1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 717 No technology lasts forever

Although Su Yuanshan was joking in a joking tone, what he said... was indeed true to a certain extent.

Historically, the Internet has been almost insulated from Niguo, so I won’t talk about it. But when history repeats itself... ordinary people in Ni country still have no feeling for the Internet.

There have been too many analyzes in later generations as to why there is no Internet in Ni country. Some are analyzed based on the population base, and some are analyzed from the social conditions of Ni Country - for example, Ni Country's high-pressure overtime society has led to the loss of creativity, the prosperity of the animation and game industry has led to the birth of the Heisei waste, and others from Ni Country Chinese people have experienced economic bubbles and have become cautious about the Internet...

There are many reasons.

Su Yuanshan was not interested in analyzing so much. He just felt that compared to countries like Europe and the United States that have led the world for hundreds of years, and countries like China that are constantly catching up, thinking about overtaking in corners and not missing any opportunities... Ni Country, or rather Ni people, they are more accustomed to surrendering to custom.

What kind of cooking fairy, what kind of sushi fairy, craftsman spirit...the reason why these magical things are born, isn't it just habit?

Since you succumb to habits, you will naturally miss out on innovation.

Compared with ESO, Yahoo entered the country of Ni first and made ordinary people of Ni country accustomed to using it. It is indeed a bit difficult to get them to switch.

Let's start with eso academics. Seeing the two of them staring at him, Su Yuanshan smiled and pointed out a way out: The proportion of college students in Ni country is still quite high. As long as you can make this group of people use it as a habit, what kind of skills can you use? Years and decades from now, eso will rule the world.


Yes, of course we have to look back decades or even hundreds of years. Su Yuanshan said confidently: You don't think I am optimistic about the Internet because it makes money quickly, right?

Ye Rudai frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then looked around again. When she found that there was no one around, she lowered her voice and asked, So Yuanxin has been secretly reducing its holdings of newbook in the secondary market?


Su Yuanshan was suddenly choked.

Since Yuanxin took the initiative to reduce its holdings in Newbook last year, due to Yuanxin's series of investments in the Internet industry and the return of capital from all over the world to Wall Street, the Internet has become popular again. As the first Internet stock, the market value of Newbook has soared to hundreds of billions of dollars!

Then... when Yuanxin was at a high level, it began to slowly reduce its holdings in the secondary market.

Because of Su Yuanshan's rhetoric of saying one thing and doing another, Wall Street is actually fine. After all, they have their own judgment and evaluation, which does not affect the stock price. But the founding team of newbook had some opinions on Su Yuanshan.

Ding Lei hasn't talked to Su Yuanshan on the phone for a month - not to mention every month before, he wanted to check every bigger plan of newbook with Su Yuanshan.

After all, Ding Lei knows Yuanxin or Su Yuanshan’s voice and influence in the Internet field better than anyone else. He sincerely hopes that Yuanxin can hold newbook's shares for a long time to act as a talisman.

As a result, the Dinghai Shenzhen actually ran away secretly... Do you think it's irritating or not?

And Ye Rudai brought it up at this time... It's not that she cares much about Yuanxin's shareholding reduction - how could her purely technical mind think of this? Obviously, it was Ding Lei who complained to her.

Well, let me put it this way, I am optimistic about the Internet industry, and the current stock price bubble of the Internet is two different things.

Then you mean, Newbook is going to fall? Ye Rudai immediately became nervous - she will go public this time on a road show. If Newbook, the leading Internet stock, starts to fall, then ESO will be listed...

...How do you want me to answer you? It is a fact that the Internet is now a bubble. Su Yuanshan couldn't laugh or cry: But it is also a fact that the Internet is the future! So, facing the facts, all we can do is do our job well, isn't it? To take a step back, if you really encounter a black swan in a few months... don't worry, I will support you as an eso and you can still survive.


When Qu Hui heard this, she finally glanced at Ye Rudai with envy: Ye Zi, I really envy you for having an inhumane boyfriend.




After coming out of the coffee shop, the three of them went directly to Qu Hui's suite at the Giant Hotel - Qu Hui could no longer see Yuan Xin's hotel apartment. This also illustrates how well-equipped the facilities in Software Park New City are for high-end customers. How much attention is paid to the needs.

After closing the door, Qu Hui took out a thin document from her briefcase and handed it to Su Yuanshan.

She also added with a smile: It will burn after reading.

...Okay, then I won't read it. Su Yuanshan put the document on the coffee table and said with a smile.

Qu Hui glared: Don't talk nonsense.

——This document is naturally confidential, because it involves the current design of the next-generation dual workpiece stage of Capital Precision Instruments, as well as all the results and progress achieved.

But it can be taken out and read, and it is only three pages thin, which means that it does not involve any specific technology.

Qu Hui brought it out, and naturally it was approved by all the management - after all, Yuanxin is the major shareholder, and it is not against the rules to understand the technical progress.

After the joke was over, Su Yuanshan looked at the document seriously. Ye Rudai also took a curious look at it. She shrugged after finding that she was confused, and got up to make tea for the two of them.

Ten minutes later, Su Yuanshan raised his head and said firmly: First of all, we have to make sure that the path of magnetic levitation double workpiece platform must be the right one. If you don't make a breakthrough, then there is only one problem, that is, your ability is not enough.

...You! Qu Hui stared at him, her cheeks puffed up, and then she immediately realized that she was in her early thirties, so she snorted: How about you come?

Haha, there are specialties in the art industry, but I can't do it. Su Yuanshan put down the document and said cheerfully: Sister Qu Hui, I think...as an independent industry chain equipment manufacturer, you can try more in internationalization.

Huh? You mean recruiting people overseas? Qu Hui was slightly startled: But Capital Precision... also has confidential research and development projects.

So you see, here's the problem. It's certainly inspiring that we've come up with a technology, but if we rest on our laurels, we're likely to be overtaken - don't forget, the duplex stage , this is a neck-stirring product.”

From a business perspective alone, we must believe that no technology can last forever and dominate the world.

Look, the Japanese and the Germans are very good at magnetic levitation...well...although they are building rail cars, they reach the same goal by different routes. What's the matter with poaching some people? They are so awesome in the field of mechanical design and manufacturing.

Su Yuanshan paused and said seriously: Sister Qu Hui, our joining the WTO means that we have embarked on the fast lane of globalization. Believe me, in the face of globalization, our country... will definitely benefit the most. .”

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