1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 710 Leveling the Mountain

Yuanxin is rooted in the provincial capital, rising in the mainland, and focusing on the world. With the expansion and development of our business, we are indeed thriving. But I think... we need to look beyond the surface.

Chen Jing spoke very slowly, as if she was carefully considering her words.

The expressions on everyone's faces also became serious, waiting for her next words.

Since Lao Duan has taken charge of the daily affairs of the company, I have more time to go deep into the grassroots and front-line, including the company and scientific research. Chen Jing's eyes circled around everyone, and finally stopped on Su Yuanshan's face, silent for two seconds. Seconds later, he said seriously: I have a feeling that Yuanxin is, on the whole, exclusive.

Su Yuanshan's eyebrows slowly knitted, and then he looked at Carter.

Carter's expression was very serious. When he saw Su Yuanshan looking at him, he immediately guessed Su Yuanshan's intention - he was a real foreigner. If Yuan Xin was xenophobic, he would definitely be able to feel it.

Not only Su Yuanshan, everyone also looked at Carter.

At this time, Tian Yaoming glanced around and suddenly smiled: Mr. Chen, I don't think we are that exclusive, right? Carter gets along very well with us? And we also get along very well with the cooperation teams of overseas companies.

Chen Jing glanced at Tian Yaoming, just smiled without refuting, and then looked at Carter.

Carter, tell me how you feel. Su Yuanshan suddenly smiled and said to Carter.

Well...how should I put it? Carter also laughed, but then he began to ponder.

After a few seconds, he breathed out softly: I'll answer in English.

In a team with Chinese and Western personnel, I really feel that the cooperation is not as close as a team with only one party. I have also conducted an investigation and analysis on this, and believe that the reason for this situation should be due to customs and Cultural differences.”

After a pause, Carter continued: In modern enterprises, the expectations for the relationship between enterprises or team members are generally divided into two types: cooperation and competition. Cooperation requires maintaining a good relationship between team members, enhancing team cohesion, and strengthening teamwork. model to challenge performance. The advantage of this is that it can give employees a very high sense of belonging and honor, and improve overall efficiency.

Competition means that each individual team member performs quantifiable tasks and implements the law of survival of the fittest. The advantage of this is that it can stimulate the potential of employees and maintain the competitiveness of the company in the long term, and individual resignations will not occur. affects the overall interests.”

Yuanxin adopts a team cooperation model, so it is more necessary for team members to integrate together.

When Carter finished speaking, Su Yuanshan understood why he had to speak in English - Carter's spoken Mandarin was not enough for him to express his thoughts on modern business management.

Business management, in the final analysis, is still interpersonal management.

Obviously, Carter agreed with Chen Jing's meaning, even though he made an excuse for the differences in customs and culture between Chinese and Western employees.

When Chen Jing saw that Carter recognized her opinion, she looked at Su Yuanshan again: If Yuanxin wants to go international, in addition to international ambitions, products, technology, and management methods... we must also focus on employees and talents. to the world.”

Last year I traveled around Russia and Europe. The Russian R\u0026D center has been completed, and the British R\u0026D center will be completed soon and will be officially put into operation this year. If we follow the existing route, these two R\u0026D centers, at most It’s just an R\u0026D team that provides us with technology—it’s still outsourced.”

Su Yuanshan nodded slowly: What then? What do you mean?

What I mean is that overseas R\u0026D centers must also be included in Yuanxin's system and take on the task of talent exchange - for example, Yuanxin can send R\u0026D personnel to exchange with R\u0026D personnel in overseas R\u0026D centers. In this way Firstly, it can break the stereotype of thinking, and secondly...

Chen Jing took a deep breath as she spoke: We can also avoid the rise of hilltopism.

If Yuanxin wants to become a world-class enterprise, it should not only focus on the mainland, on electronics science, or on the few domestic universities - it should naturally become a place where outstanding talents from all over the world aspire to gather. .”

After listening to Chen Jing finish speaking in one breath, everyone fell silent.

The words mountain doctrine were finally formally mentioned by Chen Jing at the executive board meeting.

Hmm...that's normal too.

Since Duan Yongping took over as CEO and was fully responsible for administrative and daily management business, Chen Jing's focus has shifted to the strategic direction of the company and personnel management - the relationship between the two of them is somewhat like that of a secretary and the head of government.

Therefore, Chen Jing has more time to observe and think about Yuanxin's organizational structure and personnel relations.

Yuanxin's mountain-headism has always existed and has always been suppressed - to be precise, it was suppressed by Su Yuanshan's strong personal influence.

But no matter how strong Su Yuanshan's personal influence is, he still cannot affect every corner of Yuanxin.

In a country that values ​​relationships, graduates of the Electrical Engineering Department naturally have a higher starting point and preferential treatment - as Yuanxin becomes more powerful, this situation becomes more common and impossible to get rid of.

Chen Jing can even predict that Yuanxin will form a huge interest network mainly composed of electrical engineering graduates in the future. Even if the big guys here want to tear apart this network, they will not be able to because the relationship is too complicated. Don't choose to give up.

After silence, everyone looked at Su Yuanshan.

At present, within Yuanxin, he is the biggest leader of the Dianke Gang.

Su Yuanshan's eyebrows knitted together.

