1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 706 The Wisdom of the Crowd

For Electrical Science and Technology to rise and become a world-class school, outstanding alumni are indispensable. Of course, the nest of Yuanxin can be considered outstanding alumni, but precisely because they all come from Yuanxin, their persuasiveness is not enough.

Su Yuanshan still hopes that his junior brothers and sisters can make a difference in the future Internet era with the help of the provincial capital, the development zone, and the environmental changes brought about by Yuanxin - especially the changes in ideological concepts.

Of course, after all, I am not the principal of the Electronic Science and Technology Department, and I don’t know the specific situation of the Electronic Science and Technology Department. Therefore, Su Yuanshan only gave and demonstrated the possibility of supporting college students to start their own businesses and the necessity of relevant policies. How to implement it specifically needs to be grasped by the electronics department itself.

After staying at home for a night, Su Yuanshan did not call Fu Zhenhua early the next morning. Instead, he went out for a walk around the school alone. After that, he took a taxi at the school gate.

The car is a new car, Shenlong Fukang from the provincial capital taxi company.

Classmate, where are you going?

The taxi driver was in his early forties and slightly overweight. Seeing Su Yuanshan get into the passenger seat and consciously put on his seat belt, the taxi driver smiled and said, That's not necessary. The traffic police have to take care of the passengers.

It's okay, I'm used to it. Su Yuanshan adjusted his seat and smiled: Go to Yuanxin.

Yes. The master responded casually and began to turn the car around. After entering the driveway, he pressed the meter.

Su Yuanshan put his hands behind his head, watching the cars passing by, and suddenly felt emotional - it turns out that the feeling of taking a taxi is really different from taking his own car.

Sitting in the taxi, he obviously felt too relaxed.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of his master picking up a Vidoo 7S series mobile phone released during this year's National Day from under the dashboard - in the past two years, the official release date of Yuanxin's new mobile phones has generally been in May. , at the Global Mobile Electronics Show held in Shanghai, or at the two world-class exhibitions CES or IFA in March.

Yuanxin regularly launches the Vidoo and VidooM series, as well as Yidoo's concept phones every year. In terms of time, it can certainly leave enough time for the design and polishing of each model of Yuanxin and the investment in new technologies. However, in this way, Yuanxin will lose money every year. There are too few mobile phone models on the market, only two or three at most, and they are all concentrated in the first half of the year...

You know, in the field of functional phones, the two rogues, Zhongxin and Giant, have launched a vast machine-sea war - they launch one or two new models almost every two months. Mobile phones, thereby stimulating consumption and expanding the share of molecules that consumers can choose from.

This move has immediate results, forcing international brands to speed up the release of new phones.

As a result, the release speed of Yuanxin's mobile phones seems a bit slow - especially in the second half of the year, not a single model of Yuanxin was launched, which is undoubtedly detrimental to maintaining the popularity of Yuanxin's brand.

Therefore, the Marketing and Sales Department proposed a plan to add another asterisk to the Vidoo series and release it during the National Day Golden Week - this would just be enough to grab a wave of sales.

This plan has been unanimously recognized by Yuanxin.

So this year, Vidoo7S was born - it is positioned as an upgraded version of the M series, but the initial price is only slightly more expensive than a thousand. It can also be regarded as a trial run by Yuanxin to increase prices in the current situation where mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular.

Compared with 7M, the biggest highlight of 7S is that it has updated the mYOS system and uses the same series of cameras as Yidoo. With the support of the algorithm, in addition to taking pictures, it can also take 3GPP and MP4 video.

In short, it is a small-screen, non-touch version of the Yidoo concept phone.

It is said that in the past month, Vidoo7S has sold hundreds of thousands of units around the world, which is a pretty good result.

Seeing that the taxi driver was actually willing to buy Vidoo7S, Su Yuanshan was quite surprised - the bare metal cost NT$6,000! If you add a large-capacity TF card, it will be even more expensive.

Master, is this mobile phone easy to use? Su Yuanshan immediately became interested when he saw someone using his mobile phone and asked with a smile.

It's easy to use, but it's a bit expensive. The master pressed the buttons while driving and said with a smile: Especially the memory card - a card as big as your little finger costs thousands. Do you think it is expensive?

It's a bit expensive. Su Yuanshan smiled and said, Just buy one with a smaller capacity.

No, it can't be recorded for a few minutes. The master fiddled with the phone a few times and then stretched his hand towards the windshield in front.

Only then did Su Yuanshan notice that there was a DIY base made of rubber and plastic bottles under the windshield.

The master inserted the phone into the base, with the back of the phone facing forward, and the front of the phone... showing the video recording function.

——Because mYOS is essentially a microsystem of a smartphone, it can complete background operations.

Seeing this scene, Su Yuanshan's eyes went straight.

Is this... using your mobile phone as a driving recorder?

Master? What are you doing?

Video. The master said concisely and concisely: You don't know, there are more and more second-rate people on the street recently. Someone will come and lie under the car at every turn, or some cars will beg for trouble... Even if you call the traffic police, they will still talk. Strong.

You said we have a sports car, how can we have so much time to talk about it? So I just recorded it while driving, so as not to be unclear when something happens.


Su Yuanshan was speechless for a long time.

It seems that the wisdom and hands-on ability of the people are indeed strong, and it can be seen that the driving recorder is indeed a good thing.

It's just that... using a six- to seven-thousand-dollar mobile phone to do this job is indeed a waste of a mobile phone.

What should I do after the space recording is finished?

Delete it after recording. The master glanced at Su Yuanshan and asked when he saw that he was young: Are you going to Yuanxin to work or to play?

Oh...I'm going to find a senior brother to play with.

Then tell your senior brother about it. The taxi driver chuckled and said, I heard from another college student that if you want it, Yuanxin can do it. I think that if you give your phone an automatic video deletion function, There should be no problem, right?

... Su Yuanshan was speechless again, and laughed after a moment: Indeed, not only can the video be automatically deleted, but it can also be automatically recorded after deleting the video.

Upon hearing this, the taxi driver hurriedly said: That's going to happen! Call your senior brother and they can get it done!

Yes! Su Yuanshan agreed.

The taxi driver probably knew that Su Yuanshan answered the question smoothly, and laughed: Then I'll wait for your good news. But speaking of it, Yuanxin is really awesome. If you say they can do it, I have no doubt at all!

Su Yuanshan nodded slightly reservedly: Indeed, Yuanxin is still very powerful.

Well, national leaders have come here so many times, so they must be fooling themselves - so you want to join Yuanxin in the future?

Yeah, I have this idea.

The taxi driver stopped and waited for the red light, looking at Su Yuanshan with envy: That's right, you are from the electrical engineering department, and you have a senior fellow at Yuanxin, so you will definitely be eaten up after you get in.

Haha... I don't know if I can get in yet.

Believe in yourself! Yuanxin was founded by the Department of Electrical Engineering, and graduates of the Department of Electrical Engineering are given preferential treatment - as long as you don't hang around in the Department of Electrical Engineering, how can you not get in?

As he said this, the master began to give examples. He had friends who had joined Yuanxin and were now earning 8,000 yuan a month...

Listening to the master's chatter, Su Yuanshan felt extremely relaxed both physically and mentally.

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