1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 703 What is pricing power?

The moment the two appeared, Liu Changzhi's eyes quickly flashed with surprise. He glanced at Wang Weiwei without leaving any trace, and then quickly stood up.

He knew these two people. The one on the left was Zhang Jianjun, the boss of Dingxin Media and the founder of Zhongxin Electronics.

He is also the second boss.

He also knew the other man with a kind face and a suit.

This is Wan Yongliang, the marketing president of Yuanxin. He came to Hong Kong a month ago and assisted and participated in Yuanxin's comprehensive acquisition of Lin's shares.

Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wan, welcome to ATV for inspection.

Liu Changzhi strode towards the two of them and stretched out his hand to Zhang Jianjun while he was still in the process.

As Liu Changzhi stood up, the others also stood up one after another, with smiles on their faces.

Chen Shanqiang, in particular, smiled unusually happily.

It's okay, everyone, please take a seat. After Wan Yongliang shook hands with Liu Changzhi, Zhang Jianjun pressed his hands with a smile: Sit down first, and then we'll talk.

After finishing speaking, he made a gesture of invitation to Liu Changzhi, and then walked to the last seat of the desk with Wan Yongliang at the same time.

Mr. Wan, please. Zhang Jianjun guided Wan Yongliang to the position facing Liu Changzhi.

Wan Yongliang didn't show any courtesy and just sat down with a sigh.

Let me formally introduce to you, this is Mr. Wan Yongliang Wan, the president of the marketing department of Yuanxin Technology.

Liu Changzhi's pupils shrank again, but he still took the lead in applauding.

Thank you, everyone, stop now. Wan Yongliang punched him, stretched out his hand to press down, and coughed lightly.

As he cleared his throat, the conference room became quiet again.

I came here mainly on behalf of Yuexin and ATV Holdings.

Wan Yongliang paused as he spoke and looked around the audience.

Zhang Jianjun also sat down next to him and looked at Chen Shanqiang opposite with a smile.

Wan Yongliang continued: As of today, it has been exactly two months since Yuanxin and Dingxin Media reorganized the board of directors of ATV Holdings. These two months have been a blessing for everyone.

Everyone looked back at Wan Yongliang with a smile.

But hard work is hard work, and work still needs to be done. It's a pity that according to feedback from various parties, ATV has not done a good job in the past two months.

Following Wan Yongliang's words, everyone's expressions suddenly changed!

Liu Changzhi even looked at Wang Weiji several times.

ATV is Yuanxin's key investment project in Hong Kong, and it is also related to Yuanxin's far-reaching layout in the field of home audio and video entertainment. Frankly speaking, it should not continue to develop in the current way.

After hearing this, Liu Changzhi finally couldn't help it.

As a member of the board of directors, he is also the directly responsible general manager - or CEO, or station director. Even in the face of major shareholders, he must maintain the reputation and dignity of ATV.

This is about his professional reputation.

But maintenance... does not mean confrontation.

After thinking for a while, Liu Changzhi quickly smiled and said: Mr. Wan, I am honored that ATV can be included in Yuanxin's strategic layout. But after all, ATV is a TV station with a history of fifty years, whether it is business or affairs. Well, transformation needs to be done slowly and cannot be rushed. And...

Wan Yongliang had already put away his smile and put on a serious and steady expression. Hearing this, he suddenly laughed and said: And what?

Liu Changzhi pursed his lips, and an inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly arose - although he himself was sitting in the main seat, as Wan Yongliang sat opposite him, and Zhang Jianjun, the second boss, sat aside, Wan Yongliang's The position suddenly became the main position!

I thought that Yuanxin had not taken any measures against ATV before, but had just reorganized the board of directors as usual - I was still a member of the board of directors, but today suddenly representatives of two major shareholders arrived at the same time...

This doesn't seem to be as simple as simply looking for trouble and showing off one's prestige!

At this time, Vice President of Administration Wang Weiwei saw that Liu Changzhi's expression was wrong, and seemed to be resisted by Wan Yongliang's words. He thought for a few seconds and quickly smiled: Mr. Wan, although the Hong Kong Radio and Television Regulations stipulate that in order to ensure the media's Independence, shareholders cannot interfere with the operation of the TV station. However, out of respect for shareholders, we are actively cooperating with shareholders' requirements and seeking the direction of development and reform. But... we also hope that Mr. Wan and Mr. Zhang can give us a little time.

Even if Wang Weiwei's words are not a hidden secret, they still serve as a warning to these two dragons - direct interference by shareholders in the operation of TV stations is a taboo in Hong Kong.

