1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 715 A PHS that can’t be afforded

With the move of the optical laboratory, the original optical laboratory center was temporarily used as a communication experimental center. Then a three-story all-glass wall building was built in the forest area next to it - the NEWBEE laboratory. Located in it.

In the past, when senior leaders came to inspect, they paused for a few seconds for the English name of the laboratory.

Li Yinan rode his bicycle from the Communication Laboratory Center back to the NEWBEE Laboratory office.

He has nothing to do with the executive directors' meeting on the roof of the administrative building today, but it doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with it tomorrow - he will have to attend the summary meeting of the R\u0026D business cluster and the year-end meeting of the mobile phone business cluster tomorrow, and he has a lot of reports to make. basket. And he has another troublesome problem recently - he has to find a way to solve the signal problem of PHS terminal equipment.

And this matter, from the outside to the inside, he is extremely resistant to.

PHS terminals, also known as Little Handy Phones in the post-secular world, finally appeared in the midst of Telecom's extreme coveting and desire for the mobile market - although it was half a year late.

In Li Yinan's view, Telecom's use of bullshit technology that even the Japanese people look down upon like a treasure is simply a matter of lowering its price and status. Even the technical content of the PSH system, not to mention 3G, even GSM technology It's embarrassing to treat it as an opponent.

In fact, this is also the case. Whether it is domestic mobile phone manufacturers or equipment manufacturers, they all sneer at this PSH - who would choose this advanced GSM without CCDMA, which is destined to be used right from the mother's womb? Obsolete technology?

Not to mention Yuan Xin.

Yuanxin is the leader in the mobile Internet era!

Telecom probably saw this, so it didn’t find Yuanxin until the end. It was hoped that Yuanxin could cooperate with Telecom to see if it could build a similar one. Yes, Telecom’s initial plan was not to find Yuanxin as it had in history. People don’t want to buy it, but they hope that Yuanxin can help launch similar technologies to avoid policy risks.

After all, according to policy, Telecom is not qualified to carry out mobile communications business.

If this matter had been made by anyone from Yuanxin, they would have directly rejected it. But it happened that Zhejiang Telecom found Su Yuanshan through a relationship...

Mr. Shan made a shocking decision. He did not ask Yuanxin to help with similar projects. Even though Yuanxin itself had the technical basis for wireless local calls, if he insisted on doing it, it would probably be completed in less than a year. - but directly spent tens of millions of dollars to buy the technology back from Niguo, and handed over the task of manufacturing base station equipment to the equipment manufacturing department.

Then...he stopped asking.

Because the power was too small and it was on the local telephone route, the equipment manufacturing department did not waste much time and directly used the microcontroller to complete the base station and communication equipment.

But the problem is that the signal of this thing is really bad, and it has been defective since the mother's womb - it just can't support Adou.

So the equipment department had no choice, so they found their old superior Li Yinan to see if he could help optimize it. At that time, Li Yinan was almost furious when he learned that his former elite team was actually working on PHS equipment. Of course he knew what PHS was, and knew that it was a shabby thing created behind closed doors by those stupid boys in Ni Country.

Fortunately, in the end, he knew that Mr. Shan had given the order, so he didn't lose his temper, and then reluctantly agreed to help.

Same goes for Mr. Shan, this thing will definitely be eliminated. Li Yinan threw the experiment report on the table and complained.

Lee, what's wrong?

The speaker was a Russian bearded man named Andrei, who came from distant Siberia. Among the people who engage in mathematics at Yuanxin, his attainments can be ranked among the top three.

This man, like Li Yinan, usually doesn't talk much. He just likes to come to Li Yinan's office to drink coffee.

I'm a little annoyed. 4G is about to come out here, but I ended up taking on a job from a backward era. Li Yinan smiled and put his feet up on the desk: An, are you going home this year?

The bearded man shook his head while drinking coffee: If I don't go back, I plan to buy a house here and bring my family over.

You haven't bought a house yet? Li Yinan asked in surprise.

When Andre joined the job, he came with a paper from a top journal in mathematics, so he started at P11, and then a year later he moved to level 12. At this speed, it is becoming increasingly difficult to improve the technical level of Yuanxin. At this moment, it was already as fast as a rocket.

With Yuanxin's P12, you can buy a house in the urban area in up to three years, and the house is fully paid for.

I sent it home to pay off some gambling debts for my father. Andre shrugged, but there was no expression on his face. He just said calmly: If you take them over, it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

... Li Yinan was speechless for a long time.

How much short do you have? Why don't I lend it to you? Li Yinan looked at the bearded man, and when he saw the other person suddenly turned his head to look at him, he quickly made a patch: But we agreed in advance that it is only for the apartment, so don't do it right away. Villa...I can't stand it.

Thank you, Li! Andre rubbed his hands and pursed his lips: It's about a hundred thousand difference.

Hearing this number, Li Yinan breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't buy a villa.

Okay, you go take care of the house first, and then I will withdraw the money for you.

Li Yinan put away his legs, looked at the pile of documents and couldn't help but shook his head, intending to finish the business first.

As for Andre, don't worry about it - he just came to drink coffee and left naturally after drinking.

Just then, his cell phone suddenly buzzed.

After taking a look at the name on the caller ID, Li Yinan was slightly startled, and immediately sat upright, even his tone became much more serious and respectful.

Hey, Mr. Xi.

But the voice that came over the phone was not Mr. Xi's.

Tian Yaoming's laughter was iconic: Haha, Yi Nan, what are you busy with?

Li Yinan blinked and glanced at the call interface first. After realizing that he had indeed answered Mr. Xi's call, he smiled and said, I just came back from the laboratory, Mr. Tian, ​​what's the matter?

It's nothing. Are you free now? If you are free... come to the administrative floor.

Li Yinan was startled again, and immediately thought that since Mr. Tian was with Mr. Xi, Mr. Shan should be there too - maybe Mr. Shan wanted to ask him about PHS, right?

Thinking of this, Li Yinan hesitated: Is President Shan here?

Well, we are all here.


Eh? What's wrong? Are you still scared?


Come here and tell you the good news. Just now, the Science and Technology Committee voted to approve your membership.

Li Yinan blinked hard, and after making sure he heard correctly, he stood up!

Thank you Mr. Tian!

On the phone, Tian Yaoming's voice was as smiling as ever: No need to thank me, this is the status and honor you should have.

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