1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 708 1999 starts from the core

Su Yuanshan pondered for a long time.

Frankly speaking, Duan Yongping was pleased to be able to ask him candidly.

After all, Yuanxin is an enterprise under collective leadership. It is best if there is no suspicion and doubt among the leadership group.

The reason why Su Yuanshan is able to keep his word in Yuanxin is because of his sensitivity and foresight in the field of science and technology. To put it bluntly, he is a genius - everyone from Chen Jing to Xiao Ding and Duan Yongping to ordinary members of Yuanxin have witnessed it with their own eyes. Learn how Yuanxin moved towards glory under the planning and layout of Mr. Shan.

Therefore, in addition to administrative matters and plans, as long as it involves the development of industries and fields, Su Yuanshan basically has the final say. Others just believe it and that's it.

Of course, Su Yuanshan hardly interfered in other affairs of the company and gave Chen Jing and Duan Yongping enough power and respect.

Obviously, Duan Yongping's doubts are not only his own, but also probably represent the thoughts of a considerable number of people - after all, any investment made by Yuanxin is related to technology.

And Duan Yongping is right when he says that ATV is going to launch a star in mainland China, which is a big deal. Even if Yuanxin and Dingxingen Hongmiao are good, if they can't come up with a charter, they will definitely have no way to become a star.

But... how to tell Lao Duan? Could it be that this not only involves his layout in the TV media business, but also involves the guidance of public opinion. In the future, ATV will even have to fight with BBC, CNN and other giants on the Internet—— People always have to have dreams!

Old Duan... let's not talk about ATV first. Let's talk about something else.

After thinking for a long time, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly. When he saw that Duan Yongping's tea was half full, he took the tea cup and walked to the water dispenser to help Duan add some boiling water.

Old Duan, do you think our group of people are very rich? Su Yuanshan looked at the other party with bright eyes.

Ahem... Duan Yongping coughed lightly and shook his head with a smile: Let's see who we compete with...well, it's true that we don't have to worry about money anymore.

In the past few years, Yuanxin has been in a stage of tightening its belt, and its equity has not been sorted out, so it has not paid dividends. However, this year, all virtual equity and incentive pools have been adjusted, plus holdings have been reduced, and a large amount of cash has been received, so...it's time to get some dividends.

If you don't go public and don't pay dividends, you won't be able to retain people.

According to Duan Yongping's shares, he can easily get a few million this year without any problem - and his salary is already high, and he belongs to the legendary million-year salary group.

So, what else do you think we can pursue besides technology? I'm not interested in being an official - are you interested? If you are interested, just go to the CPPCC and tell me, I promise you will be welcomed.

Duan Yongping didn't know whether to laugh or cry: Mr. Shan, stop joking.

Okay, I'm not kidding. Su Yuanshan took a sip of tea, and after being silent for a few seconds, he said softly: In this life, after having no worries about food and clothing, what a person pursues is nothing more than 'achieving oneself and influencing others' ——At least, that’s what I think.”

After hearing this, Duan Yongping was slightly startled and thoughtful.

I am a person who believes in science and truth. But in this world... there are too many people who don't believe in this, and I feel... bad.

Su Yuanshan slowly formed a sentence: So, I hope there are more people like me in this world.

Even if it can't be more, it would be good to have less of some sounds that I don't like to hear...

Duan Yongping looked up at him: What are the sounds?

For example, those who say that the country is going to be doomed will not be able to catch up with the Ni Kingdom in fifty years, and they will not be able to catch up with the United States in five hundred years... Su Yuanshan's eyes narrowed, and he snorted softly: What the fuck, those idiots, why? How dare you compare with me?

Hearing this, Duan Yongping took a long breath after being silent for a few seconds, and a smile slowly bloomed on his face.

Mr. Shan, one person like you is enough.

Haha, old Duan, don't wear a high hat. Su Yuanshan laughed again, paused and said: If you want to give an explanation above, it is just from the consideration of 'influence'. And in this regard... If it really doesn't work, you can just do it directly He said, let’s hire someone with rich political experience to be the editor-in-chief and help control it.”

If this is really going to be the case, then it should be no problem. Duan Yongping nodded and said with a smile, But will this cause resentment from HK?

No, we don't do political programs. Start with variety shows and TV series to boost ratings and reputation, and then make movies and documentaries to slowly increase our influence - Lao Wan knows how to do it of.

That's okay!



The end of the year always flies by.

In mid-December, Chen Jing went to Singapore on behalf of Yuanxin to sign cooperation matters with Singapore Telecom and also finalized the construction plan of the software park.

Unlike Yuanxin, which considers all efforts to consider HK, Yuanxin is only responsible for planning and building Yuanxin's own R\u0026D center, and is not responsible for the construction of the Singapore Software Park. After the software park is built, Yuanxin will be responsible for assisting Singapore in operating and managing the software park.

——This is also a model acceptable to both parties.

As for HK Cyberport, Vanke (HK) has already entered the market and the stakes have been laid.

Time enters 1999.

After the New Year's Day, senior executives from all walks of life at Yuanxin gathered in the science and technology park to prepare for the two most important meetings of each year.

