1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 713 The Big Bosses of Yuanxin

Chen Jing said that it is more difficult to join the Science and Technology Committee than to be elected as an academician. To a certain extent, this is true.

The reason is simple. In the 1990s, academician, as the highest academic title, essentially represented academic honor rather than interests. Of course, there will be more resources, but it’s not outrageous.

But Yuanxin's Science and Technology Committee is different. Once you become a formal member of the Science and Technology Committee, in addition to honor, it also represents your status and influence in Yuanxin's scientific research line, as well as the most intuitive income.

So far, it has been four years since the establishment of the Science and Technology Committee, but there are still only five formal members, and there are several more observer members, such as Mr. Xi's senior brother Tang Jun who returned from IBM - Yuanxin's first-generation DSP processor It came from his team. For the comprehensive development of Yuanxin, the DSP team is now divided into two. One is still catching up with established DSP giants such as TI and IBM, and the other is assisting in the integration of 3G baseband chips based on the YX architecture.

DPS chips may be of little use to other industries, such as the home appliance industry, PC industry, MP3, MP4 and other digital products... DPS is a chip that cannot be beaten by anyone. But for industries such as communications that require professional digital signal processing, DSP chips are the real core.

Especially communication base stations.

In the era of pagers, Yuanxin could still use microcontrollers to make do with it, but after entering the GSM era, making do with it would only lead to a dead end. To this day, Yuanxin still uses Texas Instruments DSP chips for digital signal processing in communication base stations.

As for the first-generation DSP chip developed by Yuanxin, because it is a general-purpose DSP, it is actively promoted in the fields of cheap mobile phones, CNC machine tools, motor control and other fields - in this field, even Yuanxin cannot match Texas Instrument giants such as Motorola, IBM, etc. are the kind who pick things up from between their fingers.

But at least it is made in China, has independent intellectual property rights, and is well integrated in the 3G baseband SOC code-named Kirin. It can be said that the future is promising.

——When determining the code name, various people under the two teams of Qin Weimin and Tian Yaoming were arguing. In the end, somehow the news reached Su Yuanshan’s ears. He almost cheated and decided on the name Qilin for 3GSOC. name, and it means that it will be used forever.

In addition to Dr. Tang Jun, also listed as observer members are Dr. Chen Jianguo and Dr. Liang Mengsong, as well as Cheng Peng and Zhu Yonggui.

Needless to say, Chen Jianguo has been leading the copper wire manufacturing process. Although he later received assistance from Dr. Liang Mengsong, the majority of the credit ultimately belongs to Chen Jianguo. Deyuan's copper conductor technology is now the best in the world, and it is the first time that China has led the world in the field of wafer fabs. This honor alone is enough to make Chen Jianguo famous.

Not to mention Liang Mengsong, Deyuan is able to complete the catch-up of three nodes in four years, and he deserves the greatest credit - by the way, Deyuan's 0.25 micron process will be trial-produced before March this year.

This means that currently, in the high-end process at the 0.25 micron node, there are only two players in the world: Intel and Deyuan.

As for Cheng Peng, as the person in charge of the lithium battery field of Yuanxin, Cheng Peng, who used to have long hair at P University and wanted to learn how to pick up girls from literary and artistic youths, devoted all his passion to lithium batteries after joining Yuanxin. Under his leadership, Suoxin successfully completed the trial production of lithium-ion batteries using lithium nickel cobalt manganate as the cathode material, thus kicking off the development of ternary lithium batteries.

Zhu Yonggui, the elusive Obai on the forum, is the third-in-command of Pandora Labs and is also the chief security expert of Yuanxin. He is proficient in various network protocols and has also participated in and formulated many security-related protocols for the international Internet on behalf of Yuanxin. , such as PPTP, L2TP. At the same time, he is also the chief expert of the open source organization OpenSSL and a technical support expert of EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)...

If we include Gao Xiaodi and Li Yinan, who were listed as observer members four years ago, there are exactly six people. ——The former is the boss of the FarCore processor department, and the latter is the second-in-command of NewBee Labs, the person in charge of taking the lead in researching the next generation and next N-generation wireless communication technology...

It can be said that every one of these six people is a well-deserved boss.

It's been four years. If we don't recruit new people, people will probably say that we are the top academics.

Xi Xiaoding held the teacup, blew on the tea foam, and smiled to himself.

Since he returned to China from Yuanxin, he has been serving as the chief scientist of Yuanxin and has absolute authority in the field of scientific research. This status has also changed his state of mind. , and became a scientific research leader who can think about the overall situation.

On the contrary, Li Mingliu has never changed. He still has the two-pole mentality of getting past me first if he wants to gain fame.

The Science and Technology Committee's selection of official members is based on unanimous consent. As long as one person is a keeper, it means that promotion cannot be passed.

Hehe, let's have a good discussion today. We can't just sit here and have a meeting every year... Su Yuanshan smiled and crossed his legs, looking at Li Mingliu: Old Li, you are the one who refutes fiercely every year. It’s up to you this year.”

... Li Mingliu was speechless for a while, and then said after a while: Boss, it's not me who retorted so fiercely, but isn't the tone set by our Science and Technology Committee the same as high standards and strict requirements? I am the one who co-wrote the evildoers? Then I Last year, we said we would let Gao Xiaodi come in, but you stopped us... We had to wait until Gao Xiaodi got the core of the proud dragon.


Su Yuanshan was choked and said angrily: Okay, then I will have the same attitude this year. I'd better wait until Lao Gao gets the Aolong processor finished. Will everyone have any objections then?

Everyone smiled and nodded: No objection.

——Aolong Core, in the Yuanxin plan, will have a structure of at least five to eight years. At the same time, we will also carry out X64, server-specific, and even dual-core expansion research and development based on this architecture. If Gao Xiaodi can complete it successfully, then he should go further.

So what you're saying is that Gao Xiaodi is out of business this year?

Well... Su Yuanshan nodded: But I still have someone to choose from.

The other four people immediately looked at him: Who?

Li Yinan. Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

...Didn't Li Yinan say that he would wait until 4G technology comes out? Li Mingliu did not give himself any face as a leader, frowning slightly: I admit that he has made a great contribution to the current 3G technology, but if it is given to him now, then …”

Li Yinan is not only an achievement in technology research and development, he can be said to have single-handedly established a rigorous and pragmatic attitude and working principles for the Far Core Communication Equipment Department.

Su Yuanshan's expression gradually became serious as he spoke: Relaxation is the way of civility and martial arts. The mountain-top trend that Mr. Chen raised today is a very serious problem. But in addition, there is another problem in the scientific research department, that is, everyone lives in comfort for too long Now, I’ve lost a bit of the original passion.”

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, the other four people looked at each other, especially Li Mingliu, who frowned and immediately retorted: No, everyone is still working hard.

After saying that, he said hmm confidently and said firmly: At least in the Shanghai Science and Technology Park, I don't feel any changes.

Old Li is right, how do you see that we have slacked off? Xi Xiaoding also asked curiously.

It can be seen from last year's scientific research list.

Su Yuanshan looked at everyone: I hope to take this opportunity to stop Li Yinan's increasingly lazy style.

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