tired, but she still smiled and said: About a month, we are currently competing with Yahoo for the Chinese market.

Yahoo? What technology do they have in the search field? Qu Hui was startled: Didn't Xiaoshan say that you are invincible in the search field?

Don't listen to his nonsense... Ye Rudai glanced at Su Yuanshan beside her. Seeing that this guy just smiled, she shook her head helplessly: How can he have the best technology in the world?

I don't agree with what you said. Su Yuanshan quickly corrected: Who am I? If I say that eso's technology is the best in the world, then it must be the best in the world. Moreover, you can't compete with Yahoo in Niguo... …There’s a reason.”

What's the reason? Ye Rudai and Qu Hui looked at him at the same time.

Especially Ye Rudai, when she returned to China this time, she wanted to ask Su Yuanshan, a genius with outstanding Internet technology, why Yahoo is so powerful in Ni country.

The reason is simple. Your technology is too advanced and cannot be controlled by the people of Ni country.

Ye Rudai: ...

Qu Hui: ...

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