1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 711 Do whatever you want

Zhou Xiaohui sat two people away from Su Yuanshan.

Since taking charge of SK Telecom's business, she has almost never been back except for the quarterly executive directors' meeting. This time, she took the opportunity of New Year's Day to get a new understanding of Yuanxin's situation this year, and then she escaped from the perspective of Bangguo's business.

In the past year, she has successfully completed the business process reform of SK Telecom, introduced the most advanced customer management system, and successfully completed the promotion of the ring back tone system - the ring back tone system has even achieved the goal of export to domestic sales The effect has promoted the launch in China.

This year, her achievements are obvious to all. As of last month, SK Telecom's new users have reached 1 million, and its total user market share has exceeded the 50% limit stipulated by the country's telecommunications industry. At the same time, SK Telecom's stock price has been rising continuously over the past year. Since it was reported a year ago that Yuanxin wanted to invest in SK Telecom, the stock price has more than doubled so far.

It can be said that as a professional manager, especially a professional manager exported from mainland China to other countries, her results are qualified and eye-catching.

However, because she was too focused on SK Telecom's business, her vision was inevitably limited, so that when she clarified the development of Yuanxin this year, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional... When she was at Yuanxin , it seemed that all the development was as it should be, but after leaving, I discovered that the speed of Yuan Xin was really shockingly fast.

Therefore, when she came back this time, her original plan was to continue to accelerate the industrial deployment in the country, and promote SK Telecom to continue to develop outwards, and smoothly join forces with Farcore, Shinawatra, Singtel and other companies in Southeast Asia... ...But after fully understanding the development of Yuanxin, she quickly changed her mind and planned to bring only her ears this time.

——Yuanxin's strategic deployment in Southeast Asia is already an established general direction. If you unscrew it by yourself, it will be nothing more than the icing on the cake.

But... this is, after seeing Su Yuanshan lost in thought, she also started thinking quickly.

As a secretary who had been with Su Yuanshan for six years, she understood Su Yuanshan's habits and the meaning of every move very well.

When Su Yuanshan is thinking now, he is not thinking about whether it can be done, but about how to do it, what difficulties he will face when doing it, and how to solve these difficulties.

Let me tell you my opinion first.

A few seconds later, Zhou Xiaohui looked up at everyone.

Su Yuanshan also looked up at her and gave her an encouraging look.

I agree with Mr. Zhu's statement - if Yuanxin gets involved in home appliances, it will definitely be able to do whatever it wants in the domestic market. After all, the country has just transitioned from the assembly stage to the R\u0026D stage. But the cost and investment ratio of R\u0026D are very low, and they are absolutely Part of the revenue and profits have been invested in capacity expansion and marketing.

After a pause, Zhou Xiaohui added: I learned this from an analysis of the domestic home appliance industry that I saw in Bangguo.

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly, quickly wrote a few strokes and then motioned for Zhou Xiaohui to continue.

We know that the home appliance industry in the United States developed earlier than ours, but in the eyes of the West, they are still representatives of low-end products. But domestically... they are obviously higher in 'grade' than domestic home appliances. They are located in After the most high-end domestic products.”

“In the mobile phone industry, because of our long-term persistence and support for domestic brands, after the price war in the past two years, domestic mobile phones have completed the squeeze and counter-encirclement of foreign brands. Currently, foreign brands occupy the largest share of the domestic mobile phone market. The rate has dropped from the highest of 68% to less than 30%. It has also forced foreign brands to make product breakthroughs following the pace of Yuanxin in order to maintain competitiveness.

As she said that, Zhou Xiaohui looked at everyone: Mr. Xi just said that we are a semiconductor company... If it were a year ago, I would definitely agree. But now, I think this statement is open to question.

Xi Xiaoding blinked, not minding Zhou Xiaohui's rebuttal to him at all, and laughed: Well, you tell me.

