1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 714 The NewBee Way

Among Yuanxin's three independent first-level laboratories, the most powerful one is of course Pandora - Mr. Xi naturally has NB attributes, and has been known for its high standards and strict requirements since its establishment. Later, it became the first postdoctoral station established by an enterprise in the country and the first authorized construction unit of doctoral program established by an enterprise. Now, entering Pandora has become the highest technical palace for graduates of computer science-related majors in China, and its specifications can be imagined.

And with Zhuyu from Pandora Laboratory in front, one can imagine the pressure on the remaining two laboratories. Especially the NewBEE laboratory that was established immediately afterwards. Although it was founded under the leadership of Tian Yaoming and received strong support from Qin Weimin, it was still unable to compete with it at the beginning... and was even considered by some to be following the trend. What's more, some people even think that this is an unexpected attempt by Tian and Qin to gain Mr. Xi's authority.

But as Li Yinan stepped away from his job as the technical vice president of base station equipment and entered NewBEE to take charge of actual work, the NewBEE laboratory successively recruited a large number of outstanding mathematics and computer-related talents from abroad, especially Russia, and Let these idiots be convinced.

After that, Li Yinan personally led a team to obtain the core patent power control of 3G technology, and used this as the core to expand into a huge patent pool comparable to Qualcomm, the originator of cdma technology.

In addition, NewBEE Laboratory also joined CWTS (China Wireless Telecommunications Standards Group) as an independent laboratory and became a core member.

As the 3GPP organization begins preparations, FarCore is different from the arrogant Qualcomm in that FarCore is very actively promoting cooperation with domestic telecommunications organizations in countries such as Europe...

Nowadays, the name of NewBEE Laboratory is well known abroad - at least, in the field of wireless communications.

Moreover, the NewBEE laboratory is by far the laboratory with the most foreigners and the most frequent exchanges with international organizations - even in China.

Of course it is not appropriate to put all the credit on Li Yinan - even Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding believe that Tian Yaoming's knowledge of people is the foundation - but it has to be said that Li Yinan's style has indeed enabled NewBEE to complete its transformation Key factor.

On this point, several big figures in the Science and Technology Committee have reached a consensus.

Yuanxin is now involved in a wide range of businesses, and they are all future-oriented fields. In these fields, there are either no competitors, or the competitors are small businesses, and small laboratories are just playing tricks. So it is easy for us to It can achieve leading and lose reference, thus turning technical problems into product and market problems.”

After Su Yuanshan said these words, several people became serious.

Especially Qin Weimin, as the technical director at the beginning and then as the assistant to the general manager, he witnessed with everyone present how Yuanxin was born, and he also witnessed with his own eyes how Xi Xiaoding trolled people in the beginning.

During the Jiangdu Building era, because of the anger and longing for the future, everyone present worked overtime desperately... This is how YXEDA was born in this land that is absolutely impossible in the eyes of outsiders. superior.

Later, he accepted Su Yuanshan's suggestion. After developing the microcontroller, he plunged into the YX architecture. At that time, there were various reduced instruction sets on the market, the AIM (apple, ibm, moto) alliance was very popular, and the Power architecture It is becoming popular, MIPS is ready to move, DEC's Alpha architecture is ambitious... and the European little brother ARM is secretly coveting it.

Although Su Yuanshan has always been patient with research and development, the YX architecture team at that time still lived a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife for fear of accidentally becoming cannon fodder.

And then, as the AIM (PowerPC) alliance was completely defeated in the desktop market, the YX architecture was born. First, it flattened ARM, then punched Alpha, and held down MIPS...

Today, YX has become a well-deserved winner in reduced instruction set architecture, with authorized customers all over the world. Moreover, as YX unswervingly takes the road of integrating baseband chips in order to launch cost-effective and low-cost integrated solutions for mobile phones, the revenue of YX integrated chips has become one of the most important streams of Yuanxin.

The results were achieved, but Qin Weimin also felt that after the goal of catching up was no longer available, the people in his team were indeed a little lax.

The chief architect once said that we cross the river by feeling the stones. In terms of national behavior, it is tentative reform. But for technology companies, feeling the stones means actually touching the stones in front of them - Lao Mei There is a large number of rocks left in front of us, enough for us to touch.

But there is always a time when we have finished touching the stone. We can't just stop and wait for Lao Mei after we finish touching, right?

So, the current state of laziness is unavoidable - our advantage is not so great that we can rest on our laurels in technology and harvest the world by relying on patents. We are only slightly ahead in some areas.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he looked at everyone: In the next few years, we will enter an era of technological explosion. If we cannot guarantee absolute technological leadership, we will still face market loss even if we will not be caught up by latecomers.

Don't forget, we will officially join the WTO by June this year at the latest.

This time's accession to the WTO was due to various reasons - or, in other words, because domestic concessions were greater than in previous generations. Therefore, after several rounds of negotiations, the final date was two years earlier than in history.

Joining the WTO brings not only opportunities but also competition. The reason why the country is willing to make concessions in the semiconductor field is mainly due to the rise of the domestic semiconductor industry and the leading role played by Yuanxin. In the past few years, Chen Jing has been the seat of the Foreign Economic and Trade Committee. Guests of honor, in a sense, Yuan Xin, give the country confidence.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, Louting Garden fell into a long silence.

After a moment, Qin Weimin took the lead in nodding: I agree that Li Yinan will become a formal member of the Science and Technology Committee.

Okay, I agree. Li Mingliu also sighed, paused and said: And Li Yinan is from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His joining the Science and Technology Committee can dilute the influence of the Science and Technology Committee on the Electrical Science and Technology, so as not to Wrong signals to others.”

Yes, I think so too - although none of us mean that. Although the five of us are always from the University of Science and Technology of China, but now we are professors of electrical engineering - speaking of it, you are the only one who is from the University of Science and Technology of China.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: Maybe others thought that the four of us in the Science and Technology Committee teamed up to bully you. But they don't know that you stopped all four of us by yourself.

...Don't talk nonsense. Li Mingliu couldn't laugh or cry: I wish I really had that ability - you see, haven't I always thought that Lao Gao is good? He is from your electrical department!

Then everyone agrees? Xi Xiaoding looked at everyone with a smile. When everyone nodded again, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Tian Yaoming after thinking about it.

Old Tian, ​​come and fight.

Tian Yaoming was startled: Why should I fight?

But having said that, he still took out his mobile phone.

Frankly speaking, he was indeed very happy that Li Yinan was able to come up - he had watched this man's abilities come up step by step, and although he was a bit aloof, and he was not as flattery to him as others, he was very fond of himself. He can feel the respect.

And even if he takes a step back, he, Tian Yaoming, is not the kind of person who blocks his subordinates from honors and promotions for his own unwarranted face and interests.

Just when Tian Yaoming was about to dial, Su Yuanshan stopped him with a smile: Brother Tian, ​​just use Mr. Xi's mobile phone to call.

……what is the difference?

There is a big difference. Su Yuanshan chuckled.

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