After a moment, he slowly exhaled: I agree. But how to solve it? Does anyone have any ideas?

Xi Xiaoding glanced at Qin Weimin next to him, then looked at Su Yuanshan, and asked tentatively: How about starting this year, the entry requirements for graduates of the electrical engineering department will be raised?

Tian Yaoming immediately said: Is this a bit too much? I think it's good to treat everyone equally. What do you think, Lao Qin?


Qin Weimin, like Su Yuanshan, began to frown after hearing Chen Jing's analysis.

As Su Yuanshan's senior brother, he knew better than anyone else that Su Yuanshan had always been worried about the Dianke Gang becoming big, but what was a bit indescribable was that they were sitting there motionless on the top of the mountain.

Yuanxin was started by borrowing dozens of graduate students from the Department of Electrical Engineering, and those people have now become the backbone of Yuanxin.

They are also on the top of mountains.

And now Professor Su Xinghe is the principal of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

That is a mountain like Mount Everest!

——Even if everyone on the top of the mountain is silent, they can still influence the thoughts and behaviors of the employees below.

Raise the entry requirements. Qin Weimin looked at Su Yuanshan and sighed softly: Indeed, Mr. Chen is right. Yuanxin cannot be Yuanxin of Dianke, and even Yuanxin cannot just be Yuanxin of our country. ... She should be a world-class company, but it just happens that its headquarters is built in a provincial capital.

Hearing what Qin Weimin said, Duan Yongping breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Otherwise, if the entry requirements are raised, it would be too unfair to graduates of the electrical engineering department. Let's set a The employment ratio is good...

Well, that's okay. Chen Jing nodded, quickly wrote a few words in her notebook, and then looked at Zhang Rujin: Dr. Zhang, although Deyuan is not in the far core system, I would also like to remind you that in Deyuan , there is a serious clique phenomenon among engineers on the island...

Zhang Rujin nodded slowly.

He too, when he heard Chen Jing talking about Shantouism, he immediately thought of Deyuan - because he himself is from the island, and together with the engineers who have been working tirelessly to dig wafer factories on the island over the years, As a result, half of Deyuan's employees are now from the island.

Perhaps because they are far away from home, the phenomenon of group cliques among engineers on the island becomes more serious.

Zhang Rujin sighed softly: I will go back and discuss with Lao Liang and the others to see how to solve it. This is indeed a problem.

What about talent exchange? Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan again.

I agree. Su Yuanshan nodded immediately, paused, and looked at Xi Xiaoding, Qin Weimin and others: I'm not belittling myself, but I still have to say that our current employees still need to communicate and learn more. If they just blindly If the earth develops within the technical framework of Yuanxin, then this is tantamount to inbreeding and is detrimental to Yuanxin’s century-old plan.”

At the beginning, he tried his best to get the Sony and Apple Pie teams to settle in Yuanxin, in order to allow Yuanxin to break the shackles of technical genes and achieve breakthroughs in technical thinking during communication and cooperation with these overseas teams.

Chen Jing quickly wrote down a few more strokes.

Okay, this topic is over, who will come up with the next topic?

Seeing that Chen Jing had no intention to continue speaking, Su Yuanshan continued to preside over the meeting.

I... have an immature suggestion.

Zhu Yuanxin, who was sitting opposite Su Yuanshan, raised his hand.

Well, Lao Zhu, tell me. Su Yuanshan held the pen and put it on the notebook.

Ever since Zhu Yuanxin entered the executive board of directors, Su Yuanshan has been very satisfied with his performance. He also knows that Zhu Yuanxin generally does not put forward plans easily, but when he does, it is definitely not without purpose.

For example, cameras and surveillance systems have now established business departments and launched formal business activities. Then the vehicle navigation system has also completed the electronic map cooperation with the Provincial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, and will be put into trial operation in the country soon.

As for overseas business, it is a cooperation with a company called Sikangli, and the current progress is relatively smooth.

Moreover, last time Su Yuanshan asked Duan Yongping to bring Zhu Yuanxin the design of the driving record, Zhu Yuanxin also understood it very well and said that it could be completed in half a year at the latest.

There is no doubt that Zhu Yuanxin is an excellent product manager with vision and strong execution ability.

This time he has another immature suggestion, which is naturally worth looking forward to.

Last year, I learned about the current situation of the domestic home appliance industry and found that... our domestic home appliance industry is difficult to describe in just one word. Zhu Yuanxin shook his head as he spoke and laughed: I think if we enter the field of home appliances, who can stop them? Live? Are you going to go crazy?

Everyone: ...

Isn't that bad? Xi Xiaoding was the first to object: We are a semiconductor company, and we are making home appliances...isn't it a bit unprofessional?

That's why I said it's immature. Zhu Yuanxin chuckled and said: Mr. Xi... I have talked with Lao Wang from BOE several times. They have been expanding their LCD production capacity after receiving state support last year, and have also talked with several companies. TV companies have cooperated, but the progress is not fast.

Fundamentally, it is caused by domestic home appliance companies generally not paying attention to technology, or in other words, not paying attention to LCD technology. And even if we don't engage in home appliances, we can still serve as a technology provider to promote the popularization of LCD panels, right.

After hearing this, Xi Xiaoding did not comment, but glanced at Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan frowned again.

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