1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 712 More difficult than evaluating academicians

Yuanxin definitely wants to build the concept of smart home appliances, but in Su Yuanshan's mind, it's still far from time.

His idea is to wait until we enter the new century before shouting the slogan smart home appliances - whether it is the capital market or product manufacturing, a loud slogan has always been the only way to attract attention.

For example, Yuanxin mobile phones have gone from music phones to Internet phones, camera phones, and now smart phones. Yuanxin shouted out all the catchy slogans in advance... which made the friend's teeth itch, but he had no choice but to hold his nose and shout along with Yuanxin.

This is the first mover advantage.

But the slogan of smart home appliances cannot be shouted now - shouting it now will only make people laugh.

After each executive director summarized and presented his achievements in his field over the past year and his judgment on future business, it was time to add new members this year.

In principle, new members of the executive board should generally be related to the businesses and fields that Yuanxin will focus on next. For example, Wang Chuanfu, who joined last year, is Yuanxin's active promotion of the power and energy use of lithium batteries, as well as pure electric vehicles and related An important signal of the chip.

So after deciding that this year we will try the home appliance business - to be precise, the high-end LCD TV business, and fully enter the graphics processing core to fill the last gap in the country. The new executive director will probably be selected from these two fields.

Do you have any good suggestions? Su Yuanshan closed his notebook and stretched: Don't look at me, I don't have anyone to choose from now.

Everyone: ...

Zhu Yuanxin glanced around and saw that no one had the intention to speak first. He thought for a while and smiled: Logically speaking, Wang Dongsheng is actually quite suitable, but he is not from Yuanxin.

Well, don't think about Wang Dongsheng. Su Yuanshan immediately shook his head and objected directly: We and BOE can only be regarded as a holding partnership. Bringing others in will not be easy to allocate equity. Secondly, it always sounds like it doesn't taste that good. , it feels like we have annexed BOE.”

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he looked at Chen Jing: Mr. Chen, do you have anyone to choose?

Chen Jing has been Yuanxin's secretary for the past two years and has a good understanding of the leaders of Yuanxin's various departments. It is most appropriate for her to propose candidates.

Before, I planned to recommend Zhang Xiaolong. After all, he was first and foremost the head of Yifang's R\u0026D center. Now he is in charge of the construction of HK Cyberport and can give us a broader vision. Chen Jing said: But this year's business Mainly on GPU, then this person should consider it from the familiarity and understanding of the industry.

What a coincidence, Mr. Chen, I also think Zhang Xiaolong is a suitable candidate. At this time, Yong Ping also joined in: The business of the Internet Center is the cornerstone of the future Internet field. Even if it is spun off now, we cannot just ignore it... …Allowing Zhang Xiaolong to join the executive board will not only help us better grasp the development and trends of the Internet, but will also help us control and grasp the Internet center.”

Duan Yongping’s words were echoed by many people.

Seeing that more than half of the people agreed with Zhang Xiaolong, Su Yuanshan stopped writing and said directly: Then let's go to Zhang Xiaolong. As for business promotion this year... I don't think it is urgent or important enough to need an executive director to take charge. After all, GPU is chip research and development, which requires more direct technical investment. As for the home appliance industry, we can only say that we are groping forward.

Okay, let's move on to the last topic today - electing a new chairman.

After Su Yuanshan finished speaking, he looked at everyone: Stop staring at me. I really don't have time this year.

Yes, Su Yuanshan is indeed unavailable this year.

He will even leave the Science and Technology Park this year and move his office to the Shanghai Stock Exchange - everyone here knows it.

He went to the Shanghai Science and Technology Park mainly for his own work, to carry out the final attack on the processor whose core code is ALong and whose Chinese translation is Aolong.

Four years ago, Yuanxin launched the Tamron series processors, which immediately pushed Yuanxin to the opposite side of Intel, AMD and even Cyrix. In order to obtain the X86 license from Intel, Su Yuanshan even went to Intel to sign the contract in person. Alliance under the City agreement, and according to the agreement, Yuanxin terminated all cooperation with Xinghai Cyrix.

Competition in the processor market has always been cruel and unkind.

Even the remote core.

After the marketing department directly intervened in the promotion of the CPU division, which had its own marketing and marketing department, the domestic market share increased.

But this rise is limited to the country.

In the international market, especially in Asia, Cyrix and AMD are simultaneously challenging Intel's high-end, especially high-frequency processors, while at the same time competing fiercely with each other in the mid-to-low-end market... It's really hopeless.

But the two of them fought back and forth in the mid-to-low-end field, which caused Yuanxin to suffer eight bad lucks for eight lifetimes - people said that the boss and the second child had a fight and accidentally killed the third child.

But it would be better to put it here at Yuanxin. The second child and the third child were fighting, but in the end, the fourth child was a little unable to get up...

If Yuanxin itself had sufficient appeal and influence in the country, and Yuanxin’s promotion efforts were strong enough, plus the government’s covert support for procurement...

I'm afraid Tamron processors are really going to be killed by those companies.

And Su Yuanshan knows that this year... Yuanxin's CPU department is having an even tougher time.

Because Pentium 3 is coming out soon, followed closely by the famous Tualatin.

——Although the Sol \u0026 Tamron core also refers to some of Tualatin's design ideas, in the final analysis, Su Yuanshan still used the core ideas of Pentium II and then fiddled with the core by improving the MMX instruction set. There is still a slight gap between it and the real Tualatin.

After all, no matter how awesome Su Yuanshan is, he is just a mortal. He can remember ideas and structures, but not all codes and designs.

For example, Gao Xiaodi has been working hard on the 64-bit processor and dual-core architecture in the past few years. The architecture was designed by Su Yuanshan, but the specific implementation design was almost entirely completed by the team led by Gao Xiaodi.

Now, Along is in a critical period, and Su Yuanshan has to take action personally.

No one volunteered? Su Yuanshan looked around and saw that everyone looked away from me. He shrugged and joked: Then I will recommend Zhou Xiaohui.

Ah? Zhou Xiaohui was sorting out her notes. When she heard Su Yuanshan call her name, she almost staggered and shook her head like a rattle: Mr. Shan, don't be ridiculous, I don't have time.

Everyone laughed together.

Indeed, being the chairman of the executive board is a chore, with no positive benefits other than two symbolic votes...and two votes are meaningless unless there is an extremely sharp conflict.

Just to outsiders, this chairman of the board of directors sounds very cool.

At this time, Chen Jing smiled and said: If you don't come, then I will come. I just happen to be able to keep an eye on the communication between talents and teams.

Okay! Su Yuanshan nodded immediately. After that, he looked at the time again and found that there was still one hour left before get off work. He raised his chin at everyone: Then let's break up today? Sister Jing, you can inform Zhang Xiaolong.


Chen Jing and the others stood up, but found that Su Yuanshan and Xi Xiaoding had no intention of leaving, and asked curiously: You don't want to leave?

Xi Xiaoding chuckled and said, We just have a small meeting and we are too lazy to move.

... Chen Jing was speechless, but when she looked at the few people who stayed, she immediately realized that these should be some of the big guys from the science and technology committee who were preparing to discuss Xiao Jiujiu.

After a pause, she shook her head slightly: You guys... I think sometimes it's better not to be too strict. It will make it more difficult to get into the Science and Technology Committee than to select academicians.

Su Yuanshan: ...

Xi Xiaoding: ...

Li Mingliu: ...

Qin Weimin: ...

Tian Yaoming: ...

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