Whether it is the mobile phone business, the many products launched by the design center in the past year, as well as the products to be launched in the future, or the 'running into the digital age' mentioned by Mr. Shan, it all shows that Yuanxin should not just become a company. Companies that retreat behind the scenes, but technology and product companies that need to set an example for the entire market and take the lead - isn't that what our mobile phones have always done?

So, in the home appliance market, if we can set an example, we can undoubtedly improve the competitiveness of domestic home appliances. At the same time, entering the field of home appliances is an extension of the brand's appeal - especially TVs. I have a problem. A very reliable concept.”

Su Yuanshan immediately looked at Zhou Xiaohui: What is the concept?

Since the future will definitely be an era of intelligence, can TVs be like mobile phones? Or...like computers? After a pause, Zhou Xiaohui said with a smile: In order to prepare for the future and occupy users' living rooms, we launched the Paradise Project , and Microsoft is also launching Project Venus at the same time. Who can succeed now... I dare not say anything.

But I think... as long as one of us or Microsoft succeeds, it means that future TVs can also be highly integrated and intelligent.

As soon as Zhou Xiaohui finished speaking, Zhu Yuanxin immediately clapped his hands.

Secretary Zhou said it well! Zhu Yuanxin sat upright, without concealing the joy and admiration in his eyes. He glanced at everyone and said loudly and somewhat eagerly: Boss, what Secretary Zhou said has touched my heart. !”

Zhu Yuanxin said excitedly: Think about it, everyone, we have the low-power YX architecture, the YOS system that goes with it, and flash memory - if we can put the same set of mobile phones into TVs, wouldn't it be possible for future TVs to be Just like a mobile phone, has it become intelligent? By then, it will be able to surf the Internet, watch TV, and even play games...

Faced with Zhu Yuanxin's excitement, Wang Chuanfu, who was sitting next to him, endured it several times, but finally couldn't hold it back and asked: Mr. Zhu, do you usually watch TV?

Zhu Yuanxin was startled: I watch it occasionally.

That's the problem. Wang Chuanfu looked at him with a smile: Our family loves to watch TV, and I will watch it when I have time - in the eyes of people who watch TV, TV is for watching. Instead of engaging in a If I have a smart TV, then why don’t I buy a computer - no matter how smart it is, it can’t be as good as a computer, right?”

Several other slightly older people also nodded in agreement with Wang Chuanfu's personal statement, thinking that TVs are just for watching. No matter how smart or fancy it is, its function is just a TV. What people see is what it shows, not what functions it has.

This made Zhu Yuanxin a little embarrassed... He subconsciously looked at Su Yuanshan.

As we all know, when it comes to forward-looking technology products, if Mr. Shan is ranked second, no one dares to be ranked first.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded slowly.

Well... I agree with Zhou Mi and Lao Zhu's point of view. Smart TV must be the direction of future development. Because logically, its birth is in line with the improvement and progress of technological productivity. In other words, smart TV - Even if I am more subjective, smart LCD TV will definitely become the mainstream in the future.

Have you ever considered that the people's pursuit of visual enjoyment is endless. Now foreign countries have begun the reform from analog TV to digital TV networks. In the past few years, even digital satellites have been launched. Our country is not far behind. It is said that a pilot project is being carried out.”

But judging from the development of technology...the cable digital TV technology currently used, also known as HDTV, has an upper limit - well, I admit that the resolutions of 2K and 4K are still a bit far away from us. But in the future, it will definitely be a technology that can be realized. And by then, the digital optical fiber network will be the best carrier for transmitting TV signals.

After Su Yuanshan looked at the future, he brought the topic back to the present: Of course, it is still a bit early to mention smart TVs. But it is still feasible to enter the field of home appliances.

Zhu Yuanxin looked at Su Yuanshan: Then...?

If you can come up with a feasible plan, I think you can try it. Su Yuanshan looked at Zhu Yuanxin, then looked at Zhou Xiaohui and smiled: If we decide to enter the field of home appliances, then Secretary Zhou, can you see if we can start from Samsung, hire some people from LG?


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