1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 707 Overlord Car

Chatting with the taxi master, Su Yuanshan felt secretly happy.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the people in the provincial capital, Yuanxin is an enterprise that they are proud of and can brag to outsiders, just like a business card.

The taxi moved forward along Shuyuan Avenue and soon arrived at Yuanxin Gate.

At the door, a group of teenagers and girls who looked like high school students stood in four rows at the door. They were all wearing blue and white school uniforms. The leaders seemed to be two young teachers, who were communicating with security guards and employees from two administrative departments. .

What are you doing? the taxi driver stepped on the brake and asked curiously.

I guess some school organized the visit. Su Yuanshan took a look and smiled.

In the past two years, Yuanxin has received many such visits organized by schools and classes - euphemistically called science and technology influence.

The administrative department is already familiar with doing this - leading students to see the results of telecore and talk about the history; then they go to several laboratories to walk around and interact; and finally they walk around the campus. , brag and encourage, and that’s basically the end of it.

Of course, if the teacher leading the team has relationships - for example, a teacher from the Department of Electrical Engineering, or someone from the alma mater of General Manager Shan, then the administrative department will have to take care of it depending on the situation.

In short, the central idea highlights edification, and the method highlights flexibility.

Su Yuanshan glanced at the meter, and then suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

Holy shit! he yelled lowly.

What happened?.

... Su Yuanshan licked his mouth and touched around - in fact, he knew even without touching it, he was determined to have no money, and he didn't change clothes yesterday.

Then he opened the briefcase again, and sure enough, except for mobile phones and documents, as well as business cards, pens, keys and other gadgets, there was not a single steel in it.

I forgot my money.

The master was startled for a moment, and looked at Su Yuanshan carefully. When he saw Su Yuanshan taking out a Yidoo concept machine, which is currently Yuanxin's most expensive concept machine, he immediately laughed: It's okay, why don't you contact me first? Senior brother?

Hmm... Su Yuanshan held the phone and didn't know who to call for a moment.

——Mr. Xi and his senior brother Qin Weimin must be there, but they are definitely in the office at the moment. How could it take more than ten minutes to come here?

Hey... Master, please wait a moment. I'll ask the security guard to borrow some money.

Yes. The master was not afraid of him running away and readily agreed.

Su Yuanshan opened the car door, and just as he was thinking about how to speak... the administrative staff who were maintaining order in front of him saw him.

The master was sitting in the car. Not long after the student passenger he was pulling came to the door, an administrative girl stopped him. Then, without knowing what he said, the girl covered her mouth and started laughing. .

Then, the passenger pointed to his car without registering anything, and the security guard next to him opened the door directly for him...

Just when the master looked surprised, the girl who stopped his passenger trotted to the side of the car.

Master, how much does it cost?

Eighteen yuan. The master looked at the meter and was a little surprised: What? Do you recognize him?

Yeah. The girl pursed her lips and smiled, quickly took out two twenty coins from her pocket and handed them over: Thank you, master.

In less than two hours, the anecdote that Su Yuanshan wanted to take the Overlord Car spread throughout the entire administrative office.

Mr. Shan, I heard that you came here in a Bawang car this morning?

In Su Yuanshan's office, Duan Yongping held a teacup and looked at him with a smile.

...the rumors are getting more and more outrageous. Su Yuanshan said with a wry smile: It's just that I forgot to bring money...Why are I being rumored to be a gangster and a road bully? And I don't understand...what's the point of gossiping about this.

You don't understand. Duan Yongping took a sip of tea and shook his head with a smile: You usually work in addition to work. Although you are dedicated to your work, it is too boring - Xiaoqian, am I right?

Wen Xiaoqian also smiled and nodded: Yes, I finally found out something interesting about you. Everyone must find it a bit strange.

Su Yuanshan thought about it carefully and found...

They are right!

I am indeed quite boring.

Okay, as long as everyone doesn't regard me as an idiot in life, it will be fine. The overlord's car is the overlord's car. Su Yuanshan smiled and immediately took out two pieces of manuscript paper from the desk.

But the taxi driver taught me a lesson today. Su Yuanshan handed the manuscript paper to Duan Yongping: Old Duan, can you tell what this is?

There was a pencil sketch on the manuscript paper. Duan Yongping didn't notice it at first glance, but when he thought of Su Yuanshan's mention of taxi driver, he immediately realized that this should be the inside of a car cab.

This? But Duan Yongping looked at it for a long time before shaking his head and saying, Forgive me for my blindness, I didn't see anything special about it.


Su Yuanshan pointed to the rearview mirror, and then pulled out the second page: This is a gadget similar to a camera. Its main function is to provide continuous video shooting.

With that said, Su Yuanshan told the story about the taxi driver using a 6,000 yuan mobile phone as a driving recorder this morning.

Duan Yongping was worthy of his background in product manufacturing, and he immediately understood Su Yuanshan's intentions.

Driving recorder? This is a good name. With it, it means that it can provide the most intuitive video recording of traffic accidents.

Yes! Su Yuanshan nodded: And the master also asked me to have an automatic recording and automatic deletion and overlay function... I agreed to him.

As he spoke, Su Yuanshan took out a pen and wrote down the main functions of future driving recorders on the paper.

——Yuanxin wants to promote the digital age and is not just talking about it. Compared with the previous life, today's flash memory particles are more than twice as cheap. Yuanxin and Intel are now fighting fiercely on NAND flash memory particles. The capacity of a single chip has also entered the fast lane.

The cheapness of flash memory brings product progress that is visible to the naked eye. Not only are products such as digital cameras, mobile phones, USB flash drives, MP3s, and voice recorders exploding across the board, but solid-state drives are also beginning to be accepted by high-end users, rather than just being limited to the industrial and server fields.

In addition, Sony is also focusing its future on CMOS sensors. It is said that it will launch a 600,000-pixel camera by the end of this year.

With cheap cameras and flash memory, driving recorders, and even law enforcement recorders, it is a matter of course.

That's okay. Duan Yongping admired Su Yuanshan's vision. Seeing that Su Yuanshan even put forward system requirements, he naturally understood that this matter needed to be pushed forward: Then I will give Lao Zhu a good explanation when I go to Beijing tomorrow. , let them design it first.”


Putting away the manuscript paper, Duan Yongping looked at Su Yuanshan: Mr. Shan, I have something I don't know whether I should ask.

Su Yuanshan laughed: What should I do? Just ask me directly. You don't know who I am - just don't ask me why I don't get married.

...Haha, how could that happen? Duan Yongping laughed.

Everyone knows that Mr. Shan and Mr. Ye from eso.com fell in love at first sight, but they could not have a good discussion due to their respective careers.

Then just ask.

Well...mostly about ATV.

Duan Yongping pursed his lips, thought for a while and then said: Although the acquisition of ATV is in line with Yuanxin's interests and layout in the future film and television field. But... will this make our business too complicated?

Furthermore, I believe that this question... should also be led by Radio and Television. If we cannot give an accurate and convincing answer, it may be a bit difficult to land a star in the mainland.

After all...this is a propaganda outlet.

After finishing speaking, Duan Yongping looked at Su Yuanshan.

——This time he went to Beijing, and one of his itineraries was to meet up with Wan Yongliang, and then pave the way for ATV to be launched in the mainland.

Although he voted in support of the acquisition of ATV, in general... he still believed that Yuanxin was engaged in media and engaged in it very deeply, which was a bit unprofessional.

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