My group of people even did not hesitate to violate this taboo for Yuanxin, just to give face to shareholders and consider them.

After saying these words, Wang Weiji remained silent and just looked at Wan Yongliang with a smile - as long as Vice President Wan is not a fool, he will naturally understand what he said.

Of course, Wang Weiji also made plans. If these two shareholders are just here to show off their power today, then the people in this room will just have to bear with it.

Who is the boss?

After Wang Weiwei's words, Liu Changzhi also laughed and said repeatedly: Yes, Mr. Wan, we have been making plans and looking for ideas.

Well said. Wan Yongliang nodded with a smile, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

It seems that these people really want to take advantage of Yuan Xin?

But it's a pity. Wan Yongliang smiled slightly and said the word regret again.

No matter how long ATV's history is, in Yuanxin's eyes, its history is only two months. Wan Yongliang crossed his fingers and said slowly.

I'd like to repeat it again. Yuanxin and Dingxin's acquisition of ATV is aimed at the 21st century, and is truly aimed at Asia and even the Chinese-speaking regions around the world. Rather than... spending one billion to buy it this year, and then reselling it for 20 in two years. 100 million, sell it for 3 billion - if you want to simply make money, wouldn't you use this billion to invest in any Internet company?

Liu Changzhi opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to refute, but nothing came out.

Yuanxin just reduced its holdings in the largest portal website newbook.com and cashed out more than 5 billion US dollars. This is indeed a cost-effective investment in Internet companies.

Wan Yongliang glanced at everyone: Therefore, the board of directors believes that ATV's current leadership has problems in terms of capabilities and function distribution, and is unable to meet the expectations of Yuanxin and Dingxin.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

Liu Changzhi's eyes widened in shock - this... this person has turned against him like this?

Wang Weiwei was also a little confused by Wan Yongliang's sudden change of attitude.

What does Yuanxin want to do? Want to take down ATV executives?

Now I will announce the board of directors' resolution. Zhang Jianjun opened the document with a very good look in his eyes and stood up.

After the decision of the board of directors of ATV Holdings, Mr. Wan Yongliang, the senior president of Yuanxin Holdings Group, will serve as the chairman of the board of directors of ATV Holdings and the CEO of ATV. The former general manager Mr. Liu Changzhi will be dismissed from his position and remain a member of the board of directors.

Chen Shanqiang, the former deputy general manager of the marketing department, serves as the president of ATV.

The former administrative deputy general manager Wang Weiwei was dismissed from his position, and the former administrative department director Qiu Yue served as the administrative and financial president.

Le Yuling, the former deputy general manager of the film and television drama production department, serves as the new president of the media department.


As Zhang Jianjun read out the job adjustment, everyone was stunned.

I am a member of the board of directors, why didn't I know that the board of directors was held! Liu Changzhi's face turned red and he glared at Zhang Jianjun. His whole body trembled slightly. He stood up and pointed at Zhang Jianjun angrily: You are trampling on the company wantonly. Law! Still wantonly trampling on radio and television regulations! You...

Liu Changzhi almost didn't come back in one breath.

He also drank with Zhang Jianjun and had dinner with Wan Yongliang - these two people did not say this at the time!

Whether you are present or not will not affect the voting rights. Wan Yongliang looked at Liu Changzhi and replied calmly, then looked at Zhang Jianjun: Old Zhang, have you finished reading?

It's over.

Then it's my turn. Wan Yongliang frowned, stared at Liu Changzhi, and said word by word: We gave you two months to make plans and welcome the future. And what about you? You haven't taken it yet. Come up with an effective plan - if you are my people under Yuanxin, let alone two months, even if there is no progress in two days, I will tell him to get out.

Also, don't use the Radio and Television Regulations to pressure me. I just came from the Radio and Television Management Center and got the star approval by the way.

In addition, I also brought three mainland TV series and took the lead in signing script contracts for 11 potential mainland actors.

I also brought two TV drama scripts, made plans for three variety shows, and negotiated the key to entering the mainland market after being launched.

And what about you? Wan Yongliang glanced at everyone: Aside from huddled together and excluding dissenters, what have you done in the past two months?

After finishing speaking in one breath, Wan Yongliang took a deep breath and glanced out the door: Next, I will make an overall deployment and adjustment of ATV's work this year and the functions of relevant departments. Please don't worry. people leave.

In addition, anyone who disobeys work arrangements can leave immediately.

After saying that, Wan Yongliang glanced at Chen Shanqiang, who understood and immediately stood up and walked to Liu Changzhi and Wang Weiji.