In the sun room on the roof of the administrative building, Su Yuanshan, Chen Jing, Mr. Xi, Duan Yongping, Zhang Rujin... and others gathered together.

Su Yuanshan volunteered to become the chairman of the executive board last year, so he should be the one to start the meeting.

Let me sum it up first. Su Yuanshan held the tea cup and looked at everyone with a smile like a middle-aged man who was keeping fit. The bosses were sitting on the sofa in various postures, just grabbing a handful of melon seeds to eat. .

Last year, we initially achieved our initial expansion goals. We achieved success in China, Hong Kong, and Singapore, which is a good start for our Asia strategy.

At the same time, the photolithography machine projects and analog chips we supported have also achieved a good harvest. Well... Also, the technological breakthrough in the field of lithium batteries has also been completed very well. We have another field that is rubbing Europe and the United States on the ground. .”

Everyone laughed after hearing this, and did not forget to look at Carter at the same time.

It has been almost a year since he joined the senior management of Yuanxin. Carter already knows the temperament of everyone here and knows that everyone is joking. He shrugged nonchalantly: This means we have to keep working hard.

Yes, we have to continue to work hard. Su Yuanshan chuckled: But next year, how should we add more oil, and in what areas should we continue to work hard...

At this time, Xi Xiaoding touched him lightly: Shouldn't we discuss the new members first?

Well... let's find the direction first and then discuss the new members. Su Yuanshan said and looked at everyone: Do you have any ideas?

Upon hearing this, everyone put away their relaxed demeanor and began to take out their notebooks.

The most core function of the Executive Board Meeting is to point out a clear direction for Yuanxin for the next year, and then in the next year, most of Yuanxin's strength will be used in this direction.

For example, last year's direction was expansion, to be precise, expansion in Asia.

I'll do it first. Seeing that no one took the initiative, Xi Xiaoding took the lead: I think next year, in addition to consolidating this year's expansion results and continuing to occupy the market, in the technical field, we probably also need to fill in the gap in the chip field. The last piece is blank.”

Oh? Su Yuanshan looked at Xi Xiaoding curiously, and for a moment he didn't expect what the last blank space was.

GPU. Xi Xiaoding said concisely. He, Qin Weimin, Tian Yaoming and Li Mingliu looked at each other, and the latter three also nodded.

It could be seen that a few of them had a small meeting to discuss.

After the battle with IBM's Deep Blue team last year, they stayed and exchanged their experiences with us for about a month. I have to say that IBM is quite powerful. They inspired us with a good idea - heterogeneous parallel computing. .”

Of course, it's not just the GPU that is currently being hyped for 3D graphics cards. You can even understand it as referring to all computing units in heterogeneous systems - it can be GPU, CPU, including X86, YX, or DSP.

In short, the central processor is used to allocate tasks to all heterogeneous computing units, and then the memory consistency is achieved through protocols to achieve the purpose of saving resources and improving computing efficiency.

Xi Xiaoding finished speaking in one breath. Seeing that most people were confused, and even Su Yuanshan looked at him strangely, he smiled: Let me give you a simple example...

Let me give you an example. Su Yuanshan came to his senses and stopped quickly, with an unstoppable smile on his lips.

He really didn't expect that Mr. Xi would actually consider heterogeneous parallel computing now.

To put it simply, Zhongni Bangmei, people from these four countries usually speak and write differently. But if we can unify a standard, such as Arabic numerals, symbols, and formulas. Then Four of us, who don't speak the same language at all, were able to complete the calculation of a complex problem together.

Moreover, the most important thing is that we can write the calculation results on the same manuscript paper in real time, and we can use other people's proofs and calculation results anytime and anywhere. At the same time, because of our different fields of expertise, we can also make use of We are only responsible for the computing part that we are good at, so as to achieve the fastest overall computing efficiency.

As soon as Su Yuanshan finished speaking, Xi Xiaoding clapped his hands: Well said!

Everyone also applauded - of course many people don't know that this is simple to say, but it is a bit difficult to do it - for chips of different architectures to work together, it is equivalent to To create a set of mathematics out of thin air.

As for why it's a GPU... Xi Xiaoding paused and smiled slightly: Because according to Xinghai's news, the 3DFX team intends to set a benchmark for the industry. The latest GPU uses multiple ALUs (arithmetic logic units) and Threads. route, particularly suitable for parallel computing.


Su Yuanshan bit his lip and nodded slowly: Well, GPU should indeed be on the agenda, but as for the design team...is it available in China? Can any of you spare a team to do it?

He looked at Xi Xiaoding, then at Qin Weimin and Li Mingliu - these people coughed lightly a few times and didn't say anything.

After all, this job is not easy to get, and they are short of people.

At this time, Chen Jing suddenly said.

How about buying a team?

Which one should I buy? Su Yuanshan asked immediately.

Are we going to build a graphics card core?


There is one company on the island, SIS, Silicon Systems. Chen Jing looked at Su Yuanshan and said firmly: They are living a very difficult life. The graphics cards they launched last year were also beaten by Xinghai and NVIDIA... They are about to go bankrupt.

“And even if you can’t buy them, you can still poach them.”

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