Chen Shanqiang looked calm.

You two, please stay away.



Far core.

Su Yuanshan and Wang Chuanfu, who had arrived after a long journey, were sitting in the office drinking tea and chatting.

On the second day after Wan Yongliang took over ATV, almost all Hong Kong newspapers, magazines and other TV stations reported the matter in the most prominent news.

Naturally, this kind of violation of the Radio and Television Management Regulations cannot escape the Hong Kong government - almost on the day the news was published, the Hong Kong government summoned the management of ATV Holdings for a talk and tea, and incidentally offered a two million fine in Hong Kong dollars.

Two million is fine, as long as it's not two million a day.

Su Yuanshan picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said cheerfully: If it's two million a day, I can't stand it. Just ask the Hong Kong government to buy ATV for fun.

Haha! The Hong Kong government has to put on a show! However, Mr. Shan, I feel this matter is still a bit too high-profile. Wang Chuanfu just came from the SAR, so he understands the feedback from the people better than Su Yuanshan.

Whether it's talks or fines from the Hong Kong government, it's all trivial to Yuanxin, just a gesture - Yuanxin has done so many things for HK in the past few months. Well, the people can just turn around and do it. Forget it, but the Hong Kong government dares not forget it.

What's more, Yuanxin has indeed made its words and deeds clear - just to get involved in the film and television industry in the future. And it seems that we still need to make great efforts to get involved.

Otherwise, why would a senior CEO be sent to run a small TV station? Compared with Wan Yongliang's position in Yuanxin, coming to host ATV can be regarded as being assigned to the frontier!

But among the people... this may not be the case.

Frankly speaking, people are still very sensitive to the independence of the media. In particular, there are many alarmist gossip tabloids secretly instigating... Coupled with the embarrassment of the parties involved, Yuanxin is described as an evil dragon that crosses the river and suppresses local people in Hong Kong.

There is no way, we can't wait. Su Yuanshan shook his head and sighed: Originally, we planned to wait until ATV caused internal conflicts, and then we would clean up the mess. Later, after taking a closer look at the situation, we found that if internal conflicts were to arise, we could not wait for a year or two... We How can we have that time? So we can only try to win over and divide them, and then use the topic to intervene forcefully.

But now it seems that this trick is quite effective. Except for the hardcore Liu and Wang who chose to leave their jobs, the stability of ATV has basically been maintained. As for the people... let them discuss it and piss off the people. Let’s show Titanic for free and see if they still talk about it.”

Hahaha, this is a good move!

Moreover, if Lao Wan brings Huan Zhu Ge Ge this time, it will definitely boost the ratings...

Well, it's possible. Huanzhu is really pretty.

The two casually chatted about TV, and then immediately changed the topic to the next car-making technology.

Mr. Shan, electric cars are easy to build, but it's not easy to build a supercar that you can pursue!

When talking about technology, Wang Chuanfu's eyebrows furrowed: As for the battery module itself, there is no problem now. But the power device is a big trouble - if you want to build a supercar, it must have at least 800 horsepower and upwards? It must meet the requirements of fast charging , the charging system needs to be more than 200 watts, right?

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Absolutely.

Wang Chuanfu's frown deepened: The development of power devices is very slow now, and the existing products on the market can hardly support the technology in the design - this means that we need to invest in research and development of power semiconductors ourselves. And I and I After chatting with several power device experts, they believed that in order to meet the requirements of electric supercars, we have to start from the source and materials...

SiC and GaN (silicon carbide, gallium nitride) Su Yuanshan said the exact name in one breath: these two directions.

Wang Chuanfu: ...

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Actually, the ideas and thoughts of new material power semiconductors have always been in the West, but due to demand, there has been little development. Even IR (International Rectifier) ​​has only scratched the surface at present. So for us , this is an opportunity to catch up.”

You mean we should all do our own research?

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded again: I have already reported to the superiors. Judging from the preliminary feedback, the country still attaches great importance to it and may provide some policies - after all, the products and technologies of power semiconductors have always been controlled by the Abroad, if we don’t pursue it, we may lose our pricing power again in the future...

Speaking of pricing power, Wang Chuanfu shook his head first, and then suddenly laughed: Indeed, pricing power is too important.

Su Yuanshan glanced at him and thought that was not nonsense!

What is pricing power? No matter how much I say, you have to buy it obediently. This is called pricing power!

Suoxin, on the other hand, is a dominant player in the lithium battery field that can't find an opponent no matter how hard it cries.

Wang Chuanfu certainly understands pricing